Lattice model of adsorption of dipole particles in porous medium
An adsorption of dipole particles onto the surface of macroscopic size bodies or onto the internal surface of the porous material formed by a set of surfaces with various geometrical forms is investigated in the present work (e.g. adsorption of OH$^-$ groups onto the surface of the transition metal (Ni, Fe) or silica SiO$_2$). Such a medium is modelled by a system of spheres or bodies with facets. The lattice model is used for investigation of the equilibrium conditions of the dipole particles deposition. The presence of the external electric field applied in the given direction is taken into account. In the certain interval of values of the chemical potential of adsorbate and the field sharp changes of the state of surface fullness, total polarization and dielectric susceptibility which could be realized as the first order phase transitions.