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Seminars of departments

Seminars of departments

Date Department Speaker Affiliation Presentation title
13.02.2025, Thu 15:30
Statistical theory of condensed systems
Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems
Ostap Kalyuzhnyi ICMP NAS of Ukraine


6.02.2025, Thu 15:30
Statistical theory of condensed systems
Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems
Maksym Dudka ICMP NAS of Ukraine

Critical behavior of systems with long-range interactions and disorder: a nonperturative renormalization group approach

6.02.2025, Thu 15:30
Statistical theory of condensed systems
Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems
Maksym Dudka ICMP NAS of Ukraine

Critical behavior of systems with long-range interactions and disorder: a nonperturative renormalization group approach

30.01.2025, Thu 15:30
Statistical theory of condensed systems
Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems
Ihor Pylyuk ICMP NAS of Ukraine

Effect of microscopic parameters on critical thermodynamic parameters of a cell model with Curie-Weiss interaction

23.01.2025, Thu 15:30
Statistical theory of condensed systems
Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems
Khristine Haydukivska ICMP NAS of Ukraine

Conformational transitions in brush copolymers

16.01.2025, Thu 15:30
Statistical theory of condensed systems
Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems
Leïla Moueddene Université de Lorraine, France

Critical and tricritical behaviour of the Blume-Capel model through the partition function zeros

2.01.2025, Thu 15:30
Statistical theory of condensed systems
Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems
Dmytro Yaremchuk ICMP NAS of Ukraine

Catalytic gels (a review)

19.12.2024, Thu 15:30
Statistical theory of condensed systems
Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems
Volodymyr Pastukhov Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Examples of local interactions in low-dimensional non-relativistic field theories

17.12.2024, Tue 16:00 Quantum statistics Oleh Velychko ICMP

The ground state analysis for the extended model of SPS-type ferroelectrics

12.12.2024, Thu 15:30
Statistical theory of condensed systems
Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems
Yulian Honchar ICMP NAS of Ukraine

Phase transition in the Ising model on a hierarchical random graph

5.12.2024, Thu 15:30
Statistical theory of condensed systems
Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems
Petro Sarkanych ICMP NAS of Ukraine

Collective decision-making: optimizing susceptibility through various mechanisms

5.12.2024, Thu 11:00
Statistical theory of condensed systems
Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems
Petro Sarkanych ICMP NAS of Ukraine

Collective decision-making: optimizing susceptibility through various mechanisms

28.11.2024, Thu 15:30
Statistical theory of condensed systems
Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems
Taras Holovatch ICMP NAS of Ukraine

On the 1d billiards model. IІ.

26.11.2024, Tue 16:00 Quantum statistics Oleg Derzhko ICMP

Thermodynamics of the spin-S Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice

21.11.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Yuriy Kozytskyi Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland

On the 1d billiards model. I.

13.11.2024, Wed 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Tuan Pham Minh Niels Bohr Institute, København, Denmark

Robustness of living systems under noisy environments

7.11.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Viktoria Blavatska ICMP

On the form of Gaussian scale-free networks

30.10.2024, Wed 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Mykola Shpot ICMP

On some interesting special function and its asymptotics

10.10.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Yurij Holovatch ICMP

On periodic chemical reactions

2.10.2024, Wed 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Roman Romanik ICMP

Analytical method of determining the critical temperature of simple fluids