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Seminar "Statistical physics of complex systems"

Seminar "Statistical physics of complex systems"

Place: ICMP сonference hall
Time: every Thursday, 15:30 EET



02.05 - Critical temperature and critical region size for a fluid model - Ihor Pylyuk

09.05 - Supercritical fluids (review)- Oksana Dobush

16.05 - Ising Lectures 2024

23.05 - Cliodynamics: the search for general principles explaining the functioning and dynamics of historical societies - Daniel Kondor

30.05 - Higgs Mechanism, Ether theory and Poincare-Lorentz-Einstein Relativity Theory – a modern look - Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky

06.06 - Characteristics of size and shape in the statistical description of polymer structures - Khrystyna Haydukivska

13.06 - Monte Carlo simulation of reaction-diffusion processes on a percolation cluster - Dmytro Shapoval

20.06 - Olesya Mryglod

27.06 - The physics of cooperative transport in groups of ants - Petro Sarkanych





Archive of former seminars please find here