Publishing activity / Publications / 2024
- Morad V., Stelmakh A., Svyrydenko M., Feld L.G., Boehme S.C., Aebli M., Affolter J., Kaul C.J., Schrenker N.J., Bals S., Sahin Y., Dirin D.N., Cherniukh I., Raino G., Baumketner A., Kovalenko M.V., Designer phospholipid capping ligands for soft metal halide nanocrystals // Nature, 626, 542 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Bryk T., Kopcha M., Yidak I., Propagation gap for shear waves in binary liquids: Analytical and simulation study // Journal of Chemical Physics, 161, 184505 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Bryk T., Seitsonen A.P., Ruocco G., Is the mechanism of “fast sound” the same in liquids with long-range interactions and disparate mass metallic alloys? // Journal of Chemical Physics, 161, 194503 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Shchur Ya., Andrushchak N., Kityk A.V., Andrushchak A., Lattice dynamics of Bi12GeO20 crystal: Polarized Raman scattering and first-principles analysis // Optical Materials, 157, 116078 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Badenhorst R., Makaev S., Yaremchuk D., Sajjan Y., Sulimov A., Reukov V.V., Lavrik N.V., Ilnytskyi J., Minko S., Reversible Binding Interfaces Made of Microstructured Polymer Brushes // Langmuir, 40, 7008 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Paolini D., Antony L., Seeta Rama Raju G., Kuzmak A., Verkholyak T., Kondrat S., Tuning Electrode and Separator Sizes For Enhanced Performance of Electrical Double-Layer Capacitors // ChemElectroChem, 11, e202400218 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q2.
- Manz N., Holovatch Y., Tyson J., Julian Hirniak, an early proponent of periodic chemical reactions // Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 137, 2507 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q3.
- Wagner S., Kahl G., Melnyk R., Baumketner A., On the lattice ground state of densely packed hard ellipses // Journal of Chemical Physics, 160, 151101 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Grzyb A., Haydukivska K., Kłos J.S., Erbaş A., Paturej J., Structural Properties of Cyclic Polyelectrolytes in a Dilute Good Solvent // Macromolecules, 57, 226 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Rovenchak A., Druchok M., Machine learning-assisted search for novel coagulants: When machine learning can be efficient even if data availability is low // Journal of Computational Chemistry, 45, 937 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q2.
- Folk R., Holovatch Y., Ising’s Roots and the Transfer-Matrix Eigenvalues // Entropy, 26, 459 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q2.
- Duviryak A., Asymptotical dynamics of askew-polarized spinning top under the radiation reaction torque // European Physical Journal Plus, 139, 423 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q2.
- Hutak T., Krokhmalskii T., Schnack J., Richter J., Derzhko O., Thermodynamics of the S=1/2 hyperkagome-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet // Physical Review B, 110, 054428 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Karl'ová K., Honecker A., Caci N., Wessel S., Strečka J., Verkholyak T., Thermodynamic properties of the macroscopically degenerate tetramer-dimer phase of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on the diamond-decorated square lattice // Physical Review B, 110, 214429 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Lisnyi B.M., Ground state of the spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg distorted diamond chain with ferromagnetic Ising and antiferromagnetic Heisenberg interactions // Low Temperature Physics, 50, 527 (2024) [Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 50, 588 (2024)]; WoS, Scopus, Q3.
- Hvozd T., Patsahan T., Kalyuzhnyi Yu., Patsahan O., Holovko M., Vapour-liquid phase behaviour of primitive models of ionic liquids confined in disordered porous media // Condensed Matter Physics, 27, 23602 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q4.
- Lisnyi B.M., Spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg distorted diamond chain with antiferromagnetic Ising and ferromagnetic Heisenberg interactions // Condensed Matter Physics, 27, 23703 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q4.
- Sarkanych P., Sevinchan Yu., Krasnytska M., Romanczuk P., Holovatch Yu., Consensus decision making on a complete graph: complex behaviour from simple assumptions // Condensed Matter Physics, 27, 33801 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q4.
- Pergamenshchik V.M., Bryk T., Trokhymchuk A., Corrigendum to “Canonical partition function and distance dependent correlation functions of a quasi-one-dimensional system of hard disks” // Journal of Molecular Liquids, 403, 124772 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Stetsiv R.Y., Farenyuk O.Y., Structure factor and dynamic structure factor of one-dimensional ion conductors (in Ukrainian) // Journal of Physical Studies, 28, 2701 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q3.
- Yukhnovskii I.R., Romanik R.V., Critical temperature determination for simple fluids: an analytical approach based on collective variables method // Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 69, 671 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q3.
- Yukhnovskii I.R., Romanik R.V., Grand partition function functional for simple fluids // Journal of Physical Studies, 28, 2602 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q3.
- Lisnyi B.M., Distorted diamond Ising–Hubbard chain in the special limit of infinite on-site repulsion // Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 69, 732 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q3.
- Shmotolokha V.I., Holovko M.F., Dimerizing hard spherocylinders in porous media // Condensed Matter Physics, 27, 13607 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q4.
- Krasnytska M., Ising model with varying spin strength on a scale-free network: scaling functions and critical amplitude ratios // Condensed Matter Physics, 27, 33603 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q4.
- Brenig W., Krupnitska O., Response functions for electric field induced two-dimensional nonlinear spectroscopy in a Kitaev magnet // Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 36, 505806 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q2.
- Vdovych A.S., Zachek I.R., Bilenka O.B., Dielectric, elastic, and thermal characteristics of NH4HSO4 ferroelectric within the framework of a two-sublattice pseudospin model // Physica B: Condensed Matter, 695, 416548 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q2.
- Shchur Y., Karout H.E., Sahraoui B., Andrushchak A., Beltramo G., Pustovyi D., Vitusevich S., Huber P., Kityk A.V., Synthesis, nanocrystalline morphology, lattice dynamics and nonlinear optics of mesoporous SiO2&LiNbO3 nanocomposite // Scientific Reports, 14, 24237 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Jurczak S., Druchok M., Cancer Immunotherapies Ignited by a Thorough Machine Learning-Based Selection of Neoantigens // Advanced Biology, 8, 2400114 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Butovych H., Keshavarz F., Barbiellini B., Lähderanta E., Ilnytskyi J., Patsahan T., Role of EDTA protonation in chelation-based removal of mercury ions from water // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 26, 25402 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q2.
- Glukhov E., Kalitin D., Stepanenko D., Zhu Y., Nguyen T., Jones G., Patsahan T., Simmerling C., Mitchell J.C., Vajda S., Dill K.A., Padhorny D., Kozakov D., MHC-Fine: Fine-tuned AlphaFold for precise MHC-peptide complex prediction // Biophysical Journal, 123, 2902 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Blavatska V., Ilnytskyi J., Lähderanta E., Coagulation-flocculation process on a lattice: Monte Carlo simulations // Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 57, 315002 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Rojas O., De Souza S.M., Torrico J., Veríssimo L.M., Pereira M.S.S., Lyra M.L., Derzhko O., Unusual low-temperature behavior in the half-filled band of the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model in atomic limit // Physical Review E, 110, 024130 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Hvozd T., Kalyuzhnyi Y.V., Vlachy V., Modelling bi-specific antibodies in aqueous solution // Journal of Molecular Liquids, 402, 124740 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Prieto-Curiel R., Ali O., Dervić E., Karimi F., Omodei E., Stütz R., Holovatch Y., Heiler G., The diaspora model for human migration // PNAS Nexus, 3, pgae178 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Moueddene L., G Fytas N., Holovatch Y., Kenna R., Berche B., Critical and tricritical singularities from small-scale Monte Carlo simulations: the Blume-Capel model in two dimensions // Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2024, 023206 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q3.
- Pizio O., Trokhymchuk A., Patsahan T., di Caprio D., Yamaguchi T., Molecular liquids and ionic solutions: From statistical mechanics modeling to experimental observations. In honor of the 80th birthday of Myroslav Holovko // Journal of Molecular Liquids, 395, 123857 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Kalyuzhnyi Y.V., Patsahan T., Holovko M., Cummings P.T., Phase behavior of patchy colloids confined in patchy porous media // Nanoscale, 16, 4668 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Patsahan O., Meyra A., Ciach A., Spontaneous pattern formation in monolayers of binary mixtures with competing interactions // Soft Matter, 20, 1410 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Dudka M., Shapoval D., Holovatch Y., Critical behavior of structurally disordered systems with long-range interaction (in Ukrainian) // Journal of Physical Studies, 28, 2601 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q3.
- Haydukivska K., Blavatska V., Universal properties of branched copolymers in dilute solutions // Condensed Matter Physics, 27, 13301 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q4.
- Holovatch Y., A physicist’s approach to public transportation networks // Europhysics News, 55, 16 (2024); Scopus, Q4.
- Honchar Y., Berche B., Holovatch Y., Kenna R., When correlations exceed system size: finite-size scaling in free boundary conditions above the upper critical dimension // Condensed Matter Physics, 27, 13603 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q4.
- Pizio O., Patsahan T., Blavatska V., Computer simulations of soft matter. On 60-th anniversary of Jaroslav Ilnytskyi // Condensed Matter Physics, 27, 10101 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q4.
- Blavatska V., Waclaw B., Evolutionary adaptation is facilitated by the presence of lethal genotypes // Physical Review Research, 6, 013286 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Yaremchuk D., Ivaneyko D., Ilnytskyi J., Magnetostriction in the magneto-sensitive elastomers with inhomogeneously magnetized particles: Pairwise interaction approximation // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 589, 171554 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q2.
- Pergamenshchik V.M., Bryk T., Trokhymchuk A., Corrigendum to “Canonical partition function and distance dependent correlation functions of a quasi-one-dimensional system of hard disks” // Journal of Molecular Liquids, 393, 123639 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Ignatyuk V.V., Moina A.P., Ising model in the Renyi statistics: the finite size effects // Condensed Matter Physics, 27, 43603 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q4.
- Blavatska V., Ilnytskyi J., Lähderanta E., Mapping self-avoiding walk on obstacle-ridden lattice onto chelation of heavy metal ions: Monte Carlo study // Physical Review E, 110, 064503 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Duviryak A. Radiation reaction of the spherical pendulum // Journal of Physical Studies, 28, 4402 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q3.
- Ignatyuk V.V., On the phenomenological model of microcracks formation: some analytical and numerical results at various scenarious of the microdefects formation // Journal of Physical Studies, 28, 3601 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q3.
- Pizio O., Patrykiejew A., Vega C., Pusztai L., Ilnytskyi Ja., Patsahan T., Trokhymchuk A., In memoriam: Stefan Sokołowski (in Ukrainian) // Condensed Matter Physics, 27, 37001 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q4.
- Dobush O.A., Kozlovskii M.P., Romanik R.V., Pylyuk I.V., Thermodynamic response functions in a cell fluid model // Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 69, 919 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q3.
- Berche B., Folk R., Holovatch Yu., Mryglod O., Statistical physics and emergent behaviour: from spin models to cultural complexity. In Memory of Ralph Kenna (27.08.1964 - 26.10.2023) // Condensed Matter Physics, 27, 30101 (2024); WoS, Scopus, Q4.
- Tokarchuk M.V., Kinetic coefficients of ion transport in a porous medium based on the Enskog–Landau kinetic equation // Mathematical Modeling and Computing, 11, 1013 (2024); Scopus, Q4.
- Hilei P., Petruk M., Korotkyi I., Farenyuk O., Deep learning AMR model inference acceleration with CFU for edge systems // ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 66, (2024); Scopus.
- Mryglod I.M., Proceedings of the Mathematical-Naturalistic-Medical Section of the Shevchenko Scientific Society: A Great Mission (in Ukrainian) // Visnyk of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2, 33 (2024).
- Ivankiv O.L., Mryglod I.M., Outstanding physicist and builder of Ukrainian statehood (in Ukrainian) // Herald of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, 70, 108 (2024).