Publishing activity / Preprints
Preprints of ICMP of NAS of Ukraine are issued since 1991. Abstracts of preprints are indexed in the database ISI Web of Knowledge. During the period 1999-2008, 264 preprints which cover all areas of scientific researches of the Institute have been published. The authors of preprints of ICMP of NAS of Ukraine are the employees of the Institute and scientists from other scientific institutions of Ukraine and from abroad.
ICMP preprints are available in the electronic form (both abstracts and full texts) since 1996. Abstracts are shown to the reader once the title is clicked in the list of preprints. Full texts in the LaTeX, PostScript and PDF formats are available for downloading once the src, ps, or pdf link is chosen, respectively.
Notes for Contributors
Any paper concerning modern problems of condensed matter theory which was prepared in the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics or reported on the seminar of the Institute and recommended for publication by the Scientific Council of the Institute can be submitted for publication.
An article in English or Ukrainian should be prepared in LaTeX format using the special style format icmpprep.sty. You can download it along with a set of templates for different Ukrainian encodings: DOS (cp866nav), Windows (cp1251), or koi8-u. Author's original of the article (including all files requested) is to be sent by e-mail or delivered directly to the technical editor.
All figures should be inserted in their places in the text. The only allowable picture format is Encapsulated PostScript (EPS). Use at least 300 DPI resolution for bitmapped pictures.