Seminar "Statistical physics of complex systems"
Seminar "Statistical physics of complex systems"
10.03 - A thermodynamic framework for exploring and controlling quantum trajectories on quantum computers -- Federico Carollo (Coventry University, U.K.)
13.03 - Stability of virus-host networks, with some focus on thermodynamics -- Andrij Rovenchak (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv)
20.03 - Triple point in fluids (literature review) -- Oksana Dobush
27.03 - On the Lee-Yang property of some spin models -- Yurij Kozytskyi (UMCS, Lublin, Poland)
03.04 - Learning thresholds lead to stable language coexistence -- Mikhail Tamm (Tallinn University, Estonia)
10.04 - L4 seminar (Leipzig)
17.04 - Technical tasks with ChatGPT -- Roman Romanik
24.04 - On one interesting and quite well-known special function and its oscillating asymptotics -- Mykola Shpot