01-37U |
Lattice model of adsorption of dipole particles in porous medium
I.V. Stasyuk K.D. Tovstyuk O.V. Velychko |
77.22 68.43 89.60 |
01-36U |
Investigation of magnetic field influence on thermodynamic characteristics of spin-1 Ising model of a magnet with bilinear and quadupolar interactions. Cluster approximation
R.R. Levitskii O.R. Baran |
75.10.Hk 75.10.-b |
01-35U |
Statistical theory of non-linear hydrodynamic fluctuations in super dense thermo-nuclear plasma
M.V. Tokarchuk A.E. Kobryn |
05.60.+w 05.70.Ln 81.35 83.70.F |
01-34E |
A consistent description of a kinetics and hydrodynamics of quantum Bose systems. Time correlation functions and collective exitation spectrum
P.A. Hlushak M.V. Tokarchuk |
05.20.Dd 05.60.+w 52.25.Fi 71.45.G 82.20.M |
01-33U |
Adsorbtion of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and $OH^-$ group on Fe, $FeO$, $Fe_2O_3$ and $SiO_2$ surfaces.
I.V. Stasyuk R.Ya. Stetsiv I.R. Dulepa Yu.V. Sizonenko |
82.65.My 34.50.D |
01-32U |
Analysis of physico-chemical properties of fuel-containing masses and radiolysis processes in aqueous solutions of the object "Shelter"
I.R. Yukhnovskii M.V. Tokarchuk V.V. Ignatyuk Y.A. Humenyuk |
28.41.Kw 66.10.Cb 82.50.Gw |
01-31U |
Ponderomotive forces in the stable complexes of charged particles and the problems of electromagnetic separation
V.I. Tretyak |
05.60.+w 05.70.Ln 05.20.Dd 75.50.Mm 75.20.+g |
01-30U |
Study of dielectric properties of the system of high-disperse bodies with dipole particles adsorbed onto their surface by means of microscopic model.
I.V. Stasyuk O.V. Velychko |
77.22 68.43 89.60 |
01-29U |
Quantum statistical description of formation of actinide complex in water solutions
I.V. Stasyuk O.V. Velychko |
82.20.Db 82.20.Hf 82.30.b |
01-28E |
Glass (Short overview)
O. Derzhko T. Krokhmalskii |
75.10.-b |
01-27U |
Sorbents for the radionuclides sorbtion in the reprocessing processes of fuel-containing masses of the object "Shelter"
I.M. Krip T.V. Shymchuk M.V. Tokarchuk |
68.43 92.40.Q 89.60.Gg |
01-26U |
Hydrolysis with uranyl ions participation in water solutions
Т.S. Mysakovych |
31.15.Ar |
01-25U |
On possibility of electrostatic and dielectric separation of "Shelter" object radioactive waste
A.A. Duviryak |
05.60.+w 05.70.Ln 05.20.Dd 75.50.Mm 75.20.-g |
01-24E |
Thermodynamic functions of the system of the charged particles with relativistic interaction in the ring-diagram approximation
A. Nazarenko |
05.20.-y |
01-23E |
Elimination of the field degrees of freedom in relativistic system of poin-like charges
A. Nazarenko |
03.30.+p 03.50.-z 11.30.Cp |
01-22E |
On the validity of the Lorentz-Dirac equation
Yu. Yaremko |
41.20.Bt 03.50.De |
01-21U |
Investigation of flocculation level in the magnetic separation process of radioactive waste of the object "Shelter"
Yu. Yaremko |
05.60.+w 05.70.Ln 05.20.Dd 75.50.Mm 75.20.-g |
01-20U |
Dielectric permittivity of lava-like fuel containing materials
A.P. Moina |
77.80.Bh 77.84.Fa |
01-19U |
Computer simulation of dynamical processes in systems of granular lava--like fuel--containing masses at the presence of an external magnetic field and fluid shear flows
I.P. Omelyan I.M. Mryglod |
75.50.Mm 47.32.-y 02.60.Cb 05.10.Gg |
01-18U |
Magnetic properties of actinides. The review
A.M. Shvaika |
75.20 75.30 |
01-17E |
Computer simulations of the dynamical properties of methane in a model silica gel
T. Patsahan M. Holovko A. Trokhymchuk |
02.70.Ns 45.20.Dd 51.20.+d 61.43.Gt |
01-16E |
Thermodynamic properties of pseudospin-electron model in the gaussian fluctuation approximation
K.V. Tabunshchyk |
63.20.Ry 64.60.-i 71.10.Fd 77.80.Bh |
01-15U |
Modelling of the vacancy--induced swelling processes, helium and hydrogen migration in LFCM. Thermal spikes in LFCM.
I.R. Yukhnovskii P.A. Hlushak O.S. Zachar'yash M.V. Tokarchuk |
05.60.+w 05.70.Ln 05.20.Dd 52.25.Dg 52.25.Fi |
01-14U |
Kinetics and hydrodynamics of the granular lava--like fuel--containing masses in external magnetic field
M.V. Tokarchuk V.V. Ignatyuk Y.A. Humenyuk |
05.60.+w 05.70.Ln 81.35 83.70.F |
01-13U |
The density of electron states in Hubbard model in the limit of infinite dimensinality of a space.
I.V. Stasyuk V.P. Bryksa |
71.10.Fd 71.38.+i 77.80.Bh 63.20.Ry |
01-12E |
On the critical behaviour of random anisotropy magnets: cubic anisotropy
M. Dudka R. Folk Yu. Holovatch |
61.43.-j 64.60.Ak |
01-11U |
Investigation of ferroelectric compounds of order-disorder type with the asymmetric one-particle interaction with two minima
R.R. Levitskii T.M. Verkholyak I.V. Kutnii I.G. Hil |
64.60.Cn |
01-10U |
Thermodynamics and dielectric properties of ferroelectric crystals of KH$_2$PO$_4$, RbH$_2$PO$_4$, KH$_2$AsO$_4$, RbH$_2$AsO$_4$
R.R. Levitskii B.M. Lisnii O.R. Baran |
77.22.Ch 77.80.Bh 77.84.Fa |
01-09U |
Thermodynamics and dielectric properties of hydrogen bonded ferroelectrics of KH$_2$PO$_4$\ type. The four-particle cluster approximation
R.R. Levitskii B.M. Lisnii |
77.22.Ch 77.80.Bh 77.84.Fa |
01-08U |
On the theory of phase transitions of fluids in porous media
O.V. Patsahan M.F. Holovko |
05.70.Fh 05.70.Jk 64.60.Fr |