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  1. Baryakhtar V.G., Zagorodny A.G., Loktev V.M., Mryglod I.M., Shulga M.F., Yukhnovskyi I.R. To the 110th anniversary of academician M.M.Bogolyubov birthday // Ukr. J. Phys., 2019, vol. 64, № 8, p. 776-782.
  2. Belonoshko A.B., Fu J., Bryk T., Simak S.I., Mattesini M. Low viscosity of the Earth’s inner core // Nature Communications, 2019, vol. 10, p. 2483:1-7.
  3. Bokun G., Kravtsiv I., Holovko M., Vikhrenko V., di Caprio D. Short- and long-range contributions to equilibrium and transport properties of solid electrolytes // Condens. Matter Phys., 2019, vol. 22, 33501.
  4. Bryk T., Demchuk T., Jakse N. Atomistic structure and collective dynamics in liquid Pb along the melting line up to 70 GPa: A first-principles molecular dynamics study // Phys. Rev. B, 2019, vol. 99, p. 014201:1-8.
  5. Bryk T., Di Leonardo R., Schirmacher W., Scopigno T. Giancarlo Ruocco: from inelastic X-ray scattering to neuroscience // Condens. Matter Phys., 2019, vol. 22, p. 40101:1-5.
  6. Bryk T., Duviryak A., Mryglod I. Comment on Lagrangian formulation and symmetrical description of liquid dynamics // Phys. Rev. E, 2019, vol. 99, p. 036102:1-3.
  7. Bryk T. Erratum to: Non-hydrodynamic collective modes in liquid metals and alloys // Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top., 2019, vol. 227, 2689.
  8. Bryk T.,Ilnytskyi Ya.,Omelyan I.P. Computer atomic modeling of the structure and dynamics of condensed and soft matter. – In: Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: the Half-Century Trip / I. Mryglod (ed.). – Lviv, ICMP of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2019. – P. 69-92 (in Ukrainian).
  9. Carvalho I.M., Torrico J., de Souza S.M., Rojas O., Derzhko O. Correlation functions for a spin1/2 Ising-XYZ diamond chain: Further evidence for quasi-phases and pseudo-transitions // Annals of Physics, 2019, vol. 402, p. 45-65.
  10. Chen, Y., Wang Y., Jia C., Moritz B., Shvaika A.M., Freericks J.K., Devereaux T.P. Theory for time-resolved resonant inelastic x-ray scattering // Phys. Rev. B, 2019, vol. 99, № 10, p. 104306-104317.
  11. Holovatch Y. Statistical physics of complex systems – new field of interdisciplinary research // Bull. Nat. Acad. Sci. Ukraine, 2019, № 12, p. 80 (in Ukrainian).
  12. de Regt R., von Ferber Ch., Holovatch Yu., Lebovka M. Public transportation in UK viewed as a complex network // Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 2019, vol. 15, p. 722-748.
  13. Druchok M., Lukšič M. Carboxylated carbon nanotubes can serve as pathways for molecules in sandwich-like two-phase organic-water systems // J. Mol. Liq., 2019, vol. 219, 111287.
  14. Duviryak A. A., Yaremko Yu. H. Action-at-a-distance and radiation reaction of point-like particles in de Sitter space // Ukr. J. Phys., 2019, vol. 64, № 12, p. 1129-1133 (in Ukrainian).
  15. Dudka M., Kondrat S., Bénichou O., Kornyshev A.A., Oshanin G. Superionic liquids in conducting nanoslits: A variety of phase transitions and ensuing charging behavior // J. Chem. Phys., 2019, vol. 151, 184105.
  16. Gnatenko Kh.P. Parameters of noncommutativity in Lie-algebraic noncommutative space // Phys. Rev. D, 2019, vol. 99, № 2, 026009.
  17. Gnatenko Kh.P., Samar M.I., Tkachuk V.M. Time-reversal and rotational symmetries in noncommutative phase space // Phys. Rev. A, 2019, vol. 99, № 1, 012114.
  18. Gnatenko Kh.P. Harmonic oscillator chain in noncommutative phase space with rotational symmetry // Ukr. J. Phys., 2019, vol. 64, № 2, p. 129-134.
  19. Gnatenko Kh.P. Features of description of composite system’s motion in twist deformed spacetime // Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 2019, vol. 33, № 1, 1950071.
  20. Haidukivska K., Blavatska V. Universal features of complex n-block copolymers // J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 2019, vol. 52, 505004.
  21. Hnativ B., Didyk A., Tokarchuk M. Generalized Fokker–Planck equation for the distribution function of liquidity accumulation // Mathematical Modeling and Computing, 2019, vol. 6, № 1, p. 37-43.
  22. Holovatch Yu., Dudka M., Blavatska V., Palchykov V., Krasnytska M., Mryglod O. Statistical physics of complex systems. – In: Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: the Half-Century Trip / I. Mryglod (ed.). – Lviv, ICMP of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2019. – P. 92 (in Ukrainian).
  23. Hosokawa S., Inui M., Bryk T., Mryglod I., Pilgrim W.-C., Kajihara Y., Matsuda K., Ohmasa Y., Tsutsui S. Detection of collective optic excitations in molten NaI // Condens. Matter Phys., 2019, vol. 22, p. 43602:1-7.
  24. Hvozd M., Patsahan T., Patsahan O., Holovko M. Fluid-fluid phase behaviour in the explicit solvent ionic model: Hard spherocylinder solvent molecules // J. Mol. Phys., 2019, vol. 285, p. 244-251.
  25. Focus on Complexity / Thurner S., Kenna R., Holovatch Yu. (editors) // Eur. Journ. Phys., 2019. Focus issue description.
  26. Freericks J., Holovatch Y., Ivankiv O., Mryglod I., Patsahan O., Shvaika A. In memory of Ihor Stasyuk // Condens. Matter Phys., 2019, v. 22, 37001
  27. Ilnytskyi J.M., Toshchevikov V., Saphiannikova M. Modeling of the photo-induced stress in azobenzene polymers by combining theory and computer simulations // Soft Matter, 2019, vol. 15, № 48, p. 9894-9908.
  28. Ilnytskyj Yaroslav. ICMP NAS of Ukraine in the historical, scientific and social contexts. – In book: Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: the Half-Century Trip / I. Mryglod (ed.) / Lviv, ICMP of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2019. – P. 173-179 (in Ukrainian).
  29. Jakse N., Bryk T. Pressure evolution of transverse collective excitations in liquid Al along the melting line // J. Chem. Phys., 2019, vol. 151, № 3, p. 034506:1-8.
  30. Kalyuzhnyi Y.V., Shkvara J., Nezbeda I. Analytic results for the three- and four-particle correlation functions of the fluid of hard disks // J. Chem. Phys., 2019, vol. 150, 034502.
  31. Kalyuzhnyi O., Haidukivska K., Blavatska V., Ilnytskyi J. Universal Size and Shape Ratios for Arms in Star-Branched Polymers: Theory and Mesoscopic Simulations // Macromol. Theory Simul., 2019, vol. 28, № 4, 1900012.
  32. Karl'ová K., Strečka J., Verkholyak T. Cluster-based Haldane phases, bound magnon crystals and quantum spin liquids of a mixed spin-1 and spin-1/2 Heisenberg octahedral chain // Phys. Rev. B, 2019, vol. 100, № 9, p. 094405:1-12.
  33. Kasprowicz D., Zhezhera T., Lapinski A., Chrunik M., Majchrowski A., Kityk A.V., Shchur Ya. Lattice dynamics of Bi3TeBO9 microcrystals: micro-Raman/IR spectroscopic investigation and ab initio analysis // J. Alloys and Compounds, 2019, vol. 782, p. 488-495.
  34. Kityk A.V., Andrushchak A.S., Shchur Ya., Adamiv V.T., Yaremko O., Lelonek M., Vitusevich S., Kityk O., Wielgosz R., Piecek W.; Busch M.; Sentker K.; Huber P. Mesoporous Alumina- and Silica-Based Crystalline Nanocomposites with Tailored Anisotropy:Methodology, Structure and Properties, IEEE Xplore, 2019 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), DOI: 10.1109/ICTON.2019.8840025.
  35. Korduba Y., Holovatch Y., de Regt R. Physicist's approach to public transportation networks: between data processing and statistical physics // Annales UMCS sec. A, 2019, LXXIV(2), p. 65-82.
  36. Kostrobij P., Markovych B., Viznovych O., Zelinska I., Tokarchuk M. Generalized Cattaneo–Maxwell diffusion equation with fractional derivatives. Dispersion relations // Mathematical Modeling and Computing, 2019, vol. 6, № 1, p. 58-68.
  37. Kostrobij P., Markovych B., Viznovych O., Tokarchuk M. Generalized transport equation with nonlocality of space–time. Zubarev’s NSO method // Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019, vol. 514(С), p. 63-70.
  38. Kostrobij P.P., Markovych B.M., Ryzha I.A., Tokarchuk M.V. Generalized kinetic equation with spatio-temporal nonlocality // Mathematical Modeling and Computing, 2019, vol. 6, № 2, 289.
  39. Krasnov V.O., Stasyuk I.V. Bose-Fermi-Hubbard model in the truncated Hilbert space limit // Condens. Matter Phys., 2019, vol. 22, № 3, 33704. DOI:10.5488/CMP.22.33704 arXiv:1910.00919.
  40. Kuroki H., Gruzd A., Tokarev I., Patsahan T., Ilnytskyi J., Hinrichs K., Minko S. Biofouling-Resistant Porous Membranes with a Precisely Adjustable Pore Diameter via 3D Polymer Grafting//ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, vol. 11, p. 18268-18275.
  41. Ласовский Р.Н., Гапанюк Д.В., Пацаган Т.Н. Моделирование трехмерного керамического электролита с межзеренной границей // Труды БГТУ, 2019, сер. 3, № 1, с. 15-19 (in Russian).
  42. Maciejewski A.J., Przybylska M., Yaremko Y. Dynamics of a dipole in a stationary electromagnetic field // Proc. of the Royal Society A.: Math., Phys. and Eng. Sciences, 2019, vol. 475, 20190230.
  43. Matveev O.P., Shvaika A.M., Devereaux T.P., Freericks J.K. Stroboscopic Tests for Thermalization of Electrons in Pump-Probe Experiments // Phys. Rev. Lett, 2019, vol. 122, № 24, p. 247402-247407.
  44. Mryglod Olesya, Patsahan Oksana. "Condensed Matter Physics" journal: establishing, development and achievements. – In: Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: the Half-Century Trip / I. Mryglod (ed.) / Lviv, ICMP of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2019. – P. 142 (in Ukrainian).
  45. Mryglod I.M., Ivankiv O.L. Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: the Half-Century Trip // Bull. Nat. Acad. Sci. Ukraine, 2019, № 10, p. 69-86 (in Ukrainian).
  46. Мриглод Ігор. Життєпис Анатолія Свідзинського дає багато поживи для вдумливого аналізу та роздумів (інтерв'ю Богдану Залізняку) // Світогляд, 2019, № 4, с. 62-63 (in Ukrainian).
  47. Мриглод Ігор. Життєпис А.Свідзинського дає багато поживи для вдумливого аналізу (Інтерв'ю Богдану Залізняку) // За вільну Україну, №12, 4 квітня 2019 р., c. 3,12 (in Ukrainian).
  48. Mryglod Ihor, Ivankiv Oleksandr. Institute of Condensed Matter Physics, NAS of Ukraine: strokes to the history of formation and development. – In: Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: the Half-Century Trip / I. Mryglod (ed.) / Lviv, ICMP of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2019. – P. 9-47 (in Ukrainian).
  49. Mryglod Ihor, Derzhko Оleh. Statistical theory of condensed matter. – In: Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: the Half-Century Trip / I. Mryglod (ed.) / Lviv, ICMP of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2019. – P. 48-67 (in Ukrainian).
  50. Mryglod Ihor, Tokarchuk Mykhailo, Ivankiv Oleksandr. Research on the Chernobyl topic. – In: Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: the Half-Century Trip / I. Mryglod (ed.) / Lviv, ICMP of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2019. – P. 160-166 (in Ukrainian).
  51. Mryglod Olesya, Mryglod Ihor. Publication activity of the Institute. – In: Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: the Half-Century Trip / I. Mryglod (ed.) / Lviv, ICMP of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2019. – P. 180-197 (in Ukrainian).
  52. Mryglod O., Nazarovets S. Scientometrics and management of scientific activities: once again about the global and ukrainian // Bull. Nat. Acad. Sci. Ukraine, 2019, № 9, p. 81 (in Ukrainian).
  53. Müller P., Lohmann A., Richter J., Derzhko O. Thermodynamics of the pyrochlore-lattice quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet // Phys. Rev. B, 2019, vol. 100, № 2, p. 024424:1-17.
  54. Omelyan I. Spatial population dynamics: beyond the Kirkwood superposition approximation by advancing to the Fisher-Kopeliovich ansatz // Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019, 123546.
  55. Omelyan I., Kozitsky Y. Spatially inhomogeneous population dynamics: beyond the mean field approximation // J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 2019, vol. 52, № 30, 305601.
  56. Omelyan I., Kovalenko A. Enhanced solvation force extrapolation for speeding up molecular dynamics simulations of complex biochemical liquids // J. Chem. Phys., 2019, vol. 151, № 21, 214102.
  57. Pakhira Nandan, Shvaika A.M., Freericks J.K. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy in the FalicovKimball model // Phys. Rev. B, 2019, vol. 99, № 12, p. 125137-125145.
  58. Patsahan O.V., Patsahan T.M. Phase behaviour in ionic solutions: restricted primitive model of ionic liquid in explicit neutral solvent // J. Mol. Liq., 2019, vol. 275, p. 443-451.
  59. Patsahan T., Bokun G., di Caprio D., Holovko M., Vikhrenko V. The effect of short-range interaction and correlations on the charge and electric field distribution in a model solid electrolyte // Solid State Ionics, 2019, vol. 335, p. 156-163.
  60. Radchenko A.I., Mryglod O. "Mineralogical Journal (Ukraine)": 40 years of history // Mineralogical Journal, 2019, vol. 41, № 1, p. 3-14 (in Ukrainian).
  61. Sarkanych P., Krasnytska M. Ising model with invisible states on scale-free networks // Phys. Lett. A, 2019, vol. 383, № 27, 125844.
  62. Shovgeniuk M., Kovalskiy B., Semeniv M., Semeniv V., Zanko N. Information technology of digital images processing with saving of material resources // CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2019, 2387, p. 414-419.
  63. Shchur Ya., Andrushchak A.S., Strelchuk V.V., Nikolenko A.S., Adamiv V.T., Andrushchak N.A., Goering P., Huber P., Kityk A.V. KH2PO4 + Host Matrix (Alumina / SiO2) Nanocomposite: Raman Scattering Insight, IEEE Xplore, 2019 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), DOI: 10.1109/ICTON.2019.8840345.
  64. Stasyuk I.V., Krasnov V.O. Repulsion-attraction asymmetry in the Bose-Fermi-Hubbard model // Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2019, vol. 552, p. 96-103.
  65. Stelmakh A., Cai W., Baumketner A. Attraction between Like-Charged Macroions Mediated by Specific Counterion Configurations // J. Phys. Chem. B, 2019, vol. 123, № 46, p. 9971-9983.
  66. Stepanenko O.O., Jamnik A., Rescic J., Kalyuzhnyi Y.V. Thermodynamic perturbation theory for a valence-limited model of colloidal systems // Mol. Phys., 2019, vol. 117, № 23-24, 3695.
  67. Stetsiv R.Ya. Low-frequency dynamics of one-dimensional systems with hydrogen bonds // J. Phys. Studies, 2019, vol. 23, № 3, p. 3707-3713 (in Ukrainian).
  68. Tokarchuk M.V., Hlushak P. Unification of Thermo Field Kinetic and Hydrodynamics Approaches in the Theory of Dense Quantum–Field Systems // Particles, 2019, vol. 2, № 1, p. 1-13.
  69. Trokhymchuk A., Schultz A.J., Kofke D.A. Alternative ensemble averages in molecular dynamics simulation of hard spheres // Mol. Phys., 2019, vol. 117, № 23-24, 3734.
  70. Vdovych A.S., Zachek I.R., Levitskii R.R., Stasyuk I.V. Field-deformational effects in GPI ferroelectric materials // Phase Transitions, 2019, vol. 92, № 5, p. 430–439.
  71. Vdovych A.S., Levitskii R.R., Zachek I.R. Effect of stresses σ5, σ6 and electric field E3 on thermodynamic characteristics of GPI ferroelectric // J. Phys. Studies, 2019, vol. 23, № 3, p. 3702-3709.
  72. Velychko O.V., Stasyuk I.V. Thermodynamics of quantum lattice system with local multi-well potentials: dipole ordering and strain effects in modified Blume–Emery–Griffiths model // Phase Transitions, 2019, vol. 92, № 5, p. 420–429.
  73. Vysochanskii Yu., Stasyuk I., Grabar A. Editorial // Phase Transitions, 2019, vol. 92, № 5, p. 419.
  74. Yukhnovskyj I.R., Hlushak P.A., Tokarchuk M.V. Some issues of the agreed description of kinetics and hydrodynamics of interacting particle systems // Physical collection of Shevchenko Scientific Society, 2019, vol. 10, № 1 (in Ukrainian).