Publishing activity / Monographs and books / Proceedings and abstracts of conferences, workshops and schools
Proceedings and abstracts of conferences, workshops and schools
- Proceedings of the third Workshop on statistical physics (October 25-28, 1971). Part 2. Nonequlibrium statistical thermodynamics. Relaxation processes. / Executive editors V.P. Shelest, I.R.Yukhnovskii. – Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1972 (in Russian);
- Proceedings of the third Workshop on statistical physics (October 25-28, 1971). Part 3. General problems of solid state. Phase transitions. / Executive editors V.P. Shelest, I.R.Yukhnovskii. – Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1972 (in Russian);
- Sixths republican conference on statistical physics (Lviv, May 24-26, 1982). Abstracts / Executive editor M.A. Korynevskii. – Kyiv: ITF AS USSR, 1982 (in Russian);
- All-USSR conference “Modern problems of statistical physics”, Lviv, February 1987/ Abstracts. Part 1 / Executive editor M.F. Tokarchuk. – Kyiv: ITF AS USSR, 1987 (in Russian);
- All-USSR conference “Modern problems of statistical physics”, Lviv, February 1987/ Abstracts. Part 2 / Executive editor M.F. Tokarchuk. – Kyiv: ITF AS USSR, 1987 (in Russian);
- Modern problems of statistical physics. Proceedings of all-USSR conference. Lviv, February 3-5, 1987 Volume 1 / Executive editor I.R.Yukhnovskii. – Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1989 (in Russian);
- Modern problems of statistical physics. Proceedings of all-USSR conference. Lviv, February 3-5, 1987 Volume 2 / Executive editor I.R.Yukhnovskii. – Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1989 (in Russian);
- I-st soviet-polish symposium on physics of ferroelectrics and related materials. Lviv, June 4-8, 1990. Abstracts. – Kyiv, 1990 (in Russian);
- Structure and physical properties of disordered systems (Abstracts of І-st Ukrainian conference). Part 1. Theory of disordered systems and their numerical modeling. Experimental investigations of structure and properties of liquids. – Lviv, 1993 (in Ukrainian).
- Structure and physical properties of disordered systems (Abstracts of І-st Ukrainian conference). Part 2. Amorphous alloys. Partially disordered systems. – Lviv, 1993 (in Ukrainian).
- Ukrainian-French Symposium Condensed Matter: Science and Industry, Lviv, February 20-27, 1993, Abstracts, Information and Participants / Authors M. Kozlovskii, O. Ivankiv. I. Mryglod. – Lviv, 1993;
- International Workshop on Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter Theory. Programme and Abstracts, Lviv, September 11-14 1995, ICMP, 1995 / Authors I. Idzyk, T. Krokhmalskyy – Lviv, 1995;
- “INTAS - UKRAINE” Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics, Lviv, May 21-24 1998, Lviv, Ukraine. Programme, Lectures, Short Communications, Posters / Author A. Shvaika. – Lviv, 1998;
- Workshop “Modern problems of Soft Matter Theory”, Lviv, August 27-31, 2000. - Lviv: ICMP, 2000. – Lviv, 2000;
- Ionic Soft Matter: Novell trends in theory and applications. Abstracts NАТО, April 14-17, 2004, Lviv, Ukraine. – Lviv, 2004.
- Dimensionality Effects and Non-linearity in Ferroics. Book of Abstracts NАТО, October 19-22, 2004, Lviv, Ukraine. – Lviv, 2004.
- Annual Conference in Ukraine. Statistical Physic 2005: Modern Problems and New Applications, August 28-30, 2005, Lviv, Ukraine. Book of Abstracts / Author O. Velychko, Y. Humenyuk, O. Mryglod. – Lviv, 2005.
- VIII Ukrainian-Polish and III East-European Meeting on Ferroelectrics Physics. September 4-7, 2006, Lviv, Ukraine / Institut Condensed Matter Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Book of Abstracts / Author: O. Velychko. – Lviv, 2006;
- VII All-Ukrainian school, workshop and competition of young scientists in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory. - 2007. – Lviv, May 31 – June 1, 2007. Book of abstracts / Author: O. Velychko. – Lviv: Institute for condensed matter physics NAS of Ukraine, 2007 (in Ukrainian);
- VIIІ All-Ukrainian school, workshop and competition of young scientists in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory. - 2008. – Lviv, June 5– 6, 2008. Programme and book of abstracts / Author: O. Velychko. – Lviv: Institute for condensed matter physics NAS of Ukraine, 2008 (in Ukrainian);
- ІХ All-Ukrainian school, workshop and competition of young scientists in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory. - 2009. – Lviv, May 28-29, 2009. Programme and book of abstracts / Author: O. Velychko. – Lviv: Institute for condensed matter physics NAS of Ukraine, 2009 (in Ukrainian).
- The 3-rd Conference Statistical Physics: Modern Trends and Applications, 23-25 June 2009, Lviv, Ukraine. Delicated to the 100-th anniversary of Mykola Bogolyubov (1909-1992). Programme and Abstracts. – Lviv, 2009.
- Х All-Ukrainian school, workshop and competition of young scientists in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory. - 2010. – Lviv, June 3-4, 2010. Programme and book of abstracts / Author: O. Velychko. – Lviv: Institute for condensed matter physics NAS of Ukraine, 2010 (in Ukrainian).
- EMLG/JMLG Annual Meeting 2010. Complex liquids: Modern Trends in Exploration, Understanding and Application. 5-9 September 2010, Lviv, Ukraine. Programme and Abstracts. – Lviv, 2010.
- The 36-th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics(MECO 36). 5-7 April 2011, Lviv, Ukraine. Programme and Abstracts. – Lviv, 2011.
- ХІ All-Ukrainian school, workshop and competition of young scientists in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory. - 2011. – Lviv, June 1-3, 2011. Programme and book of abstracts / Author: O. Velychko., Bzovska I. – Lviv: Institute for condensed matter physics NAS of Ukraine, 2011 (in Ukrainian).
- Planer-Smoluchowski Soft Matter Workshop on Liquid Crystal Colloids. 5-7 October 2011, Lviv, Ukraine. Programme, Abstracts, Notebook. – Lviv, 2011
- ХІI All-Ukrainian school, workshop and competition of young scientists in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory. - 2012. – Lviv, May 30 - June 1, 2012. Programme and book of abstracts / Author: O. Velychko., Bzovska I. – Lviv: Institute for condensed matter physics NAS of Ukraine, 2012 (in Ukrainian).
- 4-th Conference on Statistical Physics: Modern Trends and Applications. July 3-6, 2012 Lviv, Ukraine. Book of abstracts. – Lviv, 2012
- ХІII All-Ukrainian school, workshop and competition of young scientists in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory. - 2013. – Lviv, June 5-7, 2013. Programme and book of abstracts / Author: O. Velychko., Bzovska I. – Lviv: Institute for condensed matter physics NAS of Ukraine, 2013 (in Ukrainian).
- ХVI-th All-Ukrainian school, workshop and competition of young scientists in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory. / Author: Bzovska I. – Lviv: Institute for condensed matter physics NAS of Ukraine, 2016 (in Ukrainian)
- ХVII-th All-Ukrainian school, workshop and competition of young scientists in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory. / Author: Dobushovskyi D. – Lviv: Institute for condensed matter physics NAS of Ukraine, 2017 (in Ukrainian)
- ХVIII-th All-Ukrainian school, workshop and competition of young scientists in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory. / Author: Dobushovskyi D. – Lviv: Institute for condensed matter physics NAS of Ukraine, 2018 (in Ukrainian)
- ХIX-th All-Ukrainian school, workshop and competition of young scientists in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory. / Author: Dobushovskyi D. – Lviv: Institute for condensed matter physics NAS of Ukraine, 2019 (in Ukrainian)
- Book of abstracts "III CONIN Workshop: Systems with competing electrostatic and short-range interactions". – Lviv, Ukraine, 1-2 July 2019. – 25 p.;
- Book of abstracts "5-th Conference on Statistical Physics: Modern Trends and Applications". – Lviv, Ukraine, 3-6 July 2019. – 178 p.
- XX Workshop and Award for young researchers in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory. – Lviv: Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of NAS of Ukraine, 2020, 40 p. (in Ukrainian).
- XXI Workshop and Award for young researchers in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory. – Lviv: Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of NAS of Ukraine, 2021, 34 p. (in Ukrainian).
- XXII Workshop for young researchers in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory. – Lviv: Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of NAS of Ukraine, 2022, 40 p. (in Ukrainian).
- XXIII Workshop for young researchers in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory. – Lviv: Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of NAS of Ukraine, 2023, 34 p. (in Ukrainian).