Publishing activity / Publications / 2000
- Baran O.R., Levitskii R.R. Pair correlation functions of the Ising type model with spin 1 within two-particle cluster approximation. // Phys.stat.sol (b), 2000, 219 p.357-364.
- Barthel J., H. Krienke, Holovko M.F., V.I. Kapko, Protsykevich I.A. The application of the associative mean spherical approximation in the theory of nonaqueous electrolyte solutions. // Cond. Matt. Phys., 2000, vol. 3, No. 3(23), p. 657-674.
- Batsevych O.F., Mryglod I.M., Tokarchuk M.V., and Rudavskii Yu.K. Hydrodynamic collective modes and time-dependent correlation functions of a multicomponent ferromagnetic mixture. // Fundamental and applied problems of modern physics. Proc.of 2nd International Smakula Symposium., 2000, p 8-9.
- Batsevych O.F., Mryglod I.M., Rudavskii Yu.K., Tokarchuk M.V. Spectrum of hydrodynamic excitations and time correlation functions of a mixture of magnetic and nonmagnetic particles // Ukr. Phys. Journ., 2000, 45, N 10, p. 1250-1261.
- Batsevych O.F., Mryglod I.M., Rudavskii Yu.K., Tokarchuk M.V. Time correlations functions of multicomponent of liquid of magnetic and nomagnetic particles // Bull. of State Univ. Lviv University, Electronics, 2000, N 397, p. 97-100. (in Ukrainian)
- Ben-Amotz D., Omelyan I.P. Cavity formation energies for diatomic and spherical solutes in a diatomic hard body fluid // J. Chem. Phys., vol. 113, No 10, p. 4349-4358 (2000).
- Bryk T., D.Bylander, L.Kleinman. Magnetism of the V(001) surface in the generalized gradient opproximation // Phys. Rev. B. 2000, v. 61, N6, p. R3780-R3783.
- Bryk T., Mryglod I. Optic-like excitations in binary liquids: transverse dynamics// J. Phys.: Cond. Matter, 2000, v. 12, N28, p. 6063- 6076.
- Bryk T., Mryglod I., Collective excitations in liquid bismuth // J. Phys.: Cond. Matter, 2000, v. 12, N15, p. 3543-3558.
- Bryk T., Mryglod I., Generalized hydrodynamics of binary liquids: transverse collective modes // Phys. Rev. E. 2000, v. 62, N2, p. 2188-2199.
- Checherov K.P., Kumshaev S.B., Tokarchuk M.V. Scale of radionuclide emission at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power plant in 1986. (The analysis of estimations) // Cond. Matt. Phys., 2000, vol. 3, N 3(23), p. 597-606.
- Chialvo A.A., P.G. Kusalik, Kalyuzhnyi Yu.V., P.T. Cummings. Applications of integral equation calculations to high-temperature solvation phenomena. // J. Stat. Phys., 2000, vol. 100, No. 1/2, p. 167.
- Derzhko O. The ground state properties of the spin-1/2 transverse Ising chain with periodically varying bonds and fields.// Journal of Physics A, 2000, 33, 48, p.8627-8634.
- Derzhko O., Krokhmalskii T. Dynamics of transverse correlation in spin-1/2 isotropic XY chain with correlated Lorentzian disorder. // physica status solidi (b), 2000, 217, 2, p.927-938.
- Derzhko O., Krokhmalskii T., Stolze J. Dynamics of the spin-1/2 isotropic XY chain in transverse field // J.Phys.A: Math. Gen. 2000, 33, p. 3063-3080.
- Derzhko O., Richter J., Zaburannyi O. Local magnetic properties of periodic nonuniform spin-1/2 XX chains. // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2000, 222, 1-2, p.207-218.
- Derzhko O., Richter J., Zaburannyi O. Spin-1/2 periodic nonuniform XX chains and the spin-Peierls instability. -// Acta Physica Polonica A, 2000, 97, 5, p.931-934.
- Derzhko O., Richter J., Zaburannyi O. Spin-Peierls instability in a quantum spin chain with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction.// Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 40, p.8661-8668.
- Derzhko O., Richter J., Zaburannyi O. Thermodynamic properties of the periodic nonuniform spin-1/2 isotropic XY chains in a transverse field.// Physica A, 2000, 282, 3-4, p.495-524.
- Diehl H.W., Shpot M., Critical behaviour at m-axial Lifshitz points: field-theory analysis and e -expansion results // Phys. Rev. B 62, 12338-12349 (2000).
- Dubyk S.O., Rudavskii Yu.K., Mryglod I.M., Tokarchuk M.V. Time correlation functions of Heisenberg ferrofluid. // Fundamental and applied problems of modern physics. Proc.of 2nd International Smakula Symposium., 2000, p 41-42.
- Duda Y., F. Lara Ochoa, Trokhymchuk A. Adsorption of chain molecules into a thin film structure and solvation interaction versus molecular flexibilty. // Colloids and Surfaces A, 2000, vol. 161, p. 477-488.
- Duda Y., I. Garcia, Trokhymchuk A., and D. Henderson. The correlation in molecule fluid. Integral equation theory and MC study. // Mol.Phys., 2000, vol. 98, p. 1287-1283.
- Duviryak A., Classical mechanics of relativistic particle with colour, Proc. Inst. Math. NAS of Ukraine, 2000, v.30, part 2, p. 473-480.
- Folk R., Holovatch Yu., T. Yavors'kii. Effective and asymptotic critical exponents of weakly diluted quenched Ising model: 3d approach versus?e expansion. // Phys. Rev B, vol. 61 (2000) pp. 15114 - 15129.
- Folk R., Holovatch Yu., T. Yavors'kii. Pseudo-e -expansion of six-loop renormalization-group functions of an anisotropic cubic model.// Phys. Rev B, 2000, 62, p. 12195 - 12200.
- Gurskii Z., On collective variables method in the microscopic theory of alloys.// Cond. Matt. Phys., 2000, v. 3, N2(22), p. 307-334.
- Henderson D., I. Garcia, S. Sokolowski, and Trokhymchuk A. Overlapping Associating Fluids with Directional Bonds in a Bulk and Near a Hard Wall: Monte Carlo Study. // J. Stat. Phys., 2000, vol. 100, No. 1/2, p. 153-166.
- Holovko M.F., Vakarin E.V. Modelling of the elementary surface processes occuring in the course of heterogeneous catalytic reactions. // Cond. Matt. Phys., 2000, vol. 3, No. 2(22), p. 417-436.
- Holovko M.F., Mudry R.S. The associative effects in dipole systems: Influence on critical behaviour. // Ukr. Phys. Journ., 2000, vol. 45, No. 1, p. 112-117.
- Holovko M.F., V.I. Kapko. Associative mean spherical approximation for ion-molecular systems: Ion-dipole model with ionic, molecular and ion-molecular associations. // J. Mol. Liquids, 2000, vol. 87, p. 109-128.
- Holovko M.F., Kalyuzhnyi Yu.V., M. Yu. Druchok.On the theory of cation hydrolysis in aqueous electrolyte solutions // J. Phys. Studies, 2000, 4, No 1, p. 100-107.
- Holovko M.F., Kalyuzhnyi Yu.V., M.Yu. Druchok. Microscopic theory of cation hydrolysis in aqeous solutions of electrolytes. - Fundamental and applied problems of modern physics, Proceedings of II Int. Smakula symposium, Ternopil, 2000, p. 19-20.
- Holovko M.F., Z.V.Polishchuk, On a statistical theory of ion-molecular systems adsorbed in dielectric and charged matrices. - Fundamental and applied problems of modern physics, Proceedings of II Int. Smakula symposium, Ternopil, 2000, p. 22-24.
- Holovko M.F. A multidensity integral equation approach to the theory of complex fluids: A new application to ionic systems. // Ukr. Phys. Journ., 2000, vol. 45, No. 4/5, p. 502-507.
- Holovko M.F A new modern book on electrolyte solutions. // Cond. Matt. Phys., 2000, vol. 3, No. 2(22), p. 457-458.
- Kalyuzhnyi Yu.V., L. Blum, J. Rescic, G. Stell. Solution of the AMSA for a multicomponent dimerizing hard-sphere multi-Yukawa fluid. // J. Chem. Phys., 2000, vol. 113, p. 1135.
- Kalyuzhnyi Yu.V., Holovko M.F., V. Vlachy. Highly asymmetric electrolytes in the associative mean-spherical approximation. // J. Stat. Phys., 2000, vol. 100, No. 1/2, p. 243-263.
- Kalyuzhnyi Yu.V., P.T. Cummings. Equations of state from the analytically solvable integral equation approximations. // In IUPAC volume on Equations of State for fluid and fluid mixtures, eds. J.V. Sengers, R.F. Kayser, C.J. Peters, H.J. White, Elsevier-2000, Chapter 6, p. 169-254.
- Kobryn A.E., Tokarchuk M.V., Humenyuk Y.A. Enskog-Landau kinetic equation for multicomponent mixture. Analytical calculation of transport coefficients. // The European Phys. Journ. B, 2000, vol. 13, p. 579-583.
- Korynevskii N.A. Spontaneous polarization in ferroelectric system close to the phase transition point.// Cond. Matt. Phys., 2, No 4(20) p. 631-641, 1999.
- Kostrobij P.P., Rudavskii Yu.K., Tokarchuk M.V. Electron kinetics and gas atomic diffusion in a system ``metal-adsorbat-gas-tip''. Generalized transfer equations // Journ. Phys. Studies, 2000, 4, N 2, p. 169-184.
- Kovalenko A., Hirata F., and Masahiro Kinoshita. Hydration structure and stability of Met-enkephalin studied by a three-dimensional reference interaction site model with a repulsive bridge correction and a thermodynamic perturbation method. // J. Chem. Phys., 2000, vol. 113, p. 9830-9836.
- Kovalenko A., Hirata F. Hydration free energy of hydrophobic solutes studied by a reference interaction site model with a repulsive bridge correction and a thermodynamic perturbation method. // J. Chem. Phys., 2000, vol. 113, p. 2793-2805.
- Kovalenko A., Hirata F. Potentials of mean force of simple ions in ambient aqueous solution. I. Three-dimensional reference interaction site model approach. // J. Chem. Phys., 2000, vol. 112, p. 10391-10402.
- Kovalenko A., Hirata F. Potentials of mean force of simple ions in ambient aqueous solution. II. Solvation structure from the three-dimensional reference interaction site model approach, and comparison with simulations. // J. Chem. Phys., 2000, vol. 112, p. 10403-10417.
- Kozlovskii M.P. A method to evaluate the size of critical region of temperatures for a 3D system with exponentially decaying interaction potential // Ukr. Phys. Journ., 45, No6, p.753.
- Kozlovskii M.P., Dukhovii V.V., Pylyuk I.V. Dependence of the critical temperature on microscopic parameters in the three-dimensional Ising-like systems // Cond. Matt. Phys. - 2000. - 3, No 4(24). - P. 727-736.
- Kozlovskii M.P., Dukhovii V.V., Pylyuk I.V. Self-consistent description of the critical behaviour of three-dimensional Ising-like systems: The phase transition temperature as a function of microscopic parameters // Ukr. Phys. Journ - 2000, 45, No 4-5, P. 512-514.
- Kozlovskii M.P., Patsahan O.V., Melnyk R.S. A study of the gas-liquid critical point of a binary symmetric mixture. // Ukr. Phys. Journ.- 2000, 45, No 3, p. 381-388.
- Krienke H., J. Barthel, Holovko M.F., Protsykevich I.A., Trokhymchuk A. Osmotic and activity coefficients associated electrolytes over large concentration ranges from chemical model calculations. // J. Mol. Liquids, 2000, vol. 87, p. 191-216.
- Levitskii R.R., Sorokov S.I., Baran O.R. Reference approach in theory of pseudospin systems. // Cond. Matt. Phys., 2000, 3, No 3(23) p.515-543.
- Lin C.T., Stell G., Kalyuzhnyi Yu.V. Structural and thermodynamic properties of freely-jointed hard-sphere rings and chains. //J. Chem. Phys., 2000, vol. 112, No. 6, p. 3071.
- Melnyk R.S., Patsahan O.V. Vapour-liquid critical point properties of a symmetric binary fluid mixture // Theor. Math. Phys., 2000, 124, No. 2, p. 1145-1156.
- Mryglod I., Folk R., Dubyk S., Rudavskii Yu. Hydrodynamic time correlation functions of a Heisenberg ferrofluid // Physica A., 2000, vol. 277, iss. 3-4, p. 389-404.
- Mryglod I.M., Dubyk S.O., Rudavskii Yu.K., Mechanism of formating spin-wave-like excitations in a magnetic liquid // Journ. Phys. Studies.- 2000.- 4, No 3.- p.259-265.
- Nazarenko A., Canonical realization of the Poincare algebra for a relativistic system of charged particles plus electromagnetic field, Proc. Inst. Math. NAS of Ukraine, 2000, v.30, part 2, p. 343-349.
- Nazarenko A., Tretyak V., Classical relativistic systems of charged particles in the front form of dynamics and the Liouville equation. // Cond. Matt. Phys., 2000, v. 3, N1(21), p. 5-22.
- Omelyan I.P., Tokarchuk M.V. The modified collective-mode approach: dielectric relaxation in water // J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, vol. 12, No 30, p. L505-L512 (2000).
- Omelyan I.P., Mryglod I.M. and Folk R. Conservation-laws-preserving algorithms for spin dynamics simulations // Europhys. Lett., 2000, vol. 52, No 6, p. 603-609 (2000).
- Omelyan I.P., Mryglod I.M. and Folk R. Spin dynamics simulations of collective excitations in magnetic liquids // Cond. Matt. Phys., 2000, vol. 3, No 3(23), p. 497-514.
- Patsahan O.V., Kozlovskii M.P. Description of the critical behaviour of model systems using non-Gaussian meassures// Cond. Matt. Phys., 2000, 3, No. 3, p. 607-631.
- Patsahan O.V., Kozlovskii M.P., Melnyk R.S. Ab initio study of the vapour-liquid critical point of a symmetrical binary fluid mixture // J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2000, 12, p. 1595-1612.
- Pavlenko N.I. Peierls instabilities in quasi-one-dimensional quantum double-well chain. // Phys. Rev. B, 2000, vol. 61, No. 7, p. 4988-4993.
- Pavlenko N.I. Proton Hopping Conductivity in Quasi-One-Dimensional Hydrogen-Bonded Chains. // Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 2000, vol. 218, p. 295-298.
- Pavlenko N.I. Some peculiarities of proton transport in quasi-one-dimensional hydrogen-bonded chains. // J. Chem. Phys., 2000, vol. 112, No. 19, p. 8637-8644.
- Protsykevich I.A., Holovko M.F., Kondrat S.V. The reference system for a highly asymmetric electrolyte solutions: The analytical treatment. // J. Mol. Liquids, 2000, vol. 88, p. 65-75.
- Romano S., Sokolovskii R.O. Plane rotator lattice gas in an external field. // Phys. Rev. B, 2000, 61, p.11379.
- Sato H, Kovalenko A., and Hirata F. Self-consistent field, ab initio molecular orbital and three-dimensional reference interaction site model study for solvation effect on carbon monoxide in aqueous solution. // J. Chem. Phys., 2000, vol. 112, p. 9463-9468.
- Shapovalov V., Thanh N. Truong, Kovalenko A., and Hirata F. Liquid structure at metal oxide-water interface: accuracy of a three-dimensional RISM methodology. // Chem. Phys. Lett., 2000, vol. 320, p. 186-193.
- Shovgenyuk M.V., Fitio V.M., Muravsky L.I., Hlushak P.A. Fast hybrid joint transform correlator // Journ. Phys. Studies, 2000, 4, No 3, p. 282-290.
- Shpytko V., Tretyak V. Time-asymmetric Fokker-type action and relativistic wave equations// J. Phys. A. 2000, v. 33, N32, p. 5719-5738.
- Shpytko V., Weyl-type quantization rules and N-particle canonical realization of the Poincare algebra in the two-dimensional space-time, Proc. Inst. Math. NAS of Ukraine, 2000, v.30, part 2, p. 616-623.
- Shvaika A.M. An analytical strong coupling approach for strongly correlated electron systems. //Fundamental and applied problems of modern physics, Proceedings of II Int. Smakula symposium, Ternopil, 2000, p.84-85.
- Shvaika A.M. Dynamical susceptibilities in strong coupling approach. // Physica C, 2000, vol. 341-348, No. 1-4, p. 177-178.
- Shvaika A.M. Strong-coupling approach for strongly correlated electron systems. // Phys. Rev. B, 2000, vol. 62, No. 4, p. 2358-2371; Erratum: vol. 62, No. 19, p. 13232.
- Sokolovska T.G., Sokolovskii R.O., Holovko M.F. Orientational ordering in fluids with partially constrained molecule orientations. // Phys. Rev. E., 2000, 62, p. 6771-6779.
- Sokolovskii R.O. Effect of external magnetic field on gas-liquid transition in the Ising spin fluid. // // Phys. Rev. B, 2000, 61, p. 36-39.
- Stasyuk I.V., Golubets' T.V. The distribution function and stability conditions of polymer complexes of uranile with double bridges of hydrogen bonds // Journ. Phys. Studies, 2000, 4, No3, p. 355-365.
- Stasyuk I., Sizonenko Yu., Hilczer B., Polomska M. Order-Disorder and Structural Relaxation Phenomena in Crystals with Hydrogen Bonds. // Ferroelectrics, 2000, vol. 239, p. 149-156.
- Stasyuk I, Sizonenko Yu., Hilczer B., Polomska M. Structural relaxation and localization-delocalization phenomena in superionic crystals with hydrogen bonds. // Mol. Phys. Rep., 2000, vol. 27, p. 108-114.
- Stasyuk I.V. Approximate analytical dynamical mean-field approach to strongly correlated electron systems. // Cond. Matt. Phys., 2000, vol. 3, No. 2(22), p. 437-456.
- Stasyuk I.V. Problems of the proton transport theory in crystals and molecular systems. Fundamental and applied problems of modern physics, Proceedings of II Int. Smakula symposium, Ternopil, 2000, p.75.
- Stasyuk I.V., Danyliv O.D. Thermodynamics of pseudospin-electron model in mean field approximation. // phys. stat. sol. b, 2000, vol. 219, p. 299-312.
- Stasyuk I.V., Holubets T.V. Thermodynamics of molecular complexes of polymere type linked by hydrogen bonds ``Fundamental and applied problems of modern physics'', Proceedings of II Int. Smakula symposium, Ternopil, 2000, p. 77-78.
- Stasyuk I.V., Levitskii R.R., Zachek I.R., Moina A.P. The KD2PO4 ferroelectrics in external fields conjugate to the order parameter: stress s6. // Phys. Rev. B., 2000, 62, 10, p.6198-6207.
- Stasyuk I.V., Levitskii R.R., Zachek I.R., Moina A.P. Influence of shear stress s6 on phase transition and phase properties of KD2PO4 type ferroelectrics // Journ. Phys. Studies, 2000, ,4, p. 190-201.(in Ukrainian)
- Stasyuk I.V., Mysakovych T.S. Raman light scattering for systems with strong short-range interaction. // Cond. Matt. Phys., 2000, vol. 3, No. 1(21), p. 183-200.
- Stasyuk I.V., Mysakovych T.S. Raman scattering in locally anharmonic model with strong electron correlation. // Physica C: Superconductivity, 2000, vol. 341-348, p. 171-172.
- Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M., Tabunshchyk K.V. Self-consistent approach for the thermodynamics of a simplified pseudospin-electron model. // Ukr. Phys.Journ, 2000, vol. 45, No. 4-5, p. 520-528.
- Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M., Tabunshchyk K.V. Thermodynamics of pseudospin-electron model in the U=0 limit. // Acta Physica Polonica A, 2000, vol. 97, No. 3, p. 411-414.
- Stasyuk I.V., Velychko O.V. Configurational model of metal ion complex formation in water solutions. // Physics and Chemistry of Liquids, 2000, vol. 38, p. 743-757.
- Stasyuk I.V., Velychko O.V. Microscopic model of phase transition in the crystals of DMAAlS and DMAGaS type. // J. Phys. Studies, 2000, vol. 4, No. 1, p. 92-99.
- Stasyuk I.V., Velychko O.V., Czapla Z., Czukwinski R. Thermodynamics and dielectric anomalies of DMAAS and DMAGaS crystals in the region of phase transitions (Landau theory approach). // Cond. Matt. Phys., 2000, vol. 3, No. 1, p. 213-222.
- Stasyuk I.V., Vorobyov O.A. Energy spectrum and thermodynamics of one-dimensional proton conductor. // Fundamental and applied problems of modern physics, Proceedings of II Int. Smakula symposium, Ternopil, 2000, p. 75-77.
- Tabunshchyk K.V. Hamiltonian-Jacobi method for classical mechanics in Grassmann algebra. // J. Phys. Studies, 2000, vol. 4, No. 1, p. 57-60.
- Tokarchuk M.V., Humenyuk Y.A. General expressions of the second-order approximation of the Chapman-Enskog method for the Enskog-Landau kinetic equation. // Cond. Matt. Phys., 2000, vol. 3, N 4, p. 711-726.
- Tokarchuk M.V., Kobryn A.E., Humenyuk Y.A. Transfer coefficients of dense gaseous mixtures of charged and non-charged particles // Journ. Phys. Studies., 2000, 4, No 1, p. 23 - 36.
- Tokarchuk M.V., Omelyan I.P., Kobryn A.E. Kinetic equation for liquids with a multistep potential of interaction: Calculation of transport coefficients // Phys. Rev.E.vol. 62, No 6 p. 8021-8036 (2000).
- Urbic T., V. Vlachy, Kalyuzhnyi Yu.V., N.T. Southall, K.A. Dill. A two-dimensional model of water: Theory and computer simulations. // J. Chem. Phys., 2000, vol. 112, No. 6, p.2843.
- Usatenko Z.E., Kozlovskii M.P., Thermodynamic characteristics of the classical n-vector magnetic model in three dimensions, Phys. Rev. B. 62, No 14, p. 9599-9615, 2000.
- Vavrukh M. V., Paslavskii V.N., Tyshko N.L. Temperature dependence of local field correction. //Journ. Phys. Studies.99, 2000, 4, p. 6-15. (in Ukrainian)
- Yaremko Yu., The tangent groups of a Lie group and gauge invariance in classical mechanics, Proc. Inst. Math. NAS of Ukraine, 2000, v.30, part 2, p. 544-550.
- Yukhnovskii I.R., Tokarchuk M.V., Omelyan I.P., Zhelem R.I. Statistical theory for diffusion of radionuclides in ground and subterranean water.// Radiat. Phys. and Chem., 2000, vol. 59, p.361-375.