Conferences & Events / Archive of events
Archive of events
Ising lectures
R.Gaida Scientific Lectures
Ising lectures
Bogolyubov Lectures
Ising lectures
Workshop on Modern Problems of Soft Matter Theory
Ising lectures
School on Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter Theory; ICMP Annual Award for Young Researchers
Ising lectures
II School on Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter Theory; ICMP Annual Award for Young Researchers
Ising lectures
III School on Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter Theory; ICMP Annual Award for Young Researchers
Ising lectures
NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Ionic Soft Matter"
NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Dimensionality Effects and Non-linearity in Ferroics "
IV School on Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter Theory; ICMP Annual Award for Young Researchers
Ising lectures
Statistical Physics 2005: Modern Problems and New Applications
V School on Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter Theory; ICMP Annual Award for Young Researchers
Ising lectures
VIII Ukrainian-Polish and III East-European Meeting on Ferroelectrics Physics
III-rd Chornobyl lectures "Physical and chemical processes in object"Shelter": 20 years after the disaster"
VI School on Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter Theory; ICMP Annual Award for Young Researchers
Ising lectures
Scientific session "Phase transitions, Cryticality, Scaling: from magnets to complex systems" in Honour of 50-th anniversary of Yu. Holovach
Oleksij Sytenko Memorial Lectures
VII School on Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter Theory; ICMP Annual Award for Young Researchers
R.Gaida Memorial Lectures
Scientific Lectures in Honour of 70-th anniversary of I. Stasyuk
VIII School on Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter Theory; ICMP Annual Award for Young Researchers
Ising lectures
PSSM Workshop on Liquid Crystals and Colloidal Dispersions
Statistical Physics 2009: Modern Trends and Applications
IX School on Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter Theory; ICMP Annual Award for Young Researchers
IV Jordan Lectures
Festival of Science 2010
Ising lectures
X School on Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter Theory; ICMP Annual Award for Young Researchers
Workshop in Honour of Professor Ihor Yukhnovskyj's 85-th Birthday
V Workshop on Soft Matter Physics
Науково практичний семінар "Суперкомп’ютерні обчислення та українська грід-інфрастуктура"
36th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics
XI School on Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter Theory; ICMP Annual Award for Young Researchers
Planer-Smoluchowski Soft Matter Workshop on Liquid Crystal Colloids