Publishing activity / Publications / 2021
- Strečka J., Karl'ová K., Krupnitska O., On the failure of effective-field theory in predicting a spurious spontaneous ordering and phase transition of Ising nanoparticles, nanoislands, nanotubes and nanowires // Physica E, 133, 114805 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q2.
- Shchur Y., Kityk A.V., Strelchuk V.V., Nikolenko A.S., Andrushchak N.A., Huber P., Andrushchak A.S., Paraelectric KHPO nanocrystals in monolithic mesoporous silica: Structure and lattice dynamics // J. Alloys Compd., 868, 159177 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Blavatska V., Holovatch Y., Spreading processes in post-epidemic environments // Physica A, 573, 125980 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q2.
- Krokhmalskii T., Hutak T., Rojas O., de Souza S.M., Derzhko O., Towards low-temperature peculiarities of thermodynamic quantities for decorated spin chains // Physica A, 573, 125986 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q2.
- Honchar Y., von Ferber C., Holovatch Y., Variety of scaling laws for DNA thermal denaturation // Physica A, 573, 125917 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q2.
- Bryk T., Jakse N., Mryglod I., Ruocco G., Wax J.-F., Comment on "Universal effect of excitation dispersion on the heat capacity and gapped states in fluids" // Phys. Rev. Lett., 126, No. 22, 229601 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Moina A.P., Polarization rotation by external electric field in the two-dimensional antiferroelectric squaric acid HCO // Phys. Rev. B, 103, No. 21, 214104 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Omelyan I., Kozitsky Y., Pilorz K., Algorithm for numerical solutions to the kinetic equation of a spatial population dynamics model with coalescence and repulsive jumps // Numerical Algorithms, 87, No. 2, 895-919 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Verkholyak T., Strečka J., Modified strong-coupling treatment of a spin-1/2 Heisenberg trimerized chain developed from the exactly solved Ising-Heisenberg diamond chain // Phys. Rev. B, 103, No. 18, 184415 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Huerta A., Bryk T., Pergamenshchik V.M., Trokhymchuk A., Collective dynamics in quasi-one-dimensional hard disk system // Front. Phys., 9, 636052 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q2.
- Druchok M., Yarish D., Gurbych O., Maksymenko M., Toward efficient generation, correction, and properties control of unique drug-like structures // J. Comput. Chem., 42, No. 11, 746-760 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Haydukivska K., Kalyuzhnyi O., Blavatska V., Ilnytskyi J., On the swelling properties of pom-pom polymers in dilute solutions. Part 1: Symmetric case // J. Mol. Liq., 328, 115456 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Zholobko O., Hammed A., Zakharchenko A., Borodinov N., Luzinov I., Urbanowicz B., Patsahan T., Ilnytskyi J., Minko S., Pryor S.W., Voronov A., Biomimetic cellulosomes assembled on molecular brush scaffolds: Random complexes vs enzyme mixtures // ACS Appl. Polym. Mater., 3, No. 4, 1840-1853 (2021).
- Kalyuzhnyi Y.V., Nezbeda I., Cummings P.T., Integral equation theory for mixtures of spherical and patchy colloids. 2. Numerical results // Soft Matter, 17, No. 12, 3513-3519 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Patsahan O., Litniewski M., Ciach A., Self-assembly in mixtures with competing interactions // Soft Matter, 17, No. 10, 2883-2899 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Kondrat S., Groda Y., Dudka M., Kornyshev A.A., Oshanin G., Superionic liquids in conducting nanoslits: Insights from theory and simulations // J. Phys. Chem. C, 125, No. 9, 4968-4976 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Bryk T., Mryglod I., Ruocco G., Comment on "Collective modes and gapped momentum states in liquid Ga: Experiment, theory, and simulation" // Phys. Rev. B, 103, No. 9, 096301 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Angelani L., Bryk T., Capaccioli S., Paoluzzi M., Ruocco G., Schirmacher W., Do we understand the solid-like elastic properties of confined liquids? // Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 118, No. 9, e2021288118 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Humenyuk Y.A., Kotrla M., Slanina F., Continuous and discontinuous waves in an ASEP with pockets // J. Stat. Mech.: Theory Exp., 2021, No. 3, 033209 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q3.
- Yaremko Y., Electrodynamics in flat spacetime of six dimensions // J. Math. Phys., 62, No. 3, 032901 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q2.
- Kozitsky Y., Omelyan I., Pilorz K., Jumps and coalescence in the continuum: A numerical study // Appl. Math. Comput., 390, 125610 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1.
- Vdovych A.S., Zachek I.R., Levitskii R.R., Influence of the stresses σ5 and σ6 and the electric field E1 on the thermodynamic parameters of GPI ferroelectric materials // Ukr. J. Phys., 66, No. 1, 69-78 (2021); Scopus, Q4.
- Hutak T., Krokhmalskii T., Rojas O., Martins de Souza S., Derzhko O., Low-temperature thermodynamics of the two-leg ladder Ising model with trimer rungs: A mystery explained // Phys. Lett. A, 387, 127020 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q2.
- Stetsiv R.Ya., Farenyuk O.Ya., State diagrams of one-dimensional ion conductors with the two minima local anharmonic potential for ions // J. Phys. Stud., 25, No. 2, 2702 (2021); Scopus, Q4.
- Ilnytskyi J.M., Modeling of the covid-19 pandemic in the limit of no acquired immunity // Math. Model. Comput., 8, No. 2, 282-303 (2021); Scopus, Q3.
- Vdovych A.S., Longitudinal and transverse electrocaloric effects in glycinium phosphite ferroelectric // Ukr. J. Phys., 66, No. 5, 412-423 (2021); Scopus, Q4.
- Kostrobij P.P., Markovych B.M., Ryzha I.A., Tokarchuk M.V., Statistical theory of catalytic hydrogen oxidation processes. Basic equations // Math. Model. Comput., 8, No. 2, 267-281 (2021); Scopus, Q3.
- Kostrobij P.P., Ivashchyshyn F.O., Markovych B.M., Tokarchuk M.V., Microscopic theory of the influence of dipole superparamagnetics (type >) on current flow in semiconductor layered structures (type GaSe, InSe) // Math. Model. Comput., 8, No. 1, 89-105 (2021); Scopus, Q3.
- Shpot M.A., Boundary conformal field theory at the extraordinary transition: The layer susceptibility to O(ε) // J. High Energy Phys., No. 1, 55 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q2.
- Gálisová L., Strečka J., Verkholyak T., Havadej S., Magnetization plateaus and bipartite entanglement of an exactly solved spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg orthogonal-dimer chain // Physica E, 125, 114089 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q2.
- Stetsiv R.Ya., One-particle spectral densities and phase diagrams of one-dimensional proton conductors // Condens. Matter Phys., 24, No. 2, 23704 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q3.
- Palchykov V., Krasnytska M., Mryglod O., Holovatch Yu., A mechanism for evolution of the physical concepts network // Condens. Matter Phys., 24, No. 2, 24001 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q3.
- Shvaika A., Shpot M., Schirmacher W., Bryk T., Ruocco G., Comment on “Universal origin of boson peak vibrational anomalies in ordered crystals and in amorphous materials” // Phys. Rev. Lett., 127, No. 17, 179601 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1;
- Trokhymchuk A., Pergamenshchik V.M., Huerta A., Bryk T., Reply to Comment on “Kosterlitz-Thouless-type caging-uncaging transition in a quasi-one-dimensional hard disk system” // Phys. Rev. Res., 3, 038002 (2021); Scopus;
- Verkholyak T., Kuzmak A., Kondrat S., Capaciti ve energy storage in single-file pores: Exactly-solvable models and simulations // J. Chem. Phys., 155, 174112 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1;
- Sarkanych P., Holovatch Yu., Kenna R., Yavors'kii T., Extracting partition function zeros from Fukui-Todo simulations // EPL, 135, No. 3, 37003 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q2;
- Krasnytska M., Berche B., Holovatch Yu., Kenna R Generalized Ising model on a scale-free network: An interplay of power laws // Entropy, 23, No. 9, 1175 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q2;
- Holovatch Yu., von Ferber C., Honchar Yu., DNA thermal denaturation by polymer field theory approach: effects of the environment // Condens. Matter Phys., 24, 33603 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q3;
- Shapoval D., Dudka M., Bénichou O., Oshanin G., Binary lattice-gases of particles with soft exclusion: Exact phase diagrams for tree-like lattices // J. Phys. A, 54, 385003 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q2;
- Palchykov V., Krasnytska M., Mryglod O., Holovatch Yu., Network of scientific concepts: Empirical analysis and modeling // Adv. Complex Syst., 24, 2140001 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q2;
- Mryglod O., Nazarovets S., Kozmenko S., Universal and specific features of Ukrainian economic research: publication analysis based on Crossref data // Scientometrics, 126, 8187 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1;
- Holovatch Yu., The whole is more than a sum of its parts // Herald of the National Acad. Sci. of Ukraine, 12, 18 (2021)(in Ukrainian);
- Holovatch Yu., Honchar Yu., Krasnytska M., Physics and physicists in the Shevchenko scientific society. – In: Leopolis Scientifica. Exact Sciences in Lviv until the Middle of the 20th Century, O. Petruk (Ed.), Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics, Lviv, 2021, pp. 273-302.
- Dudka M., Holovatch Yu., Samotyj R., Clandestine Ukrainian higher schools in Lviv. – In: Leopolis Scientifica. Exact Sciences in Lviv until the Middle of the 20th Century, O. Petruk (Ed.), Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics, Lviv, 2021, pp. 74-106.
- Nazarovets S., Mryglod O., Multilingualism of Ukrainian humanities: How it is seen globally // 18th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, ISSI 2021, 1521-1522 (2021); Scopus;
- Kalyuzhnyi Y.V. , Patsahan T. , Holovko M., Cummings P.T. , Solution of the associative MSA for the patchy colloidal model with dipole-dipole interaction / /J. Mol. Liq., 342, 116956 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1;
- Holovko M.F., Korvatska M.Y., Clustering effects on the diffusion of patchy colloids in disordered porous media // Condens. Matter Phys., 24, 33605 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q3;
- Hvozd M.V., Patsahan O.V., Patsahan T.M., Holovko M.F., Fluid-fluid phase behaviour in the explicit hard spherocylinder solvent ionic model confined in a disordered porous medium // J. Mol. Liq., 117888 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1;
- Kostrobij P., Markovych B., Tokarchuk M., Ryzha I. Generalized diffusion equation with nonlocality of space-time: Analytical and numerical analysis // J. Math. Phys., 62, 103304 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q2;
- Kostrobij P., Grygorchak I., Markovych B., Ryzha I., Viznovych O., Tokarchuk M., Modeling of subdiffusion impedance in multilayer nanostructures // 2021 11th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies, ACIT 2021, 200-203 (2021); Scopus;
- Druchok M., Yarish D., Garkot S., Nikolaienko T., Gurbych O., Ensembling machine learning models to boost molecular affinity prediction // Comput. Biol. Chem., 93, 107529 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q3;
- Nezbeda I., Vlachy V., Trokhymchuk A., Yuriy Kalyuzhnyi’s lifetime in Science // Condens. Matter Phys., 24, 30101 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q3;
- Kityk A.V., Nowak M., Reben M., Pawlik P., Lelonek M., Andrushchak A., Shchur Ya., Andrushchak N., Huber P., Dynamic Kerr and Pockels electro-optics of liquid crystals in nanopores for active photonic metamaterials // Nanoscale, 13, 18714-18725 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1;
- Skorobagatko G.A., Universal separability criterion for arbitrary density matrices from causal properties of separable and entangled quantum states // Sci. Rep., 11, 15866 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1;
- Moina A.P., Influence of external field direction on polarization rotation in antiferroelectric squaric acid H2C4O4 // Condens. Matter Phys., 24, No. 4, 43703 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q3;
- Baran O.R., Energy flux effect in the one-dimensional spin-1/2 XX model of magnetoelectric. Lagrange multiplier method // Ukr. J. Phys., 66, No. 10, 890-907 (2021); Scopus, Q4;
- Vdovych A.S., Levitskii R.R., Zachek I.R., Moina A.P., Influence of uniaxial and hydrostatic pressures and a longitudinal electric field on the thermodynamic characteristics of the quasi-one-dimensional ferroelectric CsH2PO4 // J. Phys. Stud., 25, No. 3, 3702 (2021); Scopus, Q4;
- Levitskii R.R., Zachek I.R., Vdovych A.S., Bilenka O.B., Influence of the uniaxial stress p2 and transverse fields E1 and E3 on the phase transitions and thermodynamic characteristics of GPI ferroelectric materials // Math. Model. Comput., 8, No. 3, 454–464 (2021); Scopus, Q3;
- Ciach A. , Patsahan O. , Correct scaling of the correlation length from a theory for concentrated electrolytes // J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 33, No. 37, 37LT01 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1;
- Patsahan O., Meyra A., Ciach A., Correlation functions in mixtures with energetically favoured nearest neighbours of different kind: a size-asymmetric case // Mol. Phys., 119, No. 15-16, e1820091 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q2;
- Stelmakh A., Aebli M., Baumketner A., Kovalenko M.V., On the mechanism of alkylammonium ligands binding to the surface of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals // Chem. Mater., 33, No. 15, 5962-5973 (2021); WoS, Scopus, Q1;
- Patsahan O.V., Patsahan T.M., Holovko M.F., In: Scientific council for problem of “Soft matter physics”. Brief summary of activity in 2016–2020 years, Lviv-Kyiv, 2021, pp. 22-31 (in Ukrainian).
- Trokhymchuk A., Melnyk R., In: Scientific council for problem of “Soft matter physics”. Brief summary of activity in 2016–2020 years, Lviv-Kyiv, 2021, pp. 37-46 (in Ukrainian).
- Baumketner A., In: Scientific council for problem of “Soft matter physics”. Brief summary of activity in 2016–2020 years, Lviv-Kyiv, 2021, pp. 71-83 (in Ukrainian).
- Kostrobij P.P., Hryhorchak I.I., Markovych B.M., Viznovych O.V., Tokarchuk M.V., In: Scientific council for problem of “Soft matter physics”. Brief summary of activity in 2016–2020 years, Lviv-Kyiv, 2021, pp. 92-98 (in Ukrainian).
- Holovatch Yu.V., Ivankiv O.L., Patsahan T.M., In: Yurii Volodymyrovych Kalyuzhnyi: Bibliographic index. Bibliographies of Ukrainian scientists series, Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, 2021, pp. 3-16 (in Ukrainian).
- Duviryak A.A., In: Yurij Hryhorovych Yaremko: Bibliographic index. Bibliographies of Ukrainian scientists series, Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, 2021, pp. 3-9 (in Ukrainian).
- Mryglod I.M., Tokarchuk M.V., In: Ihor Petrovych Omelyan: Bibliographic index. Bibliographies of Ukrainian scientists series, Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, 2021, pp. 3-10 (in Ukrainian).
- Mryglod I., Ivankiv O., Svitohlyad, 4(90), 13-18 (2021) (in Ukrainian).
- Mryglod I., Svitohlyad, 3, 10-13 (2021) (in Ukrainian).
- Bakai O., Gusynin V., Zasenko V., Zinovjev G., Izotov Y., Lev B., Loktev V., Mryglod I., Petrov E., Sitenko Y., Slyusarenko Y., Shulga M., Yukhnovskii I., Anatoly Glibovych Zagorodny (to the 70th anniversary of his birth) // Ukr. J. Phys., 66, 87 (2021); Scopus, Q4;
- Dudka M., Holovatch Yu., Vivat Academia! Vivant Professores! (To the centenary of the clandestine Ukrainian university in Lviv) // Herald of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, 65, 49-59 (2021) (in Ukrainian).