Publishing activity / Monographs and books / Collective monographs and chapters within
Collective monographs and chapters within
- Yu.V.Kalyuzhnyi, P.T.Cummings. Equations of state from the analyticallysolvable integral equation approximations. – In: IUPAC volume on Equations of state for Fluid and Fluid Mixtures (Eds. J.V.Sengers, R.F.Klayser, C.J.Peters, H.J.White). – Elsevier, 2000, Chapter 6, p.169-254;
- D.Henderson, A.D.Trokhymchuk and D.T.Wasan. Strukture and layering of fluids thin films. – In: Emulsions: Strukture, Stabilite and Іnteractions (Ed. by Petsev D.N.). – Elsevier Ltd., 2004, Chapter 7, p.259-311;
- Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory (Ed. Yurij Holovatch). - Singapore, World Scientific, Vol. 1, 2004; (Author of chapter 3 – O.V. Derzhko);
- Ionic Soft Matter: Modern Trends in Theory and Applications. (Proceedings of the NATO ARW, Lviv, Ukraine, April 14-17, 2004), NATO Science Series II (Eds. D.Henderson, M.Holovko, A.Trokhymchuk), Springer. Vol. 206, 2005; (Authors of various chapters: M.F.Holovko, I.M. Mryglod, T.M. Bryk, Yu.V.Kalyuzhnyi, A.D.Trokhymchuk);
- D.J.Henderson, A.D.Nikolov, A.D.Trokhymchuk, D.T.Wasan. Confinement-Induced Structural Forces in Colloidal Systems. – In: Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science (Ed. by P.Somasundaran) 2nd Edition, Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, 2006, p.1485-1494;
- Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory (Ed. Yurij Holovatch). – Singapore, World Scientific, Vol. 2, 2007; (Author of chapter 5 – I.V. Stasyuk);
- O.Derzhko. Jordan-Wigner vermionisation and the theory of low-dimensional quantum spin models. Dynamic properties. – In: Condensed Matter Physics in the Prime of the 21st Century. Phenomena, Materials, Ideas, Methods (Ed. by Janusz Jеdrzejewski). – Singapore, World Scientific, 2008, p. 35-87;
- J.Richter, O.Derzhko. Corelated systems on geometrically frustrated lattices: From magnons to electrons. – In: Condensed Matter Physics in the Prime of the 21st Century. Phenomena, Materials, Ideas, Methods (Ed. by Janusz Jеdrzejewski). – Singapore, World Scientific, 2008, p. 237-270;
- V.Blavatska, C.von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch. Star polymers in correlated disorder. – In: Path Integrals: New Trends and Perspectives (Edited by W.Janke and A.Pelster). - Singapore, World Scientific, 2008, p.549-556;
- V.Blavatska, W.Janke. Selv-avoiding walks on fractals: scaling laws. – In: Proceedings of the 9th Inter. Conf. Path Integrals: New Trends and Perspectives (Edited by W.Janke and A.Pelster). – Singapore, World Scientific, 2008, p. 585.
- von Ferber C., Holovatch T., Holovatch Yu., Palchykov V. Modeling metropolis public transport. – In: Traffic and Granular Flow ' 07, edited by C. Appert-Rolland; F. Chevoir; P. Gondret; S. Lassarre; J.-P. Lebacque; M. Schreckenberg. - Springer, 2009, p.709-720.
- von Ferber C., Holovatch T., Holovatch Yu. Attack vulnerability of public transport networks. – In: Traffic and Granular Flow ' 07, edited by C. Appert-Rolland; F. Chevoir; P. Gondret; S. Lassarre; J.-P. Lebacque; M. Schreckenberg. - Springer, 2009, p.721-732.
- Holovko M., Druchok M., Bryk T. Cation hydrolysis phenomenon in aqueous solution: towards understanding it by computer simulations. – In: Self – organization of Molecular System: From Molecules and Clusters to Nanotubes and Proteins, edited by N. Russo, V.Ya. Antonchenko, E.S. Kryachko. - Springer, 2009, p.221-254.
- Andrusyk A. "Piezoelectric Effect in Rochelle salt" in Ferroelectrics – Physical Effects / Ed. by M. Lallart. Book 2, Ch. 9. – In Tech, 2011. - P. 195-220.
- Fedotova M.V., Holovko M.F. Integral equation method in Equilibrium Statistical Theory of liquids. - In: Theoretical and Experimental Methods of Solution Chemistry. - Moskow, Prospect, 2011. - P. 70-152 (in Russian).
- Markovych B.M., Kostrobii P.P., Vasylenko A.I., Tokarchuk M.V. Electronic properties of metal substrates while taking into account lattice structure. – In: Models of the quantum-statistical description of catalytic processes at the metallic surfaces / Ed. by Kostrobij P.P.–Lviv: Rastr-7, 2012. – P. 42-110 (in Ukrainian).
- Kostrobii P.P., Markovych B.M., Tokarchuk R.M., Tokarchuk M.V. Nonequilibrium quantum statistical description of the reaction-diffusion processes in the Reni and Gibbs statistics. – Ibid. – P. 186-225 (in Ukrainian)
- Pavlenko N. An investigation of the structural surface reconstruction at pressure and temperature changing; an analysis of the kinetics of surface reactions with taking into consideration of the surface reconstruction. – Ibid. – P. 13-41 (in Ukrainian).
- Verkholyak T.M. Study of two-component surfaces based on lattice models. – Ibid. – P.111-129 (in Ukrainian).
- Ignatyuk V.V. An activation nature and a short-time dynamics of the reaction-diffusion processes in the system "substrate–adsorbate". – Ibid. – P. 130-185 (in Ukrainian).
- Bzovska I.S., Mryglod I.M. Modelling of the chemical reactions in heterogeneous catalysis: the CO oxidation reaction. – Ibid. – P. 226-257 (in Ukrainian).
- Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory / Ed. by Holovatch Yu. Vol. 3. – Singapore: World Scientific, 2012. - 248 p. (Authors of chapter 2 – O.V.Patsahan, I.M.Mryglod);
- Ilnytskyi J.I., Boiko O.V., Ilnytskyi H.I. Informational technologies in differential diagnostics of a genesis for the syndrom of bronchial obstruction during tuberculosis of respiratory system. – In: Applied aspects of child and adolescent phthisiology. – Lviv: Atlas, 2013. – P. 214-294 (in Ukrainian).
- Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory / Ed. by Holovatch Yu. Vol. 4. – Singapore: World Scientific, 2015. – 217 p.
- Holovko M., Shmotolokha V., Patsahan T. Thermodynamics of molecular liquids in random porous media: Scaled particle theory and the generalized van der Waals equation. – In book: Physics of Liquid Matter: Modern Problems. – 2015, vol. 171, p. 3-30, Springer Proceedings in Physics (eds. Bulavin L., Lebovka N.).
- Ilnytskyi J.M., Saphiannikova M., Neher D., Allen M.P. Computer Simulation of Side-Chain Liquid Crystal Polymer Melts and Elastomers, in Liquid Crystalline Polymers. Vol. 1 – Structure and Chemistry, Springer, 2016, p..93-129. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-22894-5_4.
- Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory. Vol. 5. Yu. Holovatch (editor). World Scientific, Singapore, 2018, 399 p., ISBN: 978-981-3232-09-9.
- Mryglod O., Berche B., Holovatch Yu., Kenna R. Complex-network approach for visualizing and quantifying the evolution of a scientific topic. - In: Information Visualization Techniques in the Social Sciences and Humanities (ed. V. Osinska and G. Osinski), IGI Global, 2018, p. 106-120.
- Ilnytskyi J. Photo-Controllable Networks in Macromolecular Solutions and Blends. - In: Order, Disorder and Criticality (ed. Yu. Holovatch), World Scientific, Singapore, 2018, vol.5, p. 227-269.
- Kozitsky Y., Kozlovskii M., Dobush O. Phase Transitions in a Continuum Curie-Weiss System: A Quantitative Analysis. - In: Modern Problems of Molecular Physics, 2018, Springer, Chamber, p. 229-251.
- Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: the Half-Century Trip / I. Mryglod (ed.) / Lviv, ICMP of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2019. – 392 р. - ISBN 978-617-7593-24-8 (in Ukrainian).
- Ilnytskyi J., Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles Decorated by Liquid Crystalline Groups: Computer Simulations. - In: Self-Assembly of Nanostructures and Patchy Nanoparticles, Mehraeen S. (Ed.), IntechOpen, 2020, ISBN: 978-1-78984-742-0,
- Morozov V., Ignatyuk V., Energy Conservation and the Correlation Quasi-Temperature in Open Quantum Dynamics. - In: Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Strongly Correlated Systems, Blaschke D., Friesen A., Morozov V., Plakida N., Rӧpke G. (Eds.), MDPI Publishing, Basel, Switzerland, 2020, ISBN 978-3-03936-814-3.
- Tokarchuk M., Hlushak P., Unification of Thermo Field Kinetic and Hydrodynamics Approaches in the Theory of Dense Quantum-Field Systems. - In: Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Strongly Correlated Systems, Blaschke D., Friesen A., Morozov V., Plakida N., Rӧpke G. (Eds.), MDPI Publishing, Basel, Switzerland, 2020, ISBN 978-3-03936-814-3, pp. 75–89.
- Mokhniak S.M., Ivankiv O.L., Hlushak P.A., Tokarchuk M.V., In: Safety of Human Life in the Concept of Realization of Sustainable Development Goals, Nahurskyi О.А. (Ed.), Lviv Polytechnic, Lviv, 2020, ISBN 978-617-7970-26-1, pp. 40–60 (in Ukrainian).
- Mryglod I., Ignatyuk V., Some Old and New Puzzles in the Dynamics of Fluids. – In: Order, Disorder and Criticality. Volume 7. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory, Holovatch Yu. (Ed.), World Scientific, Singapore, 2023, ISBN 978-981-12-6042-1, pp. 117-178,