Research / Main Fields of activity
Main Fields of activity
The main fields of activities of the Institute, approved by Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine, are:
- Statistical theory of condensed matter
- Computer simulations of physical processes in solid state and soft matter
- Physics of complex systems.
Subjects of Scientific Research
Fundamental studies:
- Methods of statistical physics and computer simulations
- Theory of liquids and solutions
- Theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena
- Quantum theory of solids
- Nonequlibrium processes and transport phenomena
- Theory of relativistic systems
- Soft matter physics
- Physics of surface and heterogeneous catalysis
Applied studies:
- Physical and chemical properties of fuel-containing materials in the "Shelter" facility
- Theoretical methods of optically distinguishing images and protecting information
- Modern information and computer technologies in science and education
Directions of scientific and organizational activities:
- Training of high quality personnel
- Publishing activity
- Scientific cooperation
- Conferences, meetings, seminars
- Coordination of research