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Seminars of departments

Seminars of departments

Date Department Speaker Affiliation Presentation title
9.01.2024, Tue 11:00 Quantum statistics M.R. Parymuda ICMP

Gap generation in reduced quantum electrodynamics with few layers

21.12.2023, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Jaroslav Ilnytskyi ICMP

Low-density lipoprotein adsorption simulation on a photosensitive polymer brush

14.12.2023, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Vicente Garzó Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain

A kinetic theory approach to granular fluids

7.12.2023, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Petro Sarkanych ICMP

Phase transitions in the model of consensus formation with bias

5.12.2023, Tue 15:00 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Yulian Honchar ICMP

Peculiarities of scaling at phase transitions above critical dimension and description of DNA denaturation processes

30.11.2023, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Bernat Corominas-Murtra Institute of Biology, University of Graz, Austria

Cells, networks and tissues: Phase transitions in embryonic development

23.11.2023, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Olesya Mryglod ICMP

The art of writing ChatGPT prompts

16.11.2023, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Dmytro Shapoval ICMP

Monte-Carlo simulation of reaction-diffusion systems with disorder

9.11.2023, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Daan Frenkel University of Cambridge, UK

How simulators run into problems that Gibbs had already solved

2.11.2023, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Khristine Haydukivska ICMP

Rheology of polymers

19.10.2023, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Thierry Platini Coventry University, England

The Hyperreal Numbers and how to construct them

12.10.2023, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Ihor Pylyuk ICMP

Calculation of some thermodynamic quantities for Morse fluids on the basis of the equation of state. 2

5.10.2023, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Sascha Wald Coventry University, England

Active quantum flocks

21.09.2023, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Mykola Lavrskyi Université de Lorraine, France

Deep Learning-Based Characterization of the Steel Microstructure

14.09.2023, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Maryana Krasnytska ICMP

On the Sigma Phi Conference 2023

7.09.2023, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Volodymyr Kuznetsov / Olexandr Gabovych H. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine / Institute of Physics, NAS of Ukraine

What do physical theories consist of? / The Vlasov equation in physical and social contexts

29.06.2023, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Petro Sarkanych ICMP

Models of collective behavior: from algorithm to Hamiltonians

22.06.2023, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Oksana Dobush ICMP

Phase behavior of a binary mixture with Curie-Weiss interaction

15.06.2023, Thu 16:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Yulian Honchar ICMP

Zeros of the partition function above the upper critical dimension

8.06.2023, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Vira Shyta Leibniz Institute, IFW, Dresden

Frozen deconfined quantum criticality