Структура / Відділи / Відділ статистичної теорії конденсованих систем / Публікації
Публікації 2025
- A. K. Rathie, M. A. Shpot. Two closed-form evaluations for the generalized hypergeometric function 4F3(1/16), SCIENTIA, Series A: Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 35 (2025) 27–35, pdf.
- O.A. Dobush, M.P. Kozlovskii, R.V. Romanik. Supercritical crossover lines in the cell fluid model. Ukr. J. Phys. Vol. 70, No. 1, P.35-41 (2025) pdf, arXiv
Публікації 2024
- Yulian Honchar, Bertrand Berche, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna. When correlations exceed system size: finite-size scaling in free boundary conditions above the upper critical dimension. Condens. Matter Phys. Vol. 27, 13603:1-15 (2024) abstract,pdf
- Leïla Moueddene, Nikolaos G Fytas, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna, Bertrand Berche. Critical and tricritical singularities from small-scale Monte Carlo simulations: The Blume-Capel model in two dimensions. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 023206 (2024) abstract,pdf
- Rafael Prieto-Curiel, Ola Ali, Elma Dervic, Fariba Karimi, Elisa Omodei, Rainer Stütz, Georg Heiler, Yurij Holovatch. The diaspora model for human migration. PNAS Nexus Vol. 3, pgae178 (2024) abstract,pdf,suppl
- M. Dudka, D. Shapoval, Yu. Holovatch. Critical behavior of structurally disordered systems with long-range interaction. (In Ukrainian). Journ. Phys. Stud. Vol. 28, No 2, 2601:1-12 (2024) abstract,pdf
- Yurij Holovatch. Physicist's approach to public transportation networks. Europhys. News Vol. 55/2, 16-19 (2024) abstract,pdf
- B. Berche, Yu. Holovatch (Editors). Violations of Hyperscaling in Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena - In Memory of Prof. Ralph Kenna. Entropy Vol. 26, (2024) information,foreword
- B. Berche, R. Folk, Yu. Holovatch, O. Mryglod (Editors). Statistical physics and emergent behaviour: from spin models to cultural complexity. In memory of Ralph Kenna on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Condens. Matter Phys. Vol. 27, (2024) journal
- Reinhard Folk, Yurij Holovatch. Ising's roots and the transfer-matrix eigenvalues. Entropy Vol. 26(6), 459 (2024) paper online,pdf
- Petro Sarkanych, Yunus Sevinchan, Marjana Krasnytska, Pawel Romanczuk, Yurij Holovatch. Consensus decision making on a complete graph: complex behaviour from simple assumptions. Condens. Matter Phys. 27 (3), 33801 (2024) pdf
- I.R.Yukhnovskii, R.V.Romanik. Grand Partition Function Functional for Simple Fluids. Journ. Phys. Stud. Vol. 28, No 2, 2602:1-19 (2024) abstract,pdf, doi:10.30970/jps.28.2602
- M. Krasnytska Ising model with varying spin strength on a scale-free network: scaling functions and critical amplitude ratios // Condens. Matt. Phys. Vol. 27, No. 3 P.33603: 1–10 (2024) pdf, doi
- J. J. Ruiz-Lorenzo, M. Dudka, M. Krasnytska, Yu. Holovatch. Emergence of the 3D diluted Ising model universality class in a mixture of two magnets. arXiv (2024) (submitted to Phys.Rev. E)
- O.A. Dobush, M.P. Kozlovskii, R.V. Romanik, I.V. Pylyuk. Thermodynamic response functions in a cell fluid model. Ukr. J. Phys. Vol. 69, No. 12, P.919-929 (2024) pdf, arXiv
- M. A. Shpot. A Ramanujan's hypergeometric transformation formula, its validity range and implications, arXiv:2411.19608
- Yukhnovskii I.R., Romanik R.V., Critical temperature determination for simple fluids: an analytical approach based on collective variables method, Ukr. J. Phys. Vol. 69, no. 9, 671-683 (2024) pdf
- K. Haydukivska, V. Blavatska. Universal properties of branched copolymers in dilute solutions. Condens. Matter Phys. Vol. 27, No. 1, 13301 (2024),
- V. Blavatska, Ja. Ilnytskyi, E. Lähderanta. Coagulation-flocculation process on a lattice: Monte Carlo simulations, J. Phys. A, Vol. 57, Number 31, p. 315002 (2024)
- V. Blavatska, B. Waclaw, Evolutionary adaptation is facilitated by the presence of lethal genotypes, Phys. Rev. Research, Vol. 6 013286 (2024)
- Blavatska V., Ilnytskyi Ja., Lähderanta E, Mapping self-avoiding walk on obstacle-ridden lattice onto chelation of heavy metal ions: Monte Carlo study // Phys. Rev. E. – Vol. 110, P. 064503 (1-12)
- Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transitions and Complex Systems. Yu. Holovatch (editor). vol. 8 World Scientific, Singapore, 2024, 232 p. Book description. Preface, Sample chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4. Review NAS
- Niklas Manz, Yurij Holovatch, John Tyson, Julian Hirniak, an early proponent of periodic chemical reactions, Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis. Vol. 137, 2507-2538 (2024) abstract, pdf, suppl., paper online, Story
- Muktish Acharyya, Yurij Holovatch, Ferenc Iglói (Editors), EPJ B Topical Issue: 100 Glorious Years of the Ising Model. Eur. Phys. Journ. B Vol. 69, no. 9, 671-683 (2024) information
- V. Blavatska, Yu. Holovatch. On the shape of Gaussian scale-free polymer networks, J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. (2024) (submitted) abstract, pdf
- Yunus Sevinchan, Petro Sarkanych, Abi Tenenbaum, Yurij Holovatch, Pawel Romanczuk. Collective decision-making with heterogeneous biases: Role of network topology and susceptibility. Phys. Rev. Research (2024) (submitted) abstract, pdf
- O.A. Dobush, M.A. Shpot. A new special function related to a discrete Gauss-Poisson distribution and some physics of the cell model with Curie-Weiss interactions, preprint arXiv:2412.05428 (2024) abstract, pdf.
Публікації 2023
- I.V. Pylyuk, M.P. Kozlovskii, O.A. Dobush, M.V. Dufanets, Morse fluids in the immediate vicinity of the critical point: Calculation of thermodynamic coefficients, J. Mol. Liq. 385, 122322 (2023) pdf (відкритий доступ)
- I.V. Pylyuk, M.P. Kozlovskii, O.A. Dobush, Thermodynamic quantities of Morse fluids in the supercritical region, Ukr. J. Phys. Vol. 68, no. 6, 383-389 (2023) pdf
- I.V. Pylyuk, M.P. Kozlovskii, O.A. Dobush, Analytic calculation of the critical temperature and estimation of the critical region size for a fluid model, Ukr. J. Phys. Vol. 68, no. 9, 601-607 (2023) pdf
- A. K. Rathie, M. A. Shpot. Two closed-form evaluations for the generalized hypergeometric function 4F3(1/16), arXiv:2303.07664
- Mryglod, O., Nazarovets, S. Lost for the country: country-undefined papers in Web of Science and Scopus. Scientometrics (2023). 10.1007/s11192-023-04661-1
- Mryglod O. One for all and all for one: on the role of a conference in a scientist's life. // Condens. Matter Phys. – 2023. – 26, 1. – P. 13801. https://doi.org/10.5488/CMP.26.13801 Препринт arXiv: 2212.04242 Білатеральний україно-австрійський проєкт № 0122U002589 pdf
- Mryglod O., Nazarovets S., Kozmenko S., Peculiarities of gender disambiguation and ordering of non-English authors' names for Economic papers beyond core databases. (прийнято до опублікування у Journal of Data and Information Science) https://doi.org/10.2478/jdis-2023-0001
- Haydukivska K., Blavatska V. On the swelling properties of pom-pom polymers: impact of backbone length. // Condens. Matter Phys. - 2023. - 26, 2. - P. 23301 https://doi.org/10.5488/CMP.26.23301
- Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory. Yu. Holovatch (editor). vol. 7 World Scientific, Singapore, 2023, 264 p. Book description. Sample chapters: Preface, Chapter I
- Maxym Dudka, Mariana Krasnytska, Juan J. Ruiz-Lorenzo, Yurij Holovatch. Effective and asymptotic criticality of structurally disordered magnets. JMMM vol. 575 (2023) 170718 abstract, pdf
- P. Sarkanych, M. Krasnytska. Potts model with invisible states on scale-free network, Condens. Matt. Phys., vol 26 No.1 (2023) 13507. pdf
- Mariana Krasnytska, Petro Sarkanych, Bertrand Berche, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna. Potts Model with Invisible States: A Review. Eur. J. Phys. ST (2023) link to the journal, abstract, pdf
- R. Folk, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, M. Krasnytska (Editors). Complexity and Collective Behaviour: Solids, Fields, and Data (dedicated to Bertrand Berche on his 60th birthday). Condens. Matter Phys., vol. 26 (2023) No 1. content, foreword
- Petro Sarkanych, Mariana Krasnytska, Luis Gómez-Nava, Pawel Romanczuk, Yurij Holovatch. Individual bias and fluctuations in collective decision making: from algorithms to Hamiltonians. Phys. Biol. vol. 20 (2023) 045005, paper online, abstract, pdf
- D. Ritelli, M. A. Shpot. Legendre's elliptic integral, associated hypergeometric transformation formulas and explicit evaluations, ICMP-23-05E
Публікації 2022
- V. Blavatska, Yu. Holovatch. Spreading processes in `post-epidemic' environments. II. Safety patterns on scale-free networks. Physica A, 591, 126799 (2022) pdf
- Ya. Groda, M. Dudka, A. A. Kornyshev, G. Oshanin, S. Kondrat, Ionic liquids in conducting nanoslits: How important is the range of the screened electrostatic interactions? Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 34, 26LT01 (2022) pdf
- M. V. Tamm, M. Dudka, N. Pospelov, G.Oshanin, S. Nechaev. From steady-state TASEP model with open boundaries to 1D Ising model at negative fugacity. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2022) 033201 pdf
- J. J. Ruiz-Lorenzo, M. Dudka, Yu. Holovatch. Critical Behavior of the Three-Dimensional Random Anisotropy Heisenberg Model. Phys. Rev. E 106 (2022) 034123 pdf, pdf
- Дмитро Шаповал, Let it snow. Фізика сніжинок, Науково-популярне медіа "Куншт" (2022)
- I.V.Pylyuk, M.P.Kozlovskii, First-order phase transition in the framework of the cell fluid model: Regions of chemical potential variation and the corresponding densities, Ukr. J. Phys. Vol. 67, no. 1, 54-61 (2022) pdf
- M.P.Kozlovskii, O.A. Dobush, Phase behavior of a cell model with Curie-Weiss interaction, J. Mol. Liq. 353 (2022) 118843
- Olesya Mryglod, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna. Big fish and small ponds: why the departmental h-index should not be used to rank universities. Scientometrics 127, 3279 (2022) pdf
- P. Sarkanych, N. Fedorak, Yu. Holovatch, P. MacCarron, J. Yose, R. Kenna. Network analysis of the Kyiv bylyny cycle -- east Slavic epic narratives Advances in Complex Systems, Topical Issue on Cultural Complexity 25(4) (2022) 2240007 paper online, abstract, pdf
- D. Shapoval, V. Blavatska, M. Dudka. Survival in two-species reaction-diffusion system with Lévy flights: Renormalization group treatment and numerical simulations. J. Phys. A 55, 455002 (2022)pdf
- Reinhardt Folk, Yurij Holovatch. Schottky's forgotten step to the Ising model. Eur. J. Phys. H 47 (2022) 9 abstract paper online, pdf
- Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory. Yu. Holovatch (editor). vol. 7 World Scientific, Singapore, 2022 незабаром в друку. Частини для ознайомлення: Передмова, I, II, III
- Bertrand Berche, Tim Ellis, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna. Phase transitions above the upper critical dimension. SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes 60 (2022) abstract, pdf
- Maxym Dudka, Mariana Krasnytska, Juan J. Ruiz-Lorenzo, Yurij Holovatch. Effective and asymptotic criticality of structurally disordered magnets. (submitted to J. Magn. Magn. Mater.) pdf
- Petro Sarkanych, Mariana Krasnytska. Potts model with invisible states on a scale-free network. (подано до Condens. Mater. Phys.)pdf
- Yurij Holovatch, Alexander Kordyuk, Ihor Mryglod. The war in Ukraine: does physics have a future? Europhys. News 53/4 (2022) 21 paper online, pdf.
- D. Shapoval, M. Dudka, Yu. Holovatch. On the new universality class in structurally disordered n-vector model with long-range interactions. Fizyka Nyzkykh Temperatur 48, 1187 (2022) pdf
- М. А. Шпот, Вільний пропагатор сильно анізотропних систем з вільними поверхнями. Препринт 22-03U pdf
Публікації 2021
- M. A. Shpot. Boundary conformal field theory at the extraordinary transition: The layer susceptibility to O(ε), JHEP 1 (2021) 055 pdf
- Y. Groda, M. Dudka, A. A. Kornyshev, G. Oshanin, S. Kondrat, Superionic Liquids in Conducting Nanoslits: Insights from Theory and Simulations, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125, 9, 4968–4976 (2021). pdf
- V. Blavatska, Yu. Holovatch, Spreading processes in `post-epidemic' environments, Physica A 573, 125980 (2021) pdf
- D. Shapoval, M. Dudka, O. Bénichou, G. Oshanin, Binary lattice-gases of particles with soft exclusion: Exact phase diagrams for tree-like lattices. J. Phys. A 54 (2021) 85003 pdf
- Yu. Honchar, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch. Variety of scaling laws for DNA thermal denaturation. Physica A , 573, 125917 (2021). abstract, pdf, 50 days free access
- V. Blavatska, Yu. Holovatch. Spreading processes in `post-epidemic' environments, Physica A vol. 573 (2021) 125980 abstract, pdf, 50 days free access
- P. Sarkanych, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, T. Yavors'kii. Extracting partition function zeros from Fukui-Todo simulations. EPL vol. 135(3) (2021) 3700
- V. Palchykov, M. Krasnytska, O. Mryglod, Yu. Holovatch. A mechanism for evolution of the physical concepts network. Condens. Matter Phys. vol. 24 (2021) 24001. abstract, pdf
- Yu. Holovatch, C. von Ferber, Yu. Honchar. DNA thermal denaturation by polymer field theory approach: effects of the environment. Condens. Matter Phys. 24 (2021) 33603
- V. Palchykov, M. Krasnytska, O. Mryglod, Yu. Holovatch. Network of scientific concepts: empirical analysis and modeling. Adv. Complex Syst. (2021) 2140001
- M. Dudka, Yu. Holovatch. Vivat Academia! Vivant Professores! (To the centenary of the clandestine Ukrainian university in Lviv). Herald of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, in press.
- O. Mryglod, S. Nazarovets, S. Kozmenko, Universal and specific features of Ukrainian economic research: publication analysis based on Crossref data. Scientometrics, 126, 8187. pdf
- A. Shvaika, M. Shpot, W. Schirmacher, T. Bryk, G. Ruocco. Comment on ``Universal Origin of Boson Peak Vibrational Anomalies in Ordered Crystals and in Amorphous Materials'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 (2021) 179601
- A. Shvaika, M. Shpot, W. Schirmacher, T. Bryk, G. Ruocco. Absence of a boson peak in anharmonic phonon models with Akhiezer-type damping, arXiv:2104.13076
- M. Krasnytska, B. Berche, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna. Generalized Ising Model on a Scale-Free Network: An Interplay of Power Laws. Entropy 23(9) (2021) 1175. pdf
- I.V. Pylyuk, M.P. Kozlovskii, Phase transition of the first order within the cell fluid model framework: Regions of the chemical potential variation and corresponding densities, Preprint ICMP-21-02U (2021) pdf Ukr. J. Phys., submitted.
- Kozlovskii M.P., Dobush O.A. Phase behavior of a cell model with Curie-Weiss interaction, preprint (2021) arXiv:2112.00808 pdf J. Mol. Liq, submitted.
- Nazarovets S., Mryglod O. Multilingualism of Ukrainian humanities: How it is seen globally. 18th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, ISSI 2021, 12-15 July 2021, Conference Proceedings. Leuven, Belgium. pdf
- Yu. Holovatch, Yu. Honchar, M. Krasnytska, Physics And Physicists In The Shevchenko Scientific Society, Leopolis Scientifica. Exact Sciences in Lviv until the middle of the 20th century, ed. Oleh Petruk, Lviv, 2021. — 352 p. — сс. 273-302. ISBN 9660296444, 9789660296442url
- Ю. Головач. Ціле є більшим за суму його частин. Нобелівська премія з фізики 2021 року. Вісник НАН України No 12 (2021) 17 - 26
- M. Dudka, Yu. Holovatch, R. Samotyj, “Clandestine Ukrainian higher schools in Lviv”, In O. Petruk (Ed.), "Leopolis Scientifica. Exact Sciences in Lviv until the middle of the 20th century." Lviv: Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics, 2021. ISBN 978-966-02-9644-2. P. 74-106
- Дмитро Шаповал, Фізика балету, Науково-популярне медіа "Куншт" (2021)
- Дмитро Шаповал, Новий стан матерії: що таке часові кристали, Науково-популярне медіа "Куншт" (2021)
M.P. Kozlovskіі, O.A. Dobush, Behavior of a Binary Asymmetric Mixture of Interacting Particles in the Supercritical Region, Ukr. J. Phys. Vol. 65, no. 9, 768–777 (2020) pdf - M.P. Kozlovskіі, O.A. Dobush, Phase Behavior of a Cell Fluid Model with Modified Morse Potential, Ukr. J. Phys. Vol. 65, no. 5, 428–437 (2020) pdf
- Yukhnovskii I.R., Bar’yakhtar V.G., Bakai A.S, Kozlovskii M.P. et al. A Prominent Representative of the New Generation of Ukrainian Physicists (to the 60th birthday of Ihor Mryglod). Ukr. J. Phys. – 2020. – Vol.65,no.6.–Pp.552. pdf
- Yu.V. Kozitsky, M.P. Kozlovskii, O.A. Dobush, A phase transition in a Curie-Weiss system with binary interactions, Condens. Matter Phys. Vol. 23, no. 2, 23502:1-16 (2020) pdf
- M. Krasnytska, B. Berche, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, C. Noûs. Ising model with variable spin/agent strengths. J. Phys. Complex. 1 035008 (2020) pdf
- D. Shapoval, M. Dudka, A. A. Fedorenko, and Yu. Holovatch, On the possibility of a continuous phase transition in random-anisotropy magnets with a generic random-axis distribution, Phys. Rev. B. 101 064402 (2020). pdf
- D. Shapoval, M. Dudka, Olivier Bénichou, Gleb Oshanin, Equilibrium properties of two-species reactive lattice gases on random catalytic chains, Phys. Rev. E. 102 032121 (2020) pdf
- Мриглод О., Мриглод І. Колективне авторство в українській науці: маргінальний ефект чи нове явище? Вісник НАН України. – 2020. – № 7. – 34. pdf
- П. Сарканич в "Культурний ландшафт Львова: інституції, активності,взаємодії", Інститут Стратегії Культури, Львів 2019.
- Maksym Tsizh, Bohdan Novosyadlyj, Yurij Holovatch, Noam I Libeskind. Large-scale structures in the $\Lambda$CDM Universe: network analysis and machine learning. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astr. Soc. vol. 495 (2020) 1311-1320 abstract pdf
- V. Blavatska, K. Haydukivska, Yu.Holovatch. Shape analysis of random polymer networks. J. Phys.: Cond.Matt. vol. 32 (2020) 335102 abstract pdf
- Verba et numeri. Quantitative Approaches to Analyse Language and Text. Yu. Holovatch, A. Rovenchak (editors) Ukraina Moderna No 27 (2019) (in Ukrainian). Introduction table of contents
- Ю. Головач, Р. Кенна, П. Мак Керрон, П. Сарканич, Н. Федорак, Дж. Хосе. Математика й міти – кількісний підхід до порівняльної мітології. Україна модерна, № 27 (2019) 108-138. pdf
- 19. Ю. Головач, Ю. Гончар, М. Красницька. Leopolis Scientifica. Наука у Львові до середини XX століття. Частина IІ. Наукові осередки : збірник наукових праць / за заг. ред. О. Петрука. - НАЦІОНАЛЬНА АКАДЕМІЯ НАУК УКРАЇНИ ІНСТИТУТ ПРИКЛАДНИХ ПРОБЛЕМ МЕХАНІКИ І МАТЕМАТИКИ ІМ. Я. С. ПІДСТРИГАЧА – Львів : Артос, 2020. – 412. - ISBN 978-617-642-493-2 детальніше
- Yu. Holovatch, Ya. Hrytsak, B. Novosyalyj (editors). Horizons of science. vol. II: Histories of time. Lviv, UCU Publishing House, 2020, 176 p. ISBN 978-617-7637-22-5 (in Ukrainian). book, Introduction and table of contents
- Ю. Головач, Я. Грицак, Б. Новосядлий. Каміль Фламмаріон і його стаття “Теперішнє-майбутнє і парадокс часу”. В кн.: Обрії науки. II. Історії часу. Ю. Головач, Я. Грицак, Б. Новосядлий (ред.). Львів, УКУ, 2020, с. 168-172
- Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory. Yu. Holovatch (editor). vol. 6, World Scientific, Singapore, 2020, 296 p. Preface and table of contents book description.
- R. Folk, Yu. Holovatch. Crossing borders in the 19th century and now - two examples of weaving a scientific network. Condens. Matter Phys. vol. 23 (2020) 23001. abstract pdf.
- 21. Ю. Головач, Р. Пляцко, Г. Сварник. Петер Пулюй i архiв Iвана Пулюя. Фіз. Збірник НТШ 10 (2020) c. 77-98. pdf.
- Serhii Brodiuk, Vasyl Palchykov, Yurij Holovatch. Embedding technique and network analysis of scientific innovations emergence in an arXiv-based concept network. In: Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Third International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing (DSMP) Lviv, Ukraine, August 21-25, 2020. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP20J13-USB, ISBN: 978-1-7281-3213-6, pp. 366 - 371 abstract pdf.
- I.V. Pylyuk, Fluid critical behavior at liquid-gas phase transition: Analytic method for microscopic description, J. Mol. Liq. 310, 112933 (2020) pdf
- I.V. Pylyuk and O.A. Dobush, Equation of state of a cell fluid model with allowance for Gaussian fluctuations of the order parameter, Ukr. J. Phys. Vol. 65, no. 12, 1080-1088 (2020) pdf
- Максим Дудка, Юрій Головач. Таємний Український університет у Львові – у "Leopolis Scientifica. Наука у Львові до середини XX століття. Частина I. Наукові осередки : збірник наукових праць " /за заг. ред. О. Петрука. – Львів: Артос, – 2020. – С. 163-196
- P. Dey, T. Hansen, M. Shpot. Operator expansions, layer susceptibility and two-point functions in BCFT, JHEP 12 (2020) 051 pdf
- Mryglod O., Nazarovets S., Open scholarly metadata: formalization is required. Ukrainian economics, Workshop on Open Citations and Open Scholarly Metadata 2020, 9 September 2020, Онлайн презентація (відео)
- V. Blavatska, Yu. Holovatch. Spreading processes in `post-epidemic' environments, submitted. (2020) abstract pdf.
- М. Дудка Критичні властивості магнетиків: вплив структурного безладу, анізотропії, фрустрацій Автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора фізико-математичних наук, Львів-2020. pdf.
- M.V.Vavrukh, D.V.Dzikovskyi, V.B.Solovyan. The calculation of photoionization cross-section of negative hydrogen ions in the Born approximation // Mathematical Modeling and Computing, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 125-139 (2020). pdf.
Публікації 2019
- Shpot M.A., Boundary conformal field theory at the extraordinary transition: The layer susceptibility to O(ε), Preprint arXiv:1912.03021. pdf
- Focus on Complexity. S. Thurner, R. Kenna, Yu. Holovatch (editors) Eur. Journ. Phys. (2019). Focus issue description.
- Robin de Regt, Christian von Ferber, Yurij Holovatch, Mykola Lebovka. Public transportation in UK viewed as a complex network. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 15 (2019) 722-748. abstract pdf.
- Maksym Dudka, Yurij Holovatch. Clandestine Ukrainian University in Lviv. In: Leopolis Scientifica. Ed. by Oleh Petruk and Andrij Trokhymchuk (in Ukrainian, to appear). pdf.
- Yaryna Korduba, Yurij Holovatch, and Robin de Regt. Physicist's approach to public transportation networks: between data processing and statistical physics. Annales UMCS A (2019), submitted. abstract pdf.
- Пилюк І.В., Козловський М.П., Добуш О.А. Рівняння стану коміркової моделі плину в області нижче від критичної температури. Препринт ICMP-19-01U (2019), 24 с. pdf.
- Kozlovskii M.P. and Dobush O.A., Phase behavior of a cell fluid model with modified Morse potential, Ukrainian Journal of Physics, (accepted). (Preprint arXiv:1912.00769. pdf
- Gnatenko Kh. P. Parameters of noncommutativity in Lie-algebraic noncommutative space, Phys. Rev. D. 99(2) 026009 (2019).
- Gnatenko Kh. P., Samar M. I., Tkachuk V. M. Time-reversal and rotational symmetries in noncommutative phase space. Phys. Rev. A. 99(1) 012114 (2019).
- Gnatenko Kh. P. Harmonic oscillator chain in noncommutative phase space with rotational symmetry. Ukr. J. Phys. 64(2) 129-134 (2019).
- Gnatenko Kh. P Features of description of composite system’s motion in twist deformed spacetime. Mod. Phys. Lett. A 33(1) 1950071 (2019).
- Радченко А.І., Мриглод О.І. "МІНЕРАЛОГІЧНИЙ ЖУРНАЛ": 40 років історії. Мінералогічний журнал 41 (1) 3 pdf.
- Maxym Dudka, Svyatoslav Kondrat, Olivier Bénichou, Alexei A. Kornyshev, Gleb Oshanin, Superionic liquids in conducting nanoslits: A variety of phase transitions and ensuing charging behavior J. Chem. Phys. 151, 184105 (2019) DOI:10.1063/1.5127851 pdf
- Мриглод О., Назаровець С. Наукометрія та управління науковою діяльністю: вкотре про світове та українське. Вісник НАН України. – 2019. – № 9. – 81. pdf
- P. Sarkanych, M. Krasnytska, Ising model with invisible states on scale-free networks. Phys. Lett. A 383 (2019) 125844. preprint arXiv:1904.06563.
- Юрій Головач, Максим Дудка, Вікторія Блавацька, Василь Пальчиков, Мар'яна Красницька, Олеся Мриглод. Статистична фізика складних систем. – у "Інститут фізики конденсованих систем НАН України: дорога тривалістю в півстоліття", І.М. Мриглод (ред.). – Львів, ІФКС НАН України. – 2019. – С. 92.
- Олеся Мриглод, Оксана Пацаган. Журнал "Condensed Matter Physics": становлення, основні етапи розвитку та здобутки. – у "Інститут фізики конденсованих систем НАН України: дорога тривалістю в півстоліття", І.М. Мриглод (ред.). – Львів, ІФКС НАН України. – 2019. – С. 142.
- Олеся Мриглод, Ігор Мриглод, Публікаційна активність Інституту. – у "Інститут фізики конденсованих систем НАН України: дорога тривалістю в півстоліття", І.М. Мриглод (ред.). – Львів, ІФКС НАН України. – 2019. – С. 180.
Публікації 2018
- Kozitsky, Y., and Kozlovskii, M. (2018). A Curie– Weiss theory of the continuum Widom– Rowlinson model. Physics Letters A, 382(11), 766-770.
- Kozitsky, Y., Kozlovskii, M., and Dobush, O. (2018). Phase Transitions in a Continuum Curie-Weiss System: A Quantitative Analysis. In Modern Problems of Molecular Physics (pp. 229-251). Springer, Cham.
- Dmytro Shapoval, Maxym Dudka, Xavier Durang, Malte Henkel. Cross-over between diffusion-limited and reaction-limited regimes in the coagulation-diffusion process J. Phys. A 51 (2018) 425002 pdf
- Robin de Regt, Christian von Ferber, Yurij Holovatch, Mykola Lebovka, Topological and Spatial aspects of Public transportation in UK viewed as a complex network. Transportmetrica A (2018) 2324-9943 (online) pdf
- R. de Regt, S. Apunevych, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch, B. Novosyadlyj. Network analysis of the COSMOS galaxy field. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astr. Soc. 477 (2018) 4738-4748 pdf
- Olesya Mryglod, Bertrand Berche, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna, Complex-network approach for visualizing and quantifying the evolution of a scientific topic. In: Information Visualization Techniques in the Social Sciences and Humanities, edited by V. Osinska and G. Osinski (IGI Global, 2018) pp. 106-120 pdf
- O. Kalyuzhnyi, J.M. Ilnytskyi, Yu.Holovatch, C. von Ferber. Universal shape characteristics for the mesoscopic star-shaped polymer via dissipative particle dynamics simulations. J. Phys.: Cond.Matt. 30 (2018) 215101 pdf
- Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory. Yu. Holovatch (editor). vol. 5 World Scientific, Singapore, 2018. Book description
- Focus on Complexity. S.Turner, R.Kenna,Yu.Holovatch (editors) Eur.Journ.Phys (2018) Focus issue description
- Maxym Dudka, Olivier Bénichou, Gleb Oshanin. Order-disorder transitions in lattice gases with annealed reactive constraints. J. Stat. Mech. (2018) 043206 pdf
- Юрій Головач, Максим Дудка, Вікторія Блавацька, Василь Пальчиков, Мар'яна Красницька, Олеся Мриглод. Статистична фізика складних систем у світі та у Львові. Журн. фіз. досл. 22 (2018) 2801 pdf
- Paris, R. B., and M. A. Shpot. A Feynman integral in Lifshitz‐point and Lorentz‐violating theories in $\mathbb {R}^{D}\oplus\mathbb {R}^m$, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 41.5 (2018): 2220-2246.
- Максим Дудка, Юрій Головач. Таємний Український університет у Львові. Препринт ICMP-18-02U pdf
- Gnatenko Kh. P. Rotationally invariant noncommutative phase space of canonical type with recovered weak equivalence principle // EPL (Europhysics Letters).— 2018.— Vol. 123, No. 5.— Art. 50002.— 7 p.
- Gnatenko Kh. P. System of interacting harmonic oscillators in rotationally invariant noncommutative phase space // Phys. Lett. A.— 2018.— Vol. 382, No. 46.— P. 3317-3324.
- Gnatenko Kh. P. Parameters of noncommutativity in Lie-algebraic noncommutative space, arXiv:1811.00419 (надіслано до Phys. Rev. D 02.11.2018)
- Gnatenko Kh. P., Samar M. I., Tkachuk V. M. Time reversal and rotational symmetries in noncommutative phase space, arXiv:1811.00372 (надіслано до Phys. Rev. A 03.10.2018)
- Gnatenko Kh. P. Harmonic oscillator chain in noncommutative phase space with rotational symmetry, arXiv:1811.01218 (надіслано до УФЖ 28.08.2018)
- Yuri Kozitsky and Mykhailo Kozlovskii. A phase transition in a Widom-Rowlinson model with Curie-Weiss interactions J. Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2018) 073202
- Kozlovskii M. P., Pylyuk I. V., Dobush O. A. The equation of state of a cell fluid model in the supercritical region. Condens. Matter Phys. 21 (2018) 43502.
- T. Krokhmalskii, V. Baliha, O. Derzhko, J. Schulenburg, J. Richter. Frustrated honeycomb-lattice bilayer quantum antiferromagnet in a magnetic field/Physica B: Condensed Matter 536, 388-391 (2018)
- J. Richter, O. Krupnitska, V. Baliha, T. Krokhmalskii, O. Derzhko. Thermodynamic properties of Ba2CoSi2O6Cl2 in a strong magnetic field: Realization of flat-band physics in a highly frustrated quantum magnet/Physical Review B 97 (2), 024405 (2018)
- T. Hutak, P. Muller, J. Richter, T. Krokhmalskii, O. Derzhko. The spin-1/2 Heisenberg ferromagnet on the pyrochlore lattice: A Green's function study/Condensed Matter Physics, 2018, 21, \No 3, 33705
- Т.Є. Крохмальський/ Вступ до квантових обчислень: Навчальний посібник. --- Львів: ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2018. --- 204 с.
- Petro Sarkanych, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna. Classical phase transitions in a one-dimensional short-range spin model. Journ. Phys. A 51 (2018) 505001
- Vasyl Palchykov, Yurij Holovatch. Bipartite graph analysis as an alternative to reveal clusterization in complex systems. IEEE Second International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing (Dsmp2018) IEEE Catalog Number: CFP18J13-POD, ISBN: 978-1-5386-2875-1 (2018) pp. 84-87.
- Olesya Mryglod, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna. Data Mining in Scientometrics: usage analysis for academic publications. IEEE Second International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing (Dsmp2018) IEEE Catalog Number: CFP18J13-POD, ISBN: 978-1-5386-2875-1 (2018) pp. 241-246.
- Mryglod O. Scientometric analysis of Condensed Matter Physics journal, Condens. Matter Phys. 21 (2018) 22801.
- Ю. Головач, Ю. Гончар, М. Красницька. Фізика і фізики в НТШ у Львові. Журн. Фіз. Досл. 22 (2018) No 4.
Ю.В. Головач, Р. Кенна,П. Мак Керрон, П.В. Сарканич, Н.Л. Федорак, Дж. Хосе. Математика і міфи — кількісний підхід до порівняльної міфології. Препринт ІФКС -18-01U.
Публікації 2017
- Kozitsky Yu.V., Kozlovskii M.P. A phase transition in a continuum particle system with binary Curie-Weiss interactions // preprint cond-mat. 2017. Vol. ArXiv:1610.0185v3. 16 p.
- Kozlovskii M. P., Dobush O. A., Pylyuk I. V. Using a cell fluid model for the description of a phase transition in simple liquid alkali metals // Ukr. J. Phys. 2017. Vol. 62, No 10. P.865-873 (arXiv:1708.08308 [cond-mat.stat-mech]).
- M.P. Kozlovskii, O.A. Dobush. Phase transition in a cell fluid model // Condens. Matter Phys., vol. 20, 23501 (2017) (arXiv:1604.08406).
- Srivastava H. M., Shpot M.A. Reduction and transformation formulas for the A ppell and related functions in two variables // Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2017.
- Mariusz Adamski, Janusz Jedrzejewski, Taras Krokhmalskii/Quantum-critical scaling of fidelity in 2D pairing models/Physica B: Condensed Matter, 505, 56-67 (2017).
- Taras Krokhmalskii, Vasyl Baliha, Oleg Derzhko, Jorg Schulenburg, Johannes Richter/Frustrated honeycomb-lattice bilayer quantum antiferromagnet in a magnetic field: Unconventional phase transitions in a two-dimensional isotropic Heisenberg model/PHYSICAL REVIEW B 95, 094419 (2017).
- Kenna, R., O. Mryglod, B. Berche. A scientists' view of scientometrics: Not everything that counts can be counted. Сondensed Matter Physics 20, No. 1 (2017) 13803. pdf
- Мриглод О. Від фізики до наукометрії: задачі аналізу складних систем (за матеріалами доповіді на Президії НАН України 29 березня 2017 р.) Вісник НАН України 7 (2017) 54. pdf
- Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, S. Thurner, Complex systems: physics beyond physics. Eur. Journ. Phys. 38 (2017) 023002.
- Victor Dotsenko, Yurij Holovatch, Maxym Dudka, Martin Weigel, Self-averaging in the random 2D Ising ferromagnet. Phys. Rev. E 95 (2017) 032118. pdf
- K. Haydukivska, V. Blavatska, Probability of loops formation in star polymers in long range correlated disorder J. Chem. Phys. 146 (2017) 184904. pdf
- Thomas Ising, Reinhard Folk, Ralph Kenna, Bertrand Berche, Yurij Holovatch, The Fate of Ernst Ising and the Fate of his Model. Euro. Phys. Journ. H (submitted) pdf
- M. Dudka, A.A. Fedorenko, Emergent universal critical behavior of the 2D N-color Ashkin-Teller model in the presence of correlated disorder, Condens. Matter Phys. 20 (2017) 13603. pdf
- Petro Sarkanych, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna. Exact solution of a classical short-range spin model with a phase transition in one dimension: the Potts model with invisible states Phys. Lett. A , 381, (2017) 3589-3593. pdf
- Ю. Головач, М. Красницька, O. Мриглод, А. Ровенчак, Двадцять років "Журналу фізичних досліджень". Спроба журналометричного аналізу. Журн. фіз. досл. т. 21, № 4 (2017) 4001. pdf
- O.Y. Kalyuzhnyi, J.M. Ilnytskyi, C. von Ferber. Shape characteristics of the aggregates formed by amphiphilic stars in water: dissipative particle dynamics study. Condensed Matter Physics, 20 (2017) 13802.
- Maxym Dudka, Olivier Bénichou, Gleb Oshanin. Order-disorder transitions in lattice gases with annealed reactive constraints. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (submitted) pdf
- Юрій Головач, Максим Дудка, Вікторія Блавацька, Василь Пальчиков, Мар'яна Красницька, Олеся Мриглод. Статистична фізика складних систем. Препринт ІФКС ICMP-17-06U pdf
- Paris R.B., Shpot M.A. A Feynman integral in Lifshitz-point and Lorentzviolating theories in $\mathbb {R}^1\oplus\mathbb {R}^m$ -- 2017. -- arXiv: arXiv:1707.03018[hep-th].
Публікації 2016
- M. Kozlovskii, O. Dobush, Representation of the grand partition function of the cell model: the state equation in the mean-field approximation / J. Mol. Liq. 215 (2016) p. 58-68 doi:10.1016/j.molliq.2015.12.018 (arXiv:1510.07426)
- Shpot M.~A., Pog{\'a}ny T.~K. The {F}eynman integral in $\mathbb{R}^1\oplus\mathbb {R}^m$ and complex expansion of $_2{F}_1$ // Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 2016. Vol.~27, {\No}~7, pp.~533--547.
- Shpot M.~A., Chaudhary M.~P., Paris R.~B. Integrals of products of {H}urwitz zeta functions and the {C}asimir effect in $\phi^4$ field theories // J. Class. Anal. 2016. Vol.~9, {\No}~2, pp.~99--115.
- Shpot M.~A., Paris R.~B. Integrals of products of {H}urwitz zeta functions via {F}eynman parametrization and two double sums of {R}iemann zeta functions // Mathematica Aeterna. 2016. Vol.~6, {\No}~5, pp.~745--764.
- Pylyuk I.V., Kozlovskii M.P. Structural characteristics of a three-dimensional Ising-like system in the critical region // Int. J. Mod. Phys. B. 2016. Vol. 30, {\No} 32. 1650232 (14 pages).
- Ковальський Б.М., Семенів В.В., Семенів М.Р., Шовгенюк М.В. Визначення характеристик стандартних умов кольороподілу за допомогою програми "ICaS-Color Inks Gamut" // Поліграфія і видавнича справа. Львів, 2016. {\No}1 (71), - С. 79-90.
- Шовгенюк М.В., Ковальський Б.М., Семенів М.Р., Писанчин Н.С., Занько Н.В. Кількісна оцінка якості кольороподілу зображення для кольорового друку. // Наукові записки: зб. наук. праць. - Львів: УАД. 2016. {\No}1 (52). - С. 51-61.
- Kozitsky Yu.V., Kozlovskii M.P., Dobush O.A. Phase transitions in a continuum Curie-Weiss system: a quantitative analysis, ICMP–16–11E (2016).
- Kozitsky Yu.V., Kozlovskii M.P. A phase transition in a continuum particle system with binary Curie-Weiss interactions // preprint cond-mat. 2017. Vol. ArXiv:1610.0185v3. 16~p.
- Shpot M.~A., Chaudhary M.~P., Paris R.~B. Integrals of products of {H}urwitz zeta functions and the {C}asimir effect in $\phi^4$ field theories. 2016. ar{X}iv:1603.00722[math.CA].
- Shpot M.~A., Paris R.~B. Integrals of products of {H}urwitz zeta functions via {F}eynman parametrization and two double sums of {R}iemann zeta functions. 2016. ar{X}iv:1609.05658[math.CA].
- Shpot M.A., Pog{\'a}ny T.~K. The Feynman integral in $\mathbb{R}^1\oplus\mathbb {R}^m$ and complex expansion of $_2{F}_1$. Integral Transforms and Special Functions 27, 533-547 (2016) (arXiv:1510.08876 [math.CA]).
- Ковальський Б.М. Семенів М.Р., Шовгенюк М.В. Комп'ютерна програма синтезу зображення на відбитку для нової інформаційної та традиційних технологій кольорового друку // Science and Education a New Dimention: Natural and Technical Scienc, IV(10), ISSUE:91, 2016. - P. 72-78.
- M Krasnytska, B Berche, Yu Holovatch and R Kenna, Partition function zeros for the Ising model on complete graphs and on annealed scale-free networks, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49 (2016) pdf
- B. Delamotte, M. Dudka, D. Mouhanna, and S. Yabunaka, Functional renormalization group approach to non-collinear magnets. Phys. Rev. B 93, (2016) 064405. pdf
- M. Dudka, R. Folk, Yu. Holovatch, Phase diagram of Model C in the parametric space of order parameter and space dimensions. Phys. Rev. B 93, (2016) 094301. pdf
- O. Mryglod, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, B. Berche. Quantifying the evolution of a scientific topic: reaction of the academic community to the Chornobyl disaster. Scientometrics 106 1151–1166 (2016) pdf
- B. Berche, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, O. Mryglod. Academic research groups: evaluation of their quality and quality of their evaluation. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 681 (2016) 012004. pdf
- Yurij Holovatch, Vasyl Palchykov. Complex Networks of Words in Fables. In: Maths Meets Myths: Complexity-science approaches to folktales, myths, sagas, and histories. R. Kenna, M. Mac Carron, P. Mac Carron (Editors), Springer, 2016
- Yurij Holovatch, Olesya Mryglod, Michael Szell, Stefan Thurner. Analyses of a Virtual World. In: Maths Meets Myths: Complexity-science approaches to folktales, myths, sagas, and histories. R. Kenna, M. Mac Carron, P. Mac Carron (Editors), Springer, 2016
- Maxym Dudka, Andrei A. Fedorenko, Viktoria Blavatska, Yurij Holovatch. Critical behavior of the 2D Ising model with long-range correlated disorder. Phys. Rev. B. 93 224422 (2016) pdf
- V Palchykov, V Gemmetto, A Boyarsky and D Garlaschelli. Ground truth? Concept-based communities versus the external classification of physics manuscripts. EPJ Data Science 5 28 (2016) pdf
- M. Krasnytska, P. Sarkanych, B. Berche, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, Marginal dimensions of the Potts model with invisible states. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49 255001 (2016) pdf
- Maxym Dudka, Svyatoslav Kondrat, Alexei Kornyshev, Gleb Oshanin, Phase behaviour and structure of a superionic liquid in nonpolarized nanoconfinement. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28 464007 (2016) pdf
- Yu. Holovatch, Quo vadis, physis? Physics and humanities. Portal 'Zbruch' 28 (2016) (in Ukrainian) text
- O. Kalyuzhnyi, Ja. Ilnytskyi, Yu. Holovatch, C. von Ferber, Universal shape characteristics for the mesoscopic polymer chain via dissipative particle dynamics. Condensed Matter Physics 28 505101 (2016) pdf
- P. Sarkanych, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, P. Mac Carron, Universality and network analysis of bylyny - heroic east slavic epic narratives. J. Phys.Stud. v.20 No. 4 (2016) 4801
- Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, S. Thurner, Complex systems: physics beyond physics. Eur. Journ. Phys. (submitted) pdf
- Yu. Holovatch, Ya. Hrytsak (editors). Horizons of science (essays about science and scientists). Lviv, UCU Publishing House, 2016, 187 p. (in Ukrainian)
- N. Otrishchenko, Yu. Holovatch. Discussion about complex systems. Radio Skovoroda, 5.10.2016. (in Ukrainian) audio
- M Krasnytska. Phase transitions on complex networks (Thesis)(2016) pdf
Публікації 2015
- Kozlovskii M. P., Dobush O. A., Romanik R. V. Concerning a calculation of the grand partition function of a fluid model, Ukr. J. Phys. 2015, Vol. 60, {\No} 8, 805-822.
- Shpot M.~A., Srivastava H.~M. The {C}lausenian hypergeometric function with unit argument and negative integral parameter differences // Appl. Math. Comput. 2015. Vol.~259, pp.~819 -- 827.
- Shpot M.A. Generalized hypergeometric function $_3{F}_2$ with unit argument and negative integral parameter differences. Applied Mathematics and Computation 259, 819-827 (2015) (arXiv:1411.2455 [math.CA])
- Козловський М.П., Пилюк І.В. Аналітичний опис критичної поведінки тривимірного одновісного магнетика в зовнішньому полі з виділенням системи відліку // УФЖ. 2015. Т. 60, {\No} 4. С. 367-375.
- Пилюк І.В., Козловський М.П. Кореляційна функція та сприйнятливість ізингового магнетика в околі точки фазового переходу // УФЖ. 2015. Т. 60, {\No}~10. С. 1077-1083.
- N. A. Korynevskii, V.B. Solovyan. Statistical Model for Nanoparticles Formation. Self-Consistent Field Approximation // Physica B 2015. 463, p. 54-61.
- N. A. Korynevskii, V.B. Solovyan. Self-Consistent Approach for Magnetic Ordering and Excited Site Occupation Processes in a Two-Level System // Condens. Matter Phys. 2015. 18, p. 33706:1-12.
- Menchyshyn O., Ohanyan V., Verkholyak T., Krokhmalskii T., Derzhko O. Magnetism-driven ferroelectricity in spin- 12 XY chains // PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2015. {\bf 92}, 184427.
- Adamski M., J\c{e}drzejewski J., Krokhmalskii T. Quantum-critical scaling of fidelity in 2D BCS-like models/www.arXiv:1502.05268v1, 21~p.
- Richter J., Krupnitska O., Krokhmalskii T., Derzhko O. Frustrated diamond-chain quantum $XXZ$ Heisenberg antiferromagnet in a magnetic field. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 379, 39 (2015) (arXiv:1411.7515)
- Menchyshyn O., Ohanyan V., Verkholyak T., Krokhmalskii T., Derzhko O. Magnetism-driven ferroelectricity in spin- 12 XY chains. Phys. Rev. B 92, 184427 (2015) (arXiv:1507.06457).
- O. Kapikranian, H. Zaposky, R. Patte, C. Pareige, B. Radiguet, P. Pareige, Point defect absorption by grain boundaries in α-iron by atomic density function modeling, Phys. Rev. B 92 (2015) 224106 pdf
- O. Mryglod, R. Kenna, Yu. Holovatch, B. Berche, Predicting Results of the Research Excellence Framework using departmental h-Index. Scientometrics 102 (2015) 2165 DOI: 10.1007/s11192-014-1512-3 pdf
- O. Mryglod, R. Kenna, Yu. Holovatch, B. Berche, Predicting Results of the Research Excellence Framework using departmental h-Index - Revisited. Scientometrics 104 (2015) 1013 - 1017. pdf
- Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory. Yu. Holovatch (editor). vol. 4 World Scientific, Singapore, 2015. Book description
- M. Dudka. Two-loop Feynman integrals for φ4 theory with long-range correlated disorder.J.Math. Phys. 56 (2015)013302 pdf
- P. Sarkanych, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, On the Phase Diagram of the 2d Ising Model with Frustrating Dipole Interaction.Ukr. J. Phys. 60 No 4 (2015) pdf
- O. Mryglod, B. Fuchs, M. Szell, Yu. Holovatch, S. Thurner. Interevent time distributions of human multi-level activity in a virtual world.Physica A 419 (2015) 681-690 pdf
- M. Krasnytska, B. Berche, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna. Violation of Lee-Yang circle theorem for Ising phase transitions on complex networks. Eur. Phys. Lett. 111 (2015) 60009 pdf
- O. Vasilyev, B. Berche, M. Dudka, Yu. Holovatch. Monte-Carlo study of anisotropic scaling generated by disorder. Phys. Rev. E 92 (2015) 042118. pdf
- M. Krasnytska, B. Berche, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna. On the discontinuity of specific heat of the Ising model on a scale-free network. Condens. Matter. Phys. 18, No 4 (2015) 44601. pdf
- Мриглод О. Автоматизований алгоритм пошуку термінів у наукових публікаціях Вісник НУ «Львівська політехніка»: Комп’ютерні науки та інформаційні технології. № 826 (2015) 273. pdf
- K. Haydukivska, V. Blavatska, Lattice models of directed and semiflexible polymers in anisotropic environment. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor 48 (2015) 425002 (13pp) pdf
Публікації 2014
- Yukhnovskii I.R., Kozlovskii M.P., Pylyuk I.V. Critical behavior of a 3D Ising-like system in the higher non-Gaussian approximation: Inclusion of the critical exponent of the correlation function // Int. J. Mod. Phys. B. 2014. Vol. 28, {\No}~24. 1450160 (16 pages).
- N. A. Korynevskii, V.B. Solovyan. Statistical Theory of Metal Nanoparticles Formation. Lattice Gas Model Approximation // Physica B 2014. 436, p.111-116.
- Derzhko O., Richter J., Krupnitska O., Krokhmalskii T. The square-kagome quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet at high magnetic fields: the localized-magnon paradigm and beyond/Low Temperature Physics/ Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 2014, {\bf 40}, {\No} 6, pp. 662--670.
- Семенів В.В., Шовгенюк М.В., Семенів М.Р., Ковальський Б.М. Комп'ютерна програма для моделювання колірного тіла друкарських фарб // Комп'ютерні технології друкарства : зб. наук. праць. - Львів : УАД, 2014.- №30.- С. 136-140.
- Кульчицька Х.Б., Ковальський Б.М., Шовгенюк М.В. КОРЕКЦІЯ ЗОБРАЖЕННЯ ЗА СИСТЕМОЮ КОЛЬОРІВ МАНСЕЛЛА // Наукові записки УАД, 2014.
- Шовгенюк М.В. Векторні рівняння Нюберга в теорії кольору // Фіз. збірн. НТШ. 2014. Том 9, С. 313-318.
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- M. Krasnytska. Scaling functions and amplitude ratios for the Potts model on an uncorrelated scale-free networks. Condens. Matter. Phys. 17, No 2 (2014) 23602. pdf
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- O. Мриглод, Р. Кенна, Ю. Головач, Б. Берш. Про порівняння екстенсивної та інтенсивної мір ефективності наукових груп. Доповіді НАН України 3 (2014) 75-81. pdf
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Публікації 2013
- Pylyuk I.V. Order parameter of a three-dimensional Ising-like system in the simplest and higher non-Gaussian approximations // Condens. Matter Phys. 2013. Vol. 16, {\No} 2. 23007 (9 pages).
- N.A. Korynevskii, V.B. Solovyan. Dipole Glass Parameter Behaviour for Ferro-Antiferroelectric Solid Mixtures // Condens. Matter Phys. 2013. 16, p.13703:1-8.
- N.A. Korynevskii, V.B. Solovyan. Ferroelectric Order Parameter in the Two-Particle Cluster System Near Phase Transition Point. Collective Variables Method // Condens. Matter Phys. 2013. 16, p. 23703:1-11.
- Adamski M., J\c{e}drzejewski J., Krokhmalskii T. Quantum critical scaling of fidelity in BCS-like model. J. Stat. Mech. (2013) P07001 (arXiv:1304.2555)
- Adamski M., J\c{e}drzejewski J., Krokhmalskii T. Quantum phase transitions and ground-state correlations in BCS-like models/ arXiv:1311.1080 35~p.
- Pylyuk I.V. Order parameter of a three-dimensional Ising-like system in the simplest and higher non-Gaussian approximations. Condens. Matter Phys., 2013, vol. 16, No. 2, 23007 (arXiv:1307.2011 [cond-mat.stat-mech])
- C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch. Fractal transit networks: self-avoiding walks and Levy flights. Eur. Phys. Journ. ST, 216 (2013) 49. pdf
- V. Blavatska, K. Haydukivska. Polymers in anisotropic environments with extended defects Eur. Phys. Journ. ST 216 (2013) 191. pdf
- O. Mryglod, R. Kenna, Yu. Holovatch, B. Berche. Absolute and specific measures of research group excellence. Scientometrics 95 (2013) 115. pdf
- O. Mryglod, R. Kenna, Yu. Holovatch, B. Berche. Comparison of citation-based indicators and peer review for absolute and specific measures of research-group excellence. Scientometrics, vol. 97, (2013) 767-777
- V. Palchykov, J. Kertész, R. I. M. Dunbar, K. Kaski. Close relationships: A study of mobile comunication records. J. Stat. Phys. 151 (2013) 735-744. pdf
- M. Krasnytska, B. Berche, Yu. Holovatch. Phase transitions in the Potts model on complex networks. Condens. Matter. Phys., 16, No 2 (2013) 23602. pdf
- O. Mryglod, R. Kenna, Yu. Holovatch, B. Berche. On the problem of science evaluation. Bull. Nat. Acad. Sci. of Ukraine [in Ukrainian] 10 (2013) 76-85. pdf
- Mryglod I., Mryglod O. National scientific journals: general analysis, trends and problems. Collection of Science of Ukraine in the global information space 8 (2013) 37-53.
- V. Blavatska, C. von Ferber. Randomly charged polymers in porous environment. Condens. Matter Phys. 16 (2013) 34601. pdf
- V. Blavatska. Equivalence of quenched and annealed averaging in models of disordered polymers. J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 25 (2013) 505101
- Ja. Ilnytskyi, Yu. Holovatch, Yu. Kozitsky (Editors). Phase transitions and critical phenomena: universality and non-universal features. Condens. Matter Phys., vol. 16 (2013) No 2. content, editorial
- C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch, I. Mryglod, and G. Oshanin (Editors). From Brownian Motion to Self-Avoiding Walks and Levy Flights. Eur. Phys. Journ. ST, vol. 216, January II (2013) 1 - 232. content, editorial
- A. K. Rathie, M. A. Shpot. Two closed-form evaluations for the generalized hypergeometric function 4F3(1/16), SCIENTIA, Series A: Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 35 (2025) 27–35, pdf.