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Publications by lab staff and project participants

Publications by lab staff and project participants

Publications 2024

  1. Yulian Honchar, Bertrand Berche, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna. When correlations exceed system size: finite-size scaling in free boundary conditions above the upper critical dimension. Condens. Matter Phys. Vol. 27, 13603:1-15 (2024) abstract,pdf
  2. Leïla Moueddene, Nikolaos G Fytas, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna, Bertrand Berche. Critical and tricritical singularities from small-scale Monte Carlo simulations: The Blume-Capel model in two dimensions. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 023206 (2024) abstract,pdf
  3. Rafael Prieto-Curiel, Ola Ali, Elma Dervic, Fariba Karimi, Elisa Omodei, Rainer Stütz, Georg Heiler, Yurij Holovatch. The diaspora model for human migration. PNAS Nexus Vol. 3, pgae178 (2024) abstract,pdf,suppl
  4. M. Dudka, D. Shapoval, Yu. Holovatch.   Critical behavior of structurally disordered systems with long-range interaction. (In Ukrainian). Journ. Phys. Stud. vol. 28 (2024) 2601, 12 p. abstract, pdf
  5. Yurij Holovatch. Physicist's approach to public transportation networks. Europhys. News Vol. 55/2, 16-19 (2024) abstract,pdf
  6. B. Berche, Yu. Holovatch (Editors). Violations of Hyperscaling in Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena - In Memory of Prof. Ralph Kenna. Entropy Vol. 26, (2024) information,foreword
  7. B. Berche, R. Folk, Yu. Holovatch, O. Mryglod (Editors). Statistical physics and emergent behaviour: from spin models to cultural complexity. In memory of Ralph Kenna on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Condens. Matter Phys. Vol. 27, (2024) journal
  8. Reinhard Folk, Yurij Holovatch. Ising's roots and the transfer-matrix eigenvalues. Entropy Vol. 26(6), 459 (2024) paper online,pdf
  9. Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transitions and Complex Systems. Yu. Holovatch (editor). vol. 8 World Scientific, Singapore, 2024, 232 p. Book description. Preface, Sample chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3Chapter 4. Review NAS
  10. Petro Sarkanych, Yunus Sevinchan, Marjana Krasnytska, Pawel Romanczuk, Yurij Holovatch. Consensus decision making on a complete graph: complex behaviour from simple assumptions. Condens. Matter Phys. 27 (3), 33801 (2024) pdf
  11. K. Haydukivska, V. Blavatska. Universal properties of branched copolymers in dilute solutions. Condens. Matter Phys.  Vol. 27, No. 1, 13301 (2024),
  12. V. Blavatska, Ja. Ilnytskyi, E. Lähderanta. Coagulation-flocculation process on a lattice: Monte Carlo simulations, J. Phys. A, Vol. 57, Number 31, p. 315002 (2024) 
  13. V. Blavatska, B. Waclaw, Evolutionary adaptation is facilitated by the presence of lethal genotypes,  Phys. Rev. Research, Vol. 6  013286 (2024)
  14. M. Krasnytska Ising model with varying spin strength on a scale-free network: scaling functions and critical amplitude ratios // Condens. Matt. Phys. Vol. 27, No. 3  P.33603: 1–10 (2024) pdfdoi 
  15. J. J. Ruiz-Lorenzo, M. Dudka, M. Krasnytska, Yu. Holovatch. Emergence of the 3D diluted Ising model universality class in a mixture of two magnets.  arXiv (2024) (submitted to Phys.Rev. E) 

Publications 2023

  1. Mryglod, O., Nazarovets, S. Lost for the country: country-undefined papers in Web of Science and Scopus. (2023). Scientometrics, 128(4), 2619-2622.10.1007/s11192-023-04661-1
  2. Mryglod O. One for all and all for one: on the role of a conference in a scientist's life. // Condens. Matter Phys. – 2023. – 26, 1. – P. 13801. https://doi.org/10.5488/CMP.26.13801 Препринт arXiv: 2212.04242 Білатеральний україно-австрійський проєкт № 0122U002589 pdf
  3. Mryglod O., Nazarovets S., Kozmenko S., Peculiarities of gender disambiguation and ordering of non-English authors' names for Economic papers beyond core databases. Journal of Data and Information Science https://doi.org/10.1108/LHT-05-2023-0180
  4. Haydukivska K., Blavatska V. On the swelling properties of pom-pom polymers: impact of backbone length. // Condens. Matter Phys. - 2023. - 26, 2. - P. 23301 https://doi.org/10.5488/CMP.26.23301
  5. Nazarovets, S., Mryglod, O. Ukrainian arts and humanities research in Scopus: a bibliometric analysis. Library Hi Tech. - 2023. -  https://doi.org/10.1108/LHT-05-2023-0180 (прийнято до друку)
  6. Велентейчик Т.М., Радченко А.І., Мриглод О.І., Наукометричне дослідження журналу «Наука та наукознавство»: до 30-річчя видання. (2023). Наука та наукознавство. № 3 (121). https://doi.org/10.15407/sofs2023.03.005
  7. Maxym Dudka, Mariana Krasnytska, Juan J. Ruiz-Lorenzo, Yurij Holovatch.   Effective and asymptotic criticality of structurally disordered magnets. JMMM vol. 575 (2023) 170718 abstractpdf
  8. P. Sarkanych, M. Krasnytska. Potts model with invisible states on scale-free network, Condens. Matt. Phys., vol 26 No.1 (2023) 13507. pdf
  9. Mariana Krasnytska, Petro Sarkanych, Bertrand Berche, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna.   Potts Model with Invisible States: A Review. Eur. J. Phys. ST (2023) link to the journalabstractpdf
  10. R. Folk, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, M. Krasnytska (Editors).   Complexity and Collective Behaviour: Solids, Fields, and Data (dedicated to Bertrand Berche on his 60th birthday). Condens. Matter Phys., vol. 26 (2023) No 1. contentforeword
  11. Petro Sarkanych, Mariana Krasnytska, Luis Gómez-Nava, Pawel Romanczuk, Yurij Holovatch.   Individual bias and fluctuations in collective decision making: from algorithms to Hamiltonians. Phys. Biol. vol. 20 (2023) 045005, paper onlineabstractpdf
  12. Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory. Yu. Holovatch (editor). vol. 7 World Scientific, Singapore, 2023, 264 p. Book description. Sample chapters:  Preface,  Chapter I

Publications 2022

  1. V. Blavatska, Yu. Holovatch. Spreading processes in `post-epidemic' environments. II. Safety patterns on scale-free networks. Physica A, 591, 126799 (2022) pdf
  2. Ya. Groda, M. Dudka, A. A. Kornyshev, G. Oshanin, S. Kondrat, Ionic liquids in conducting nanoslits: How important is the range of the screened electrostatic interactions? Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 34, 26LT01 (2022) pdf
  3. M. V. Tamm, M. Dudka, N. Pospelov, G.Oshanin, S. Nechaev. From steady-state TASEP model with open boundaries to 1D Ising model at negative fugacity. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2022) 033201 pdf
  4. J. J. Ruiz-Lorenzo, M. Dudka, Yu. Holovatch. Critical Behavior of the Three-Dimensional Random Anisotropy Heisenberg Model. Phys. Rev. E 106, 034123 (2022) pdf
  5. Dmytro Shapoval Let it snow. Physics of snowflakes, popular science media "Kunsht", 04.02.22 (in Ukrainian)
  6. Olesya Mryglod, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna. Big fish and small ponds: why the departmental h-index should not be used to rank universities. Scientometrics 127, 3279 (2022) pdf
  7. P. Sarkanych, N. Fedorak, Yu. Holovatch, P. MacCarron, J. Yose, R. Kenna. Network analysis of the Kyiv bylyny cycle -- east Slavic epic narratives (подано до Advances in Complex Systems, Topical Issue on Cultural Complexity) 25, 2240007 (2022) pdf
  8. D. Shapoval, V. Blavatska, M. Dudka. Survival in two-species reaction-diffusion system with Lévy flights: Renormalization group treatment and numerical simulations. J. Phys. A 55, 455002 (2022)pdf
  9. Reinhardt Folk, Yurij Holovatch. Schottky's forgotten step to the Ising model. Eur. J. Phys. H 47, 9 (2022) abstract pdf
  10. D. Shapoval, M. Dudka, Yu. Holovatch. On the new universality class in structurally disordered n-vector model with long-range interactions. Fizyka Nyzkykh Temperatur 48, 1187 (2022) pdf
  11. Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory. Yu. Holovatch (editor). vol. 7 World Scientific, Singapore, 2022 (in preparation). Sample chapters: I, II
  12. Bertrand Berche, Tim Ellis, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna. Phase transitions above the upper critical dimension. SciPost (submitted) abstract pdf
  13. Maxym Dudka, Mariana Krasnytska, Juan J. Ruiz-Lorenzo, Yurij Holovatch. Effective and asymptotic criticality of structurally disordered magnets. (submitted to J. Magn. Magn. Mater.) pdf
  14. Petro Sarkanych, Mariana Krasnytska. Potts model with invisible states on a scale-free network. (подано до Condens. Mater. Phys.)

Publications 2021

  1. Y. Groda, M. Dudka, A. A. Kornyshev, G. Oshanin, S. Kondrat, Superionic Liquids in Conducting Nanoslits: Insights from Theory and Simulations, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125, 9, 4968–4976 (2021). pdf
  2. Yu. Honchar, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch, Variety of scaling laws for DNA thermal denaturation, Physica A, 573, 125917 (2021). pdf
  3. V. Blavatska, Yu. Holovatch, Spreading processes in `post-epidemic' environments, Physica A 573, 125980 (2021) pdf
  4. P. Sarkanych, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, T. Yavors'kii, Extracting partition function zeros from Fukui-Todo simulations. EPL, 135(3), 37003 (2021) pdf.
  5. D. Shapoval, M. Dudka, O. Bénichou, G. Oshanin, Binary lattice-gases of particles with soft exclusion: Exact phase diagrams for tree-like lattices. J. Phys. A 54, 385003 (2021)  pdf
  6. V. Palchykov, M. Krasnytska, O. Mryglod, Yu. Holovatch, A mechanism for evolution of the physical concepts. Condens. Matter Phys., 24, 2, 24001; https://doi.org/10.5488/CMP.24.24001 pdf
  7. Dmytro Shapoval Physics of ballet, popular science media "Kunsht", 26.05.21 (in Ukrainian)
  8. Yu. Holovatch, C. von Ferber, Yu. Honchar.   DNA thermal denaturation by polymer field theory approach: effects of the environment, Condens. Matter Phys. 24, 3, 33603 (2021) pdf
  9. V. Palchykov, M. Krasnytska, O. Mryglod, Yu. Holovatch.   Network of scientific concepts: empirical analysis and modeling, Advances in Complex Systems (2021) 2140001. pdf
  10. M. Dudka, Yu. Holovatch.  Vivat Academia! Vivant Professores! (To the centenary of the clandestine Ukrainian university in Lviv). Herald of the Shevchenko Scientific Society 65, 49-59, (2021) (in Ukrainian)
  11. O. Mryglod, S. Nazarovets, S. Kozmenko, Universal and specific features of Ukrainian economic research: publication analysis based on Crossref data. Scientometrics, 126, 8187. pdf
  12. Dmytro Shapoval A new state of matter: what are time crystals , popular science media "Kunsht", 17.09.21 (in Ukrainian)
  13. M. Krasnytska, B. Berche, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna.  Generalized Ising Model on a Scale-Free Network: An Interplay of Power Laws. Entropy 23(9), (2021) 1175.pdf
  14. M. Dudka, Yu.Holovatch, R. Samotyj, Clandestine Ukrainian higher schools in Lviv, In "Leopolis Scientifica. Exact Sciences in Lviv until the middle of the 20th century." / O. Petruk (Ed.), Lviv: Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics, 2021, P. 74-106
  15. Nazarovets S., Mryglod O. Multilingualism of Ukrainian humanities: How it is seen globally. 18th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, ISSI 2021, 12-15 July 2021, Conference Proceedings. Leuven, Belgium. pdf
  16. Yu. Holovatch, Yu. Honchar, M. Krasnytska, Physics And Physicists In The Shevchenko Scientific Society, Leopolis Scientifica. Exact Sciences in Lviv until the middle of the 20th century, ed. Oleh Petruk, Lviv, 2021. — 352 p. — сс. 273-302 pdf.

Publications 2020

  1. D. Shapoval, M. Dudka, A. A. Fedorenko, and Yu. Holovatch, Possibility of a continuous phase transition in random-anisotropy magnets with a generic random-axis distribution, Phys. Rev. B. 101 064402 (2020). pdf
  2. M. Krasnytska, B. Berche, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna. Ising model with variable spin/agent strengths. J. Phys. Complex. 1 035008 (2020).   pdf
  3. Mryglod O., Mryglod I.Collective authorship in ukrainian science: marginal effect or new phenomenon?  Bull. Nat. Acad. Sci. Ukraine. – 2020. – № 7. – 34. (in Ukrainian) pdf
  4. D. Shapoval, M. Dudka, Olivier Bénichou, Gleb Oshanin, Equilibrium properties of two-species reactive lattice gases on random catalytic chains, Phys. Rev. E. 102 032121 (2020) pdf
  5. P. Sarkanych in "Cultural landscape of Lviv: institutions, activities, interactions", Cultural Strategy Institute, Lviv 2019.
  6. Maxym Dudka, Yurij Holovatch. Clandestine Ukrainian university in Lviv – у "Leopolis Scientifica. " /O. Petruk (Ed.) – Lviv: Artos, – 2020. – P. 163-196
  7. Mryglod O., Nazarovets S., Open scholarly metadata: formalization is required. Ukrainian economics, Workshop on Open Citations and Open Scholarly Metadata 2020, 9 September 2020, Online presentation (video)
  8. Yurij Holovatch, Julian Honchar, Mar'jana Krasnytska. Physics and Physicists in the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv. In: Leopolis Scientifica. Ed. by Oleh Petruk and Andrij Trokhymchuk. Lviv: Artos, 2020, 336 pages more details
  9. M. Dudka Critical properties of magnets: Influence of structural disorder, anisotropy, frustrations. Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics. Manuscript (In Ukrainian) pdf.

Publications 2019

  1. Gnatenko Kh. P. Parameters of noncommutativity in Lie-algebraic noncommutative space, Phys. Rev. D. 99(2) 026009 (2019).
  2. Gnatenko Kh. P., Samar M. I., Tkachuk V. M. Time-reversal and rotational symmetries in noncommutative phase space. Phys. Rev. A. 99(1) 012114 (2019).
  3. Gnatenko Kh. P. Harmonic oscillator chain in noncommutative phase space with rotational symmetry. Ukr. J. Phys. 64(2) 131-136 (2019).
  4. Gnatenko Kh. P Features of description of composite system’s motion in twist deformed spacetime. Mod. Phys. Lett. A 33(1) 1950071 (2019).
  5. Radchenko A.I., Mryglod O. "MINERALOGICAL JOURNAL (UKRAINE)": 40 years of history. Mineralogical Journal 41 (1) 3 (in Ukrainian). pdf
  6. P. Sarkanych, M. Krasnytska. Ising model with invisible states on scale-free networks. PLA 383 (27) 125844 (2019) pdf.
    ONCE AGAIN ABOUT THE GLOBAL AND UKRAINIAN. Bull. Nat. Acad. Sci. Ukraine. – 2019. – № 9. – 81. (in Ukrainian) pdf
  8. Ostap Kalyuzhnyi, Khristine Haidukivska, Viktoria Blavatska, and Jaroslav Ilnytskyi. Universal Size and Shape Ratios for Arms in Star-Branched Polymers: Theory and Mesoscopic Simulations. Macromol. Theory Simul. (2019) 1900012 pdf
  9. Viktoria Blavatska, Khristine Haidukivska. Universal features of complex n-block copolymers. (Accepted by J. Phys. A: Math. Theorpdf
  10. Maxym Dudka, Svyatoslav Kondrat, Olivier Bénichou, Alexei A. Kornyshev, Gleb Oshanin, Superionic liquids in conducting nanoslits: A variety of phase transitions and ensuing charging behavior J. Chem. Phys. 151, 184105 (2019) DOI:10.1063/1.5127851 pdf
  11. Dmytro Shapoval, Maxym Dudka, Andrei A. Fedorenko, Yurij Holovatch, On the possibility of a continuous phase transition in the random anisotropy magnets with a generic random axis distribution, (submitted to Phys. Rev.B) pdf
  12. Yurij Holovatch, Maxym Dudka, Viktoria Blavatska, Vasyl Palchykov, Mariana Krasnytska, Olesya Mryglod. Statistical physics of complex systems. – In: " Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: the Half-Century Trip", I. Mryglod (ed.). – Lviv, ICMP of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine . – 2019. – P. 92. [in Ukrainian]
  13. Olesya Mryglod, Oksana Patsahan. "Condensed Matter Physics" journal: establishing, development and achievements. – In: " Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: the Half-Century Trip", I. Mryglod (ed.). – Lviv, ICMP of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine . – 2019. – P. 142. [in Ukrainian]
  14. Olesya Mryglod, Ihor Mryglod. Publication activity of the Institute. – In: " Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: the Half-Century Trip", I. Mryglod (ed.). – Lviv, ICMP of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine . – 2019. – P. 180. [in Ukrainian]

Publications 2018

  1. Dmytro Shapoval, Maxym Dudka, Xavier Durang, Malte Henkel. Cross-over between diffusion-limited and reaction-limited regimes in the coagulation-diffusion process J. Phys. A 51 (2018) 425002 pdf
  2. Robin de Regt, Christian von Ferber, Yurij Holovatch, Mykola Lebovka, Topological and Spatial aspects of Public transportation in UK viewed as a complex network. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (submitted)pdf
  3. R. de Regt, S. Apunevych, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch, B. Novosyadlyj. Network analysis of the COSMOS galaxy field. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astr. Soc. (submitted) pdf
  4. Olesya Mryglod, Bertrand Berche, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna, Complex-network approach for visualizing and quantifying the evolution of a scientific topic. In: Information Visualization Techniques in the Social Sciences and Humanities, edited by V. Osinska and G. Osinski (IGI Global, 2017) (submitted) pdf
  5. O. Kalyuzhnyi, J.M. Ilnytskyi, Yu.Holovatch, C. von Ferber. Universal shape characteristics for the mesoscopic star-shaped polymer via dissipative particle dynamics simulations. J. Phys.: Cond.Matt. (submitted)pdf
  6. Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory. Yu. Holovatch (editor). vol. 5 World Scientific, Singapore, 2018. Book description
  7. Focus on Complexity. S.Turner, R.Kenna,Yu.Holovatch (editors) Eur.Journ.Phys (2018) Focus issue description
  8. Maxym Dudka, Olivier Bénichou, Gleb Oshanin. Order-disorder transitions in lattice gases with annealed reactive constraints. J. Stat. Mech. (2018) 043206 pdf
  9. Yurij Holovatch, Maxym Dudka, Viktoria Blavatska, Vasyl Palchykov, Mariana Krasnytska, Olesya Mryglod. Statistical physics of complex systems in the world and in Lviv. Journ. Phys. Stud. 22 (2018) 2801 [in Ukrainian] pdf
  10. Maxym Dudka, Yurij Holovatch. Clandestine Ukrainian university in Lviv. Preprint ICMP-18-02U [in Ukrainian] pdf
  11. Gnatenko Kh. P. Rotationally invariant noncommutative phase space of canonical type with recovered weak equivalence principle EPL (Europhysics Letters) 123 (2018) 50002.
  12. Gnatenko Kh. P. System of interacting harmonic oscillators in rotationally invariant noncommutative phase space Phys. Lett. A. 382 (2018) 3317-3324.
  13. Gnatenko Kh. P. Parameters of noncommutativity in Lie-algebraic noncommutative space, (submitted до Phys. Rev. D 02.11.2018) pdf
  14. Gnatenko Kh. P., Samar M. I., Tkachuk V. M. Time reversal and rotational symmetries in noncommutative phase space, (submitted до Phys. Rev. A 03.10.2018) pdf
  15. Gnatenko Kh. P. Harmonic oscillator chain in noncommutative phase space with rotational symmetry, (submitted до УФЖ 28.08.2018 ) pdf
  16. Mryglod O. Scientometric analysis of Condensed Matter Physics journal Condens. Matter Phys. 21 2018 22801. pdf
  17. Mryglod O., Holovatch Yu., Kenna R. Data Mining in Scientometrics: Usage Analysis for Academic Publications IEEE Xplore Digital Library, pp. 241-246. IEEE Second International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing August 21-25, 2018, Lviv, Ukraine. pdf
  18. Holovatch Yu., Honchar Yu., Krasnytska M. Physics and physicists in the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv // Journ. Phys. Studies, 2018, vol. 22, № 4, 4003 (in Ukrainian). pdf
  19. Petro Sarkanych, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna. Classical phase transitions in a one-dimensional short-range spin model J. Phys. A , 51, (2018) 505001 pdf
  20. K. Haydukivska, V. Blavatska, Universal size properties of a star-ring polymer structure in disordered environments Phys. Rev.E 97 (2018) 032502 pdf

Publications 2017

  1. Kenna, R., O. Mryglod, B. Berche. A scientists' view of scientometrics: Not everything that counts can be counted. Сondensed Matter Physics 20, No. 1 (2017) 13803. pdf
  2. Mryglod O. From physics to scientometrics: analysis of complex systems Bull. Nat. Acad. Sci. Ukraine 7 (2017) 54 [in Ukrainian]. pdf
  3. Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, S. Thurner, Complex systems: physics beyond physics. Eur. Journ. Phys. 38 (2017) 023002.
  4. Victor Dotsenko, Yurij Holovatch, Maxym Dudka, Martin Weigel, Self-averaging in the random 2D Ising ferromagnet. Phys. Rev. E 95 (2017) 032118.pdf
  5. K. Haydukivska, V. Blavatska, Probability of loops formation in star polymers in long range correlated disorder J. Chem. Phys. 146 (2017) 184904 pdf
  6. Thomas Ising, Reinhard Folk, Ralph Kenna, Bertrand Berche, Yurij Holovatch, The Fate of Ernst Ising and the Fate of his Model. Euro. Phys. Journ. H (submitted)pdf
  7. M. Dudka, A.A. Fedorenko, Emergent universal critical behavior of the 2D N-color Ashkin-Teller model in the presence of correlated disorder, Condens. Matter Phys. 20 (2017) 13603. pdf
  8. Petro Sarkanych, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna. Exact solution of a classical short-range spin model with a phase transition in one dimension: the Potts model with invisible states Phys. Lett. A , 381, (2017) 3589-3593 pdf
  9. Yu. Holovatch, M. Krasnytska, O. Mryglod, A. Rovenchak. Twenty years of the ``Journal of Physical Studies''. An attempt of journalometrical analysis. Journ. Phys. Stud. 21 No. 4 (2017) 4001 [in Ukrainian] pdf
  10. O.Y. Kalyuzhnyi, J.M. Ilnytskyi, C. von Ferber. Shape characteristics of the aggregates formed by amphiphilic stars in water: dissipative particle dynamics study. Condensed Matter Physics, 20 (2017) 13802.
  11. Yurij Holovatch, Maxym Dudka, Viktoria Blavatska, Vasyl Palchykov, Mariana Krasnytska, Olesya Mryglod. Statistical physics of complex systems. Preprint ICMP-17-06U [in Ukrainian] pdf

Publications 2016

  1. M Krasnytska, B Berche, Yu Holovatch and R Kenna, Partition function zeros for the Ising model on complete graphs and on annealed scale-free networks, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49 (2016) pdf
  2. B. Delamotte, M. Dudka, D. Mouhanna, and S. Yabunaka, Functional renormalization group approach to non-collinear magnets. Phys. Rev. B 93, (2016) 064405. pdf
  3. M. Dudka, R. Folk, Yu. Holovatch, Phase diagram of Model C in the parametric space of order parameter and space dimensions. Phys. Rev. B 93, (2016) 094301. pdf
  4. K. Haydukivska, V. Blavatska, Loop statistics in polymers in crowded environment J. Chem. Phys. 144 (2016) 084901 pdf
  5. O. Mryglod, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, B. Berche. Quantifying the evolution of a scientific topic: reaction of the academic community to the Chornobyl disaster. Scientometrics 106 1151–1166 (2016) pdf
  6. B. Berche, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, O. Mryglod. Academic research groups: evaluation of their quality and quality of their evaluation. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 681 (2016) 012004 pdf
  7. Yurij Holovatch, Vasyl Palchykov. Complex Networks of Words in Fables. In: Maths Meets Myths: Complexity-science approaches to folktales, myths, sagas, and histories. R. Kenna, M. Mac Carron, P. Mac Carron (Editors), Springer, 2016
  8. Yurij Holovatch, Olesya Mryglod, Michael Szell, Stefan Thurner. Analyses of a Virtual World. In: Maths Meets Myths: Complexity-science approaches to folktales, myths, sagas, and histories. R. Kenna, M. Mac Carron, P. Mac Carron (Editors), Springer, 2016
  9. Maxym Dudka, Andrei A. Fedorenko, Viktoria Blavatska, Yurij Holovatch. Critical behavior of the 2D Ising model with long-range correlated disorder. Phys. Rev. B. 93 224422 (2016) pdf
  10. V Palchykov, V Gemmetto, A Boyarsky and D Garlaschelli. Ground truth? Concept-based communities versus the external classification of physics manuscripts. EPJ Data Science 5 28 (2016) pdf
  11. M. Krasnytska, P. Sarkanych, B. Berche, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, Marginal dimensions of the Potts model with invisible states. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49 255001 (2016) pdf
  12. Maxym Dudka, Svyatoslav Kondrat, Alexei Kornyshev, Gleb Oshanin, Phase behaviour and structure of a superionic liquid in nonpolarized nanoconfinement. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28 464007 (2016) pdf
  13. Yu. Holovatch, Quo vadis, physis? Physics and humanities. Portal 'Zbruch' 28 (2016) (in Ukrainian)text
  14. O. Kalyuzhnyi, Ja. Ilnytskyi, Yu. Holovatch, C. von Ferber, Universal shape characteristics for the mesoscopic polymer chain via dissipative particle dynamics. Condensed Matter Physics 28 505101 (2016) pdf
  15. P. Sarkanych, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, P. Mac Carron, Universality and network analysis of bylyny - heroic east slavic epic narratives. J. Phys.Stud. (submitted)
  16. Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, S. Thurner, Complex systems: physics beyond physics. Eur. Journ. Phys. (submitted) pdf
  17. Yu. Holovatch, Ya. Hrytsak (editors). Horizons of science (essays about science and scientists). Lviv, UCU Publishing House, 2016, 187 p. (in Ukrainian)
  18. N. Otrishchenko, Yu. Holovatch. Discussion about complex systems. Radio Skovoroda, 5.10.2016. (in Ukrainian) audio
  19. M Krasnytska. Phase transitions on complex networks (Thesis)(2016) pdf

Publications 2015

  1. O. Kapikranian, H. Zaposky, R. Patte, C. Pareige, B. Radiguet, P. Pareige, Point defect absorption by grain boundaries in α-iron by atomic density function modeling, Phys. Rev. B 92 (2015) 224106 pdf
  2. O. Mryglod, R. Kenna, Yu. Holovatch, B. Berche, Predicting Results of the Research Excellence Framework using departmental h-Index. Scientometrics 102 (2015) 2165 DOI: 10.1007/s11192-014-1512-3 pdf
  3. O. Mryglod, R. Kenna, Yu. Holovatch, B. Berche, Predicting Results of the Research Excellence Framework using departmental h-Index - Revisited. Scientometrics 104 (2015) 1013 - 1017.pdf
  4. Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory. Yu. Holovatch (editor). vol. 4 World Scientific, Singapore, 2015. Book description
  5. M. Dudka. Two-loop Feynman integrals for φ4 theory with long-range correlated disorder.J.Math. Phys. 56 (2015)013302 pdf
  6. P. Sarkanych, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, On the Phase Diagram of the 2d Ising Model with Frustrating Dipole Interaction.Ukr. J. Phys. 60 No 4 (2015) pdf
  7. O. Mryglod, B. Fuchs, M. Szell, Yu. Holovatch, S. Thurner. Interevent time distributions of human multi-level activity in a virtual world.Physica A 419 (2015) 681-690 pdf
  8. M. Krasnytska, B. Berche, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna. Violation of Lee-Yang circle theorem for Ising phase transitions on complex networks. Eur. Phys. Lett. 111 (2015) 60009 pdf
  9. O. Vasilyev, B. Berche, M. Dudka, Yu. Holovatch. Monte-Carlo study of anisotropic scaling generated by disorder. Phys. Rev. E 92 (2015) 042118 pdf
  10. M. Krasnytska, B. Berche, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna. On the discontinuity of specific heat of the Ising model on a scale-free network. Condens. Matter. Phys. 18, No 4 (2015) 44601. pdf
  11. O. Mryglod. Semi-automatic algorithm for terms identification in scientific publications. Bull. Lviv Polytechnic Nat. Uni.": Computer sciences and information technologies. No. 826 (2015)273. pdf(in ukrainian)
  12. K. Haydukivska, V. Blavatska, Lattice models of directed and semiflexible polymers in anisotropic environment. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor 48 (2015) 425002 (13pp) pdf

Publications 2014

  1. O. Kapikranian, H. Zapolsky, Ch. Domain, R. Patte, C. Pareige, B. Radiguet, P. Pareige. Atomic structure of grain boundaries in iron modeled using the atomic density function.Phys. Rev. B 89 (2014) 014111. pdf
  2. M. Krasnytska. Scaling functions and amplitude ratios for the Potts model on an uncorrelated scale-free networks. Condens. Matter. Phys. 17, No 2 (2014) 23602. pdf
  3. V. Dotsenko, Yu. Holovatch. Universal free energy distribution in the critical point of a random Ising ferromagnet. Phys. Rev. E 90 (2014) 23602. pdf
  4. O. Mryglod, R. Kenna, Yu. Holovatch, B. Berche. On the comparison of extensive and intensive measures of scientific group efficiency. Rep. Nat. Acad. Sci. of Ukraine 3 (2014) 75-81. pdf (in Ukrainian)
  5. O. Mryglod, B. Fuchs, M. Szell, Yu. Holovatch, S. Thurner. Interevent time distributions of human multi-level activity in a virtual world. Physica A 419 (2014) 681-690. pdf
  6. Yu. Holovatch. What is the universality class of the phase transition into superconducting/superfluid state? Coll. Phys. Papers of the Shevchenko Sci. Soc. 9 (2014) 22 abstract pdf
  7. O. Mryglod. Elements of quantitative analysis of scientific journals. Collection of Science of Ukraine in the global information space. [in Ukrainian] 10 (2014).
  8. Yu. Holovatch, Ya. Hrytsak (Editors). Horizons of science (essays about science and scientists). [in Ukrainian] Lviv, 2014, 187 p. online
  9. O. Kalyuzhnyi, Ja. Ilnytskyi, Yu. Holovatch. Universal shape properties of a long flexible polymer chain in the dissipative particle dynamics method. [in Ukrainian] J. Phys. Stud. 18 (2014) pdf
  10. K. Haydukivska, V. Blavatska, Conformational properties of polymers in anisotropic environments. Condens. Matter Phys. 17 (2014) 23301 pdf
  11. K. Haydukivska, V. Blavatska, Ring polymers in crowded environment: conformational properties. J. Chem. Phys. 141 (2014) 094906 pdf
  12. V. Blavatska, W. Janke, Conformational transitions in random heteropolymer models. J. Chem. Phys. 140, (2014) 034904 pdf
  13. Ja. Ilnytskyi, Yu. Holovatch, Yu. Kozitsky, H. Ilnytskyi, Computer simulations of a stochastic model for the non-immune disease spread. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnical University Computer Sciences and Information Technologies 800 (2014) 176 - 185.
  14. Yu. Holovatch, W. Janke, S. Thurner (Editors). Self-organization and collective behaviour in complex systems. Condens. Matter Phys. 17 (2014) No 3.
  15. O. Mryglod, R. Kenna, Yu. Holovatch. Is your EPL attractive? Classification of publications through download dynamics. Europhys. Lett. 108 (2014) 50011 pdf
  16. V. Palchykov, K. Kaski, J. Kertész. Transmission of cultural traits in layered ego-centric networks. Condens. Matter Phys. 17 (2014) 33802. pdf
  17. V. Palchykov, M. Mitrovic, H.-H. Jo, J. Saramäki, R. K. Pan. Inferring human mobility using communication patterns. Sci. Rep. 4 (2014) 6174. pdf
  18. M.-X. Li, V. Palchykov, Z.-Q. Jiang, K. Kaski, J. Kertész, S. Miccichè, M. Tumminello, W.-X. Zhou, R. N. Mantegna. Statistically validated mobile communication networks: Evolution of motifs in European and Chinese data. New J. Phys. 16 (2014) 083038. pdf

Publications 2013

  1. C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch. Fractal transit networks: self-avoiding walks and Levy flights. Eur. Phys. Journ. ST, 216 (2013) 49. pdf
  2. V. Blavatska, K. Haydukivska. Polymers in anisotropic environments with extended defects Eur. Phys. Journ. ST 216 (2013) 191. pdf
  3. O. Mryglod, R. Kenna, Yu. Holovatch, B. Berche. Absolute and specific measures of research group excellence. Scientometrics 95 (2013) 115. pdf
  4. O. Mryglod, R. Kenna, Yu. Holovatch, B. Berche. Comparison of citation-based indicators and peer review for absolute and specific measures of research-group excellence. Scientometrics, vol. 97, (2013) 767-777
  5. V. Palchykov, J. Kertész, R. I. M. Dunbar, K. Kaski. Close relationships: A study of mobile comunication records. J. Stat. Phys. 151 (2013) 735-744 pdf
  6. M. Krasnytska, B. Berche, Yu. Holovatch. Phase transitions in the Potts model on complex networks. Condens. Matter. Phys., 16, No 2 (2013) 23602. pdf
  7. O. Mryglod, R. Kenna, Yu. Holovatch, B. Berche. On the problem of science evaluation. Bull. Nat. Acad. Sci. of Ukraine [in Ukrainian] 10 (2013) 76-85. pdf
  8. Mryglod I., Mryglod O. National scientific journals: general analysis, trends and problems. Collection of Science of Ukraine in the global information space 8 (2013) 37-53.
  9. V. Blavatska, C. von Ferber. Randomly charged polymers in porous environment. Condens. Matter Phys. 16 (2013) 34601 pdf
  10. V. Blavatska. Equivalence of quenched and annealed averaging in models of disordered polymers. J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 25(2013) 505101
  11. Ja. Ilnytskyi, Yu. Holovatch, Yu. Kozitsky (Editors). Phase transitions and critical phenomena: universality and non-universal features. Condens. Matter Phys., vol. 16 (2013) No 2. content, editorial
  12. C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch, I. Mryglod, and G. Oshanin (Editors). From Brownian Motion to Self-Avoiding Walks and Levy Flights. Eur. Phys. Journ. ST, vol. 216, January II (2013) 1 - 232. content, editorial

Publications 2012

  1. V. Palchykov, K. Kaski, J. Kertész, A-L. Barabási & R. I. M. Dunbar. Sex differences in intimate relationships. Scientific Reports 2 (2012) 370 pdf
  2. V. Blavatska, K. Haydukivska, Yu. Holovatch. Conformational properties of semiflexible polymers: numerical simulations. Ukr. J. Phys., 57 (2012) 41 - 46.
  3. R. Folk, Yu. Holovatch, G. Moser. Field theory of bicritical and tetracritical points. IV. Critical dynamics including reversible terms . Phys. Rev. E, 85 (2012) 021143. pdf
  4. O. Mryglod, Yu. Holovatch, I. Mryglod. Editorial process in scientific journals: analysis and modeling. Scientometrics, 91 (2012) 101. pdf
  5. O. Mryglod, Yu. Holovatch. Reaction of the academic community to Chornobyl disaster: analysis of publication topics dynamics. Bull. Nat. Acad. Sci. of Ukraine, No 7 (2012) 59 [in Ukrainian]. pdf
  6. B. Berche, C. von Ferber, T. Holovatch, Yu. Holovatch. Transportation network stability: a case study of city transit. Advances in Complex Systems,15, (2012) 1250063. pdf
  7. V. Blavatska, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch. Disorder effects on the static scattering function of star branched polymers. Condens. Matter. Phys. 15 (2012) 33603. pdf
  8. C. von Ferber, B. Berche, T. Holovatch, Yu. Holovatch. A tale of two cities. Vulnerabilities of the London and Paris transit networks. Journ. Transport. Security 5 (2012) 199. pdf
  9. M. Dudka, R. Folk, Yu. Holovatch, G. Moser. Marginal dimensions for multicritical phase transitions. Condens. Matter. Phys. 15 (2012) 43001 pdf
  10. A. Ilnytska, J. Ilnytskyi, Yu. Holovatch, A. Trokhymchuk. Marian Smoluchowski: A story behind one photograph. Condens. Matter. Phys. 15 (2012) 47101. pdf
  11. O. Mryglod, Ukrainian scholarly academic periodicals: the degree of "visibility". Collection of "Science of Ukraine in the global information space." 6 (2012) 36
  12. Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory. Yu. Holovatch (editor). vol. 3 World Scientific, Singapore, 2012. Book description.
  13. O.Kapikranian. Spin-spin corelation function of the 2D XY model with weak site or bond dilution. Phys.Rev.B, 85, 094405 (2012) pdf
  14. V. Blavatska, W. Janke, “Polymer adsorption on a fractal substrate: numerical study”, J. Chem. Phys. 136 (2012) 104907 pdf
  15. V. Blavatska, W. Janke, “Conformational properties of polymers near a fractal surface”, Physics Procedia 34 (2012) 55

Publications 2011

  1. V. Blavatska, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch. Star copolymers in porous environments: scaling and its manifestations. Phys. Rev. E, 83 (2011) 011803. pdf
  2. C. von Ferber, R. Folk, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, V. Palchykov. Entropic equation of state and scaling functions near the critical point in uncorrelated scale-free networks. Phys. Rev. E, 83 (2011) 061114. pdf
  3. Yu. Holovatch. From the Ising model to statistical physics of complex systems. (in Ukrainian) Coll. Phys. Papers of the Shevchenko Sci. Soc., 8 (2011) 429. pdf
  4. V. Blavatska, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch. Shapes of macromolecules in good solvents: field theoretical renormalization group approach.Condens. Matter Phys., 14 (2011) 33701 pdf
  5. G. Oshanin, Yu. Holovatch, G. Schehr. Proportionate vs disproportionate distribution of wealth of two individuals in a tempered Paretian ensemble. Physica A, 390 (2011) 4340 pdf
  6. I.M. Mryglod, , O. Mryglod, Sixth Parkinson's law and scientific periodica of Ukraine. Collection of "Science of Ukraine in the global information space" 5 (2011) 102-116.

Publications 2010

  1. O. Kapikranian, Yu. Holovatch. Spin vortices and vacancies: interactions and pinning on a square lattice. Phys. Rev. B, 81 (2010) 134437. pdf
  2. V. Blavatska, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch. Universal features of polymer shapes in crowded environment. Phys. Lett. A, 374 (2010) 2861 pdf
  3. V. Palchykov, C. von Ferber, R. Folk, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna. Critical phenomena on scale-free networks: logarithmic corrections and scaling functions. Phys. Rev. E, 82 (2010) 011145. pdf
  4. B. Berche, C. von Ferber, T. Holovatch, Yu. Holovatch. Public Transport Networks under Random Failure and Directed Attack. Dynamics of Socio-Economic Systems, 2 (2010) 42. pdf
  5. R. Folk, Yu. Holovatch, G. Moser. Biconical critical dynamics . Europhys. Lett., 91 (2010) 46002. pdf
  6. B. Delamotte, M. Dudka, Yu. Holovatch, D. Mouhanna. About the relevance of the fixed dimension perturbative approach to frustrated magnets in two and three dimensions. Phys. Rev. B, 82 (2010) 104432. pdf
  7. O. Mryglod, Yu. Holovatch, I. Mryglod. Analysis of temporal characteristics of the editorial processing in scientific periodicals. Proc of the XII International PhD Workshop [OWD-2010], Poland, Wisla, 23-26 October, 2010, P. 47-50. pdf
  8. B. Delamotte, M. Dudka, Yu. Holovatch, D. Mouhanna. Analysis of the 3d massive renormalization group perturbative expansions: a delicate case. Condens. Matter Phys., 13 (2010) 43703. pdf
  9. R.R. Darewych, D.G. Dosyn, V. Litvin, O.I. Mryhlod, N.V. Shkutiak. E-ditorial - virtualization of the editorial board of professional journals. Problems of programming. 2-3 (2010) 457  (in Ukrainian)
  10. V. Blavatska, W. Janke, “Shape anisotropy of polymers in disordered environment”, J. Chem. Phys. 133 (2010) 184903 pdf
  11. V. Blavatska, W. Janke, “Fractals Meet Fractals: Self-Avoiding Random Walks on Percolation Clusters”, Physics Procedia 3 (2010) 1431 pdf


  1. Maxym Dudka, Mariana Krasnytska, Juan J. Ruiz-Lorenzo, Yurij Holovatch.   Effective and asymptotic criticality of structurally disordered magnets. JMMM vol. 575 (2023) 170718 abstractpdf
  2. P. Sarkanych, M. Krasnytska. Potts model with invisible states on scale-free network, Condens. Matt. Phys., vol 26 No.1 (2023) 13507. pdf
  3. Mariana Krasnytska, Petro Sarkanych, Bertrand Berche, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna.   Potts Model with Invisible States: A Review. Eur. J. Phys. ST (2023) link to the journalabstractpdf
  4. R. Folk, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, M. Krasnytska (Editors).   Complexity and Collective Behaviour: Solids, Fields, and Data (dedicated to Bertrand Berche on his 60th birthday). Condens. Matter Phys., vol. 26 (2023) No 1. contentforeword
  5. Petro Sarkanych, Mariana Krasnytska, Luis Gómez-Nava, Pawel Romanczuk, Yurij Holovatch.   Individual bias and fluctuations in collective decision making: from algorithms to Hamiltonians. Phys. Biol. vol. 20 (2023) 045005, paper onlineabstractpdf
  1. Maxym Dudka, Mariana Krasnytska, Juan J. Ruiz-Lorenzo, Yurij Holovatch.   Effective and asymptotic criticality of structurally disordered magnets. JMMM vol. 575 (2023) 170718 abstractpdf
  2. P. Sarkanych, M. Krasnytska. Potts model with invisible states on scale-free network, Condens. Matt. Phys., vol 26 No.1 (2023) 13507. pdf
  3. Mariana Krasnytska, Petro Sarkanych, Bertrand Berche, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna.   Potts Model with Invisible States: A Review. Eur. J. Phys. ST (2023) link to the journalabstractpdf
  4. R. Folk, Yu. Holovatch, R. Kenna, M. Krasnytska (Editors).   Complexity and Collective Behaviour: Solids, Fields, and Data (dedicated to Bertrand Berche on his 60th birthday). Condens. Matter Phys., vol. 26 (2023) No 1. contentforeword
  5. Petro Sarkanych, Mariana Krasnytska, Luis Gómez-Nava, Pawel Romanczuk, Yurij Holovatch.   Individual bias and fluctuations in collective decision making: from algorithms to Hamiltonians. Phys. Biol. vol. 20 (2023) 045005, paper onlineabstractpdf