Seminars of departments
Seminars of departments
Date | Department | Speaker | Affiliation | Presentation title |
7.03.2023, Tue 16:00 | Quantum statistics | Volodymyr Tkachuk | The Ivan Franko National University of Lviv |
Introduction to quantum computing. 2 |
2.03.2023, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Jean-Charles Walter | Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (L2C) CNRS, Université de Montpellier, France |
Biophysical modeling of bacterial DNA segregation |
28.02.2023, Tue 16:00 | Quantum statistics | Volodymyr Tkachuk | The Ivan Franko National University of Lviv |
Introduction to quantum computing |
16.02.2023, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Olesya Mryglod | ICMP |
Disruptiveness of scientific publications |
9.02.2023, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Mykola Shpot | ICMP |
Feynman integrals, generalized hypergeometric functions, dilogarithm, and binomial sums |
7.02.2023, Tue 11:00 | Quantum statistics | Oleg Derzhko | ICMP |
One-dimensional water in a carbon nanotube: Experiment and theory |
2.02.2023, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Oleksandr Stanislavsky | The Institute of Radio Astronomy of the NASU, Kharkiv |
Confined single-particle motion and its statistical analysis |
26.01.2023, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Euich Miztani | JEIN Institute for Fundamental Science (JIFS), Kyoto, Japan |
A Transformation Groupoid and Its Representation |
12.01.2023, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Khristina Haydukivska | ICMP |
The density functional method in the description of polymers: a review of some articles and an attempt to use it |
4.01.2023, Wed 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Maksym Tsizh | Astronomical observatory of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv |
Persistent homology as an alternative for analyzing networks embedded in metric spaces |
15.12.2022, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Reinhard Folk | Institute for Theoretical Physics, University Linz, Austria |
Kirwan’s Thoughts: Not Only On Magnetism |
8.12.2022, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Mohsen Raoufi | Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany |
Swarm robotics: Where robotics meet complexity |
1.12.2022, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Leïla Moueddene | Université de Lorraine, France |
Study of the Blume-Capel model using partition function zeros |
23.11.2022, Wed 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Maksym Tsizh | Astronomical observatory of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv |
Persistent homology as an alternative for analyzing networks embedded in metric spaces |
17.11.2022, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Dmytro Shapoval | ICMP |
Cooperative phenomena, scaling and formation of structures in models of reaction-diffusion processes |
10.11.2022, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Andy Manapany | Université de Lorraine, France |
Diffusion processes in the vicinity of topological defects |
3.11.2022, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Petro Sarkanych | ICMP |
Consensus decision-making: a model and some results |
27.10.2022, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Oksana Dobush | ICMP |
Behaviour of the entropy of interacting particles system at the first-order phase transition |
13.10.2022, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Yulian Honchar | ICMP |
Scaling at space dimensionality greater than the critical one |
6.10.2022, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Mariana Krasnytska | ICMP |
Structural and mechanical properties of elastomers in the representation of a complex network |