Publishing activity / Publications / 2004
- Anento N., Gonzalez L.E., Gonzalez D.J., Chushak Y., and Baumketner A. Viscoelastic model for the dynamic structure factors of binary systems. // Phys. Rev. E, 2004, vol. 70, p. 041201.
- Baumketner A., Shea J.-E. Effects of frustration on the kinetics of helix formation in alanine polypeptides. // Condens. Matter Phys., 2004, vol. 7, p. 421.
- Baumketner A., Shea J.-E., and Hiwatari Y. Improved theoretical description of protein folding kinetics from rotations in the phase space of relevant order parameters. // J. Chem. Phys., 2004, vol. 121, p. 1114.
- Bryk T., Haymet A.D.J. Charge separation at the ice/water interface: a molecular dynamics simulation study of solute ions at the ice basal plane. // J. Molec. Liq., 2004, vol. 112(1-2), p. 47-50.
- Bryk T., Haymet A.D.J. The ice/water interface: Density-temperature pase diagram for the SPC/E model of liquid water. // Mol. Simul., 2004, vol. 30(2-3), p. 131-135.
- Bryk T., Mryglod I. Charge density autocorrelation functions in molten salts: Analytical treatment in long-wavelength limit. // J. Phys.: Cond. Matt., 2004, vol. 16, No 41, p. L463-L469.
- Bryk T., Mryglod I. Collective excitations and generalized transport coefficients in a molten metallic alloy Li 4Pb. // Condens. Matt. Phys., 2004, vol. 7, No 2(38), p. 285-300.
- Bryk T., Mryglod I. Generalized collective modes in liquid cesium. // J. Phys. Studies., 2004, vol. 8, No 1, p. 35-46.
- Bryk T., Mryglod I. Kinetic relaxing processes in collective dynamics of liquid metals. // Condens. Matter Phys., 2004, vol. 7, No 3(39), p. 471-481.
- Bryk T., Mryglod I. Longitudinal dynamics in a Lennard-Jones binary liquid: Crossover from hydrodynamics to the molecular regime. // Condens. Matt. Phys., 2004, vol. 7, No 1(37), p. 15-34.
- Danyliv O. and Kantorovich L. Comparison of localization procedures for applications in crystal embedding. // Phys. Rev. B, 2004, vol. 70, p. 075113.
- Danyliv O. and Kantorovich L. Strongly localised molecular orbitals for alpha-quartz. // J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2004, vol. 16, No 41, p. 7233-7246.
- Derzhko O. Quantum phase transitions in alternating transverse Ising chains. In: Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory. Editor Yurij Holovatch (World Scientific, Singapore, 2004). P.109-145.
- Derzhko O., Richter J. Finite low-temperature entropy of some strongly frustrated quantum spin lattices in the vicinity of the saturation field. // Phys. Rev. B, 2004, vol. 70, No 10, p. 104415[1-6].
- Derzhko O., Richter J., Krokhmalskii T., Zaburannyi O. Regularly alternating spin-1/2 anisotropic XY chains: The ground-state and thermodynamic properties. // Phys. Rev. E, 2004, vol. 69, No 6, p. 066112[1-13].
- Derzhko O., Verkholyak T. Effects of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the dynamics of s=1/2 XX chain. // Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2004, vol. 54, Suppl. D, p. D531-D534.
- Derzhko O., Verkholyak T. Jordan-Wigner fermions and dynamic probes of quantum spin chains. // Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, 2004, vol. 50, Part 2, p. 692-699.
- Druchok M., Holovko M., Bryk T. A molecular dynamics study of Al 3+ in water: hydrolysis effects. // Condens. Matter Phys., 2004, vol. 7, No 4(40), p. 699-707.
- Duda Y., Pizio O., Sokolowski S. Nonadditive binary hard sphere mixture in disordered hard sphere matrices. Integral equations and computer simulation. // J. Phys. Chem. B, 2004, vol. 108, p. 19442.
- Dudka M., Holovatch Yu., Yavors'kii T. Universality classes of three-dimensional mn-vector model. // J. Phys. A, 2004, vol. 37, p. 10727-10734.
- Duviryak A. Heuristic wave equations for relativistic two-body systems. // Nuclear Physics, 2004, vol. A737, p. S269-S271.
- Duviryak A., Darewych J.W. Variational Hamiltonian treatment of partially reduced Yukawa-like models. // J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 2004, vol. 37, p. 8365-8381.
- von Ferber C., Blavats'ka V., Folk R., Holovatch Yu. Where two fractals meet: the scaling of a self-avoiding walks on a percolation cluster. // Phys. Rev. E, 2004, vol. 70, p. 035104(R).
- Henderson D., Trokhymchuk A.D., and Wasan D.T. Interaction Energy and Force for a Pair of Colloidal Particles in a Bidisperse Hard-Sphere Solvent. // Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2004, vol. 112, No 4(28), p. 21-28.
- Henderson D., Trokhymchuk A.D., and Wasan D.T. Structure and layering of fluids in thin films. In: Emulsions: Structure, Stability and Interactions, Ed. by Petsev D.N., Elsevier Ltd., 2004, p. 259-311.
- Henderson D., Wasan D.T., and Trokhymchuk A. Effective Interaction between Two Giant Spheres Suspended in a Size Polydisperse Hard-Sphere Fluid. // Molecular Physics, 2004, vol. 102, p. 2081-2090.
- Hlushak P.A., Tokarchuk M.V. A consistent description of kinetics and hydrodynamics of quantum Bose-systems. // Condens. Matter Phys., 2004, vol. 7, No 3(39), p. 639-660.
- Holovatch Yu., Ivaneiko D., Delamotte B. On the criticality of frustrated systems with noncollinear order. // J. Phys. A, 2004, vol. 37, p. 3569-3575.
- Holovko M., Druchok M., Bryk T. Computer modelling of hydration structure of highly charged ions and cationic hydrolysis effects. // Current Opinion in Colloid and Interfase Science, 2004, vol. 9, p. 64-66.
- Huerta A., Naumis G., Henderson D., Wasan D.T., and Trokhymchuk A. Attraction-Driven Disorder in a Hard-Core Colloidal Monolayer. // J. Chem. Phys., 2004, vol. 120, No 3, p. 1506-1510.
- Ignatyuk V.V., Morozov V.G. Ultrafast dynamics of laser-pulse excited semiconductors: non-Markovian quantum kinetic equations with nonequilibrium correlations. // Condens. Matter Phys., 2004, vol. 7, No 3(39), p. 579-602.
- Jewett A., Baumketner A., and Shea J.-E. Accelerated folding in the weak hydrophobic environment of a chaperonin cavity: Creation of an alternate fast folding pathway. // PNAS, 2004, vol. 101, p. 13192.
- Kalyuzhnyi Yu.V., Kahl G. Phase coexistence in polydisperse liquid mixtures: Beyond the van der Waals approximation. // J. Chem. Phys., 2004, vol. 121(2), p. 1168-1168.
- Kalyuzhnyi Yu.V., Kahl G., Cummings P.T. Phase coexistence in polydisperse charged hard-sphere fluids: Mean spherical approximation. //J. Chem. Phys., 2004, vol. 120(21), p.10133-10145.
- Kalyuzhnyi Yu.V., McCabe C., Whitebay E., Cummings P.T. Equation of state and liquid-vapor equilibria of one- and two-Yukawa hard-sphere chain fluids: Theory and simulation. // J. Chem. Phys, 2004, vol. 121(16), p.8128-8137.
- Kalyuzhnyi Yu.V., Stell G., Badiali J.P. A brief scientific biography of Myroslav Holovko. // J. Mol. Liquid, 2004, vol. 112(1-2), p. 1-3.
- Kantorovich L. and Danyliv O. Electron density of periodic systems derived from non-orthogonal localised orbitals. // J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2004, vol. 16, No 15, p. 2575-2584.
- Kapko V., Egorov S.A. Polar solvation dynamics in supercritical fluids: A mode-coupling treatment. // J. Chem. Phys., 2004, vol. 121, p. 11145.
- Kozlovskii M.P., Patsahan O.V., Melnyk R.S. Thermodynamic characteristics of binary symmetric mixture in the vicinity of the vapor-liquid critical point. // Ukr. J. Phys., 2004, vol. 49, No 1, p. 55-65.
- Kozlovskii M.P., Pylyuk I.V., Prytula O.O. Behaviour of a three-dimensional uniaxial magnet near the critical point in an external field. // Condens. Matter Phys., 2004, vol. 7, No 2(38), p. 361-382.
- Kozlovskii Yu.M., Shovgenyuk M.V. Optical image super-position in the fractional Fourier transform domain. // Proc. SPIE, 2004, vol. 5477, p. 391-397.
- Krip I.M., Shymchuk T.V., Tokarchuk M.V. Synthesis and investigation of the sorption materials based on natural and synthetic dispersion oxide systems for the sorption of active products of the migration out of the lava-like fuel-containing materials. // Problems of Chornobyl, 2004, iss. 14, p 23-28.
- Krip I.M., Shymchuk T.V., Tokarchuk M.V. Search for the sorption materials based on natural and sythetic dispersion oxide systems for the sorption of active products of the migration out of the lava-like fuel-contaning materials. // Problems of Chornobyl, 2004, iss. 14, p 29-33.
- Levitskii R.R., Andrusyk A.Ya., Lisnii B.M. Thermodynamics and dielectric properties of Rb(H 1-xD x)PO4 mixed ferroelectrics. // Ferroelectrics, 2004, vol. 298, p. 1-8.
- Levitskii R.R., Baran O.R. Longitudinal magnetic field effect on thermodynamic properties of the XXZ-model with easy-axis type magnetic anisotropy. The two-particle cluster approximation. // J. Phys. Studies, 2004, vol. 8, No 2, p. 183-186.
- Levitskii R.R., Lisnii B.M. Theory of related to shear strain u6 physical properties of ferroelectrics and antiferroelectrics of the KH 2PO 4 family. // phys. stat. sol. (b), 2004, vol. 241, No 6, p. 1350-1368.
- Levitskii R.R., Zachek I.R., Moina A.P., Andrusyk A.Ya. Isotopic effects in partially deuterated piezoelectric crystals of Rochelle salt. // Condens. Matter Phys., 2004, vol. 7, No 1(37), p. 111-139.
- Lipinski I.E., Korynevskii N.A., Kuriata J. Experimental and Theoretical Studies of SASeD Doped with Cr 3+. // Ferroelectrics, 2004, vol. 303, p. 217-220.
- Lisnii B.M., Levitskii R.R. Theory of physical properties of ferro- and antiferroelectrics of the KH2PO4 family related to strains u4 and u5. // Ukr. J. Phys., 2004, vol. 49, No 7, p. 701-709.
- Mueller V. and Shchur Ya. Aging, rejuvenation and memory due to domain-wall contributions in RbH 2PO 4-single crystals. // Europhys. Letters, 2004, vol. 65(1), p. 137-143.
- Mueller V., Beige H., and Shchur Ya. AC - field nonlinearity of KH 2PO 4. // Ferroelectrics, 2004, vol. 303, p. 75-59.
- Mysakovych T.S., Stasyuk I.V. Raman light scattering in pseudospin-electron model at strong pseudospin-electron interaction. // Condens. Matter Phys., 2004, vol. 7, No 2, p. 347-360.
- Mysakovych T.S., Stasyuk I.V. Superconductivity in the pseudospin-electron model. // Ukr. J. Phys., 2004, vol. 49, No 6, p. 607-616.
- Omelyan I. , Kovalenko A., and Hirata F. Microscopic description of a liquid-vapor interface by an inhomogeneous integral equation theory. // Chem. Phys. Lett., 2004, vol. 397, p. 368-373.
- Omelyan I.P., Mryglod I.M., Folk R., and Fenz W. Ising fluids in an external magnetic field: An integral equation approach. // Phys. Rev. E, 2004, vol. 69, p. 061506[1-12].
- Orea P., Duda Y., Weiss V.C., Schroer W. and Alejandre J. Liquid-vapor interface of square well fluids of variable interaction range. // J. Chem. Phys., 2004, vol. 120, p. 11754.
- Ortega-Rodriguez A., Duda Y., Guevara-Rodriguez F., Lira-Galeana C. Stability and aggregation of asphaltenes in asphaltene-resin-solvent mixture. // Energy Fuels., 2004, vol. 18, p. 674-681.
- Patsahan O.V. Phase behaviour of the restricted primitive model. // Condens. Matter Phys., 2004, vol. 7, p. 35-52.
- Patsahan O.V., Mryglod I.M. Critical behavior of the restricted primitive model. // J. Phys: Cond. Matt., 2004, vol. 16, p. L235-241.
- Patsahan O.V., Mryglod I.M. Phase diagram of the restricted primitive model: charge-ordering instability. // Condens. Matter Phys., 2004, vol. 7, No 4(40), p. 755-766.
- Patsahan T., Holovko M. Computer simulation study of the diffusion of water molecules confined in silica gel. // Condens. Matter Phys., 2004, vol. 7, No 1(37), p. 3-13.
- Patsahan T., Holovko M. Simple fluid in attractive disordered polydisperse matrix. // Condens. Matter Phys., 2004, vol. 8, No 2(38).
- Richter J., Derzhko O., Schulenburg J. Magnetic-field induced spin-Peierls instability in strongly frustrated quantum spin lattices. // Phys. Rev. Lett., 2004, vol. 93, No 10, p. 107206[1-4].
- Schulte-Frohlinde V., Holovatch Yu., von Ferber C., Blumen A. Scaling of star polymers: high order results. // Phys. Lett. A, 2004, vol. 328, p. 335-340.
- Shvaika A.M., Vorobyov O., Freericks J.K., Devereaux T.P. Electronic Raman scattering in correlated materials: exact treatment of nonresonant, mixed, and resonant scattering with dynamical mean field theory. // Phys. Rev. B, 2004, vol. 70, No 24 (in print).
- Shvaika A.M., Vorobyov O., Freericks J.K., Devereaux T.P. Resonant Enhancement of Inelastic Light Scattering in Strongly Correlated Materials. // Phys. Rev. Lett., 2004, vol. 93, No 13, p. 137402.
- Sokolovska T.G., Sokolovskii R.O., Patey G.N. Surface-induced ordering of nematics in an external field: The strong influence of tilted walls. // Phys. Rev. Lett., 2004, vol. 92, p. 185508-185511.
- Stasyuk I. , Vorobyov O. One-Dimensional Proton Conductor with Strong Short-Range Interactions. // Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2004. vol. 63, p. 215.
- Stasyuk I. , Czapla Z., Dacko S., Velychko O. Dielectric anomalies and phase transition in glycinium phosphite crystal under the influence of a transverse electric field. // J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2004, vol. 16, p. 1963-1979.
- Stasyuk I. , Velychko O. Gaussian fluctuations of polarization in the region of phase transitions in DMAGaS-DMAAlS ferroelectrics in the framework of the four-state model. // Condens. Matter Phys., 2004, vol. 7, No 1, p. 141-155.
- Stasyuk I. , Velychko O. Theory of electric field influence on phase transition in glycine phosphite. // Ferroelectrics, 2004, vol. 300, p. 121-124.
- Trokhymchuk A., Henderson D., Nikolov A., and Wasan D.T. Interaction between a Macrosphere and a Flat Wall Mediated by a Hard-Sphere Colloidal Suspension. // Langmuir, 2004, vol. 20, p. 7036-7044.
- Trokhymchuk A., Henderson D., Sovyak E., and Wasan D.T. The Apparent Attraction between Like-Charged Particles next to an Oppositely Charged Planar Surface. // Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2004, vol. 109, No 2, p. 109-113.
- Usatenko Z. and Ciach A. Critical adsorption of polymers in a medium with long-range correlated disorder. // Phys. Rev. E, 2004, vol. 70, p. 1.
- Usatenko Z., Spalek J. Surface critical behavior of semi-infinite systems with cubic anisotropy at the ordinary transition. // J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 2004, vol. 37, p. 7113.
- Vakarin E.V., Badiali J.P. Correlation between the equilibrium and transport properties of intercalation systems. // Solid State Ionics, 2004, vol. 171, p. 261.
- Vakarin E.V., Badiali J.P. Surface rearrangement at complex adsorbate-substrate interfaces. // Surf. Sci., 2004, vol. 565, p. 279.
- Vakarin V., Badiali J.P. Thermodynamic non-additivity in disordered systems with extended phase space. // Central Europ. Journal of Physics, 2004, vol. 2, p. 241.
- Vlachy V., Hribar-Lee B., Kalyuzhnyi Yu.V., et al. Short-range interactions: from simple ions to polyelectrolyte solutions. // Curr. Opin. Colloid. In., 2004, vol. 9(1-2), p. 128-132.
- Wilson M.R., Ilnytskyi J.M. Parallel computer simulation techniques for the study of macromolecules. In: Computer Simulations of liquid crystals and polymers, eds Pasini P., Zannoni C. and Zumer S., Kluwer, 2004, p. 335-356.
- Wilson M.R., Ilnytskyi J.M., Stimson L.M., Hughes Z.E. Computer simulations of liquid crystal polymers and dendrimers. In: Computer Simulations of liquid crystals and polymers, eds Pasini P., Zannoni C. and Zumer S., Kluwer, 2004, p. 57-58.
- Yaremko Yu. Interference in the radiation of two point-like sources. // J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 2004, vol. 37, p. L531-L538.
- Yaremko Yu. Radiation reaction and renormalization via conservation laws of the Poincare group. // J. Phys. Stud., 2004, vol. 8, No 3.
- Yaremko Yu. Radiation reaction, renormalization and conservation laws in six-dimensional classical electrodynamics. // J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 2004, vol. 37, p. 1079-1091.