98-01U |
Publications of researches of the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 1994-1996 years. Bibliografic index
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01.30.Tt |
97-30U |
The basic density measure in the vicinity of the gas-liquid critical point of binary mixture.
M.P. Kozlovskii O.V. Patsahan R.S. Melnyk |
05.60.+w 05.70.Ln 05.20.Dd 52.25.Dg 52.25.Fi |
97-29E |
Electron states and adiabatic potential of the hydrogen bond
I.V. Stasyuk Yu.V. Sizonenko R.Ya. Stetsiv |
31.25.Qm 36.40. c |
97-28E |
Structural phase transitions in the two-sublattice pseudospin-electron model of high temperature superconducting systems
I.V. Stasyuk O.D. Danyliv |
74.65.+n 71.45.Gm |
97-27E |
Analytic and numerical study of a hierarchical spin model
Yu. Kozitsky M. Kozlovskii T. Krokhmalskii |
05.50.+q 64.60.Cn 64.60.Fr 75.10.Hr |
97-26U |
Metal--insulator transition in narrow-band model with non-equivalent Hubbard subbands
L. Didukh V. Hankevych Yu. Dovhopyaty |
71.10.Fd 71.30.+h |
97-25U |
Method for the self-consistent description of the critical behaviour of the three-dimensional ising-like system at a microscopic level
M.P. Kozlovskii I.R. Yukhnovskii |
05.60.+w 05.70.Ln 05.20.Dd 52.25.Dg 52.25.Fi |
97-24U |
Equation of Ornstein-Zernike type for ($q$, $\omega _n$)-dependent proton pair correlation functions in KDP and ADP crystals.
R.R. Levitskii S.I. Sorokov A.P. Moina |
77.84.Fa |
97-23U |
External pressure influence on phase transition in KH$_2$PO$_4$.
I.V. Stasyuk R.R. Levitskii A.P. Moina B.M. Lisnii |
77.80.Bh 77.84.Fa |
97-22U |
Investigation of Ising type model with arbitrary value of spin within two-particle cluster approximation. Correlation functions of Blume-Emery-Griffiths model
R.R. Levitskii O.R. Baran S.I. Sorokov |
75.10.H |
97-21U |
Thermodynamics of XXZ--model within two-particle cluster approximation
R.R. Levitskii S.I. Sorokov O.R. Baran I.M. Pyndsyn |
75.10.Jm |
97-20E |
Local field method for Ising model with arbitrary interaction
S.I. Sorokov R.R. Levitskii T.M. Verkholyak |
75.10H 75.50 |
97-19E |
Сopolymer networks: the spectrum of scaling dimensions
Ch. von Ferber Yu. Holovatch |
61.41.+e 64.60.Ak 64.60.Fr 11.10.Gh- |
97-18U |
Statistical hydrodynamics of magnetic and nonmagnetic atoms
I.M. Mryglod Yu.K. Rudavskii M.V. Tokarchuk |
75.50.M |
97-17U |
Ivan Puluj and the development of the science of X-rays
R.P. Gaida |
01.60.+q |
97-16U |
Spectrum of pseudospin excitations of the Mitsui model with symmetric longitudinal random field
I.V. Stasyuk O.V. Velychko |
63.50.+x 64.60.Cn 77.80.Bh 74.72.Bk |
97-15U |
Statistical description of dielectric properties of non-polar molecular systems
M.F. Holovko Yu.L. Blazhyevskyi |
52.60.+h 77.22.d 77.22.Ch |
97-14E |
Soft Mode in Locally Anharmonic "$\varphi ^3+\varphi ^4$" Model.
I.V. Stasyuk K.O. Trachenko |
64.60.Cn 63.20.Ry 74.25.Kc |
97-13U |
Consistent description of kinetics and hydrodynamics of quantum bose-systems. 1. Transport equations.
I.O. Vakarchuk P.A. Hlushak M.V. Tokarchuk |
67.40 47.37.+q |
97-12U |
Investigation of the critical behaviour of $n$-component magnetic model. Calculation of the equation of state and thermodynamic characteristics of the system near the phase transition point.
M.P. Kozlovskii Z.E. Usatenko |
05.60.+w 05.70.Ln 05.20.Dd 52.25.Dg 52.25.Fi |
97-11E |
Uniaxial pressure $\sigma _1-\sigma _2$ influence on phase transition and physical properties of the KD$_2$PO$_4$-type hydrogen bonded ferroelectrics
I.V. Stasyuk R.R. Levitskii I.R. Zachek T.Ye. Krokhmalskii A.S. Duda |
77.80.-e 77.80.Bh 77.84.Fa |
97-10U |
Thermodynamics, correlation functions and relaxational dynamics of disordered ferroelectric crystals with asymmetric one-particle double-well potential
R.O. Sokolovskii |
64.60.Cn |
97-09E |
Thermodynamics and relaxational dynamics of disordered quasi-one-dimensional ferroelectrics with hydrogen bonds
R.R. Levitskii R.O. Sokolovskii S.I. Sorokov |
64.60.Cn |
97-08U |
Band electron spectrum and optical properties of KDP-type crystals under external hydrostatic pressure
R.Ya. Stetsiv |
78.20 |
97-07U |
Thermodynamic characteristics of the 3D Ising system in $\rho ^6$ model approximation taking into account the confluent correction.\ ІІ.\ Low-temperature region
I.V. Pylyuk M.P. Kozlovskii |
05.50.+q 05.70.Ce 64.60.Fr 75.10.Hk |
97-06U |
Thermodynamic characteristics of the 3D Ising system in $\rho ^6$ model approximation taking into account the confluent correction.\ І.\ High-temperature region
I.V. Pylyuk M.P. Kozlovskii |
05.50.+q 05.70.Ce 64.60.Fr 75.10.Hk |
97-05U |
Thermodynamics of spin net in Ising model $S=1$
V.S. Yanishevsky |
75.10.Dg 75.40.Cx |
97-04E |
Investigation of nematic-isotropic phase transition in liquid crystals by Monte Carlo simulations of lattice models
Ja.M. Ilnytskyi |
02.70.Lq 61.30.Cz 64.70.Md |
97-03E |
External pressure influence on phase transition and physical properties of ND$_4$D$_2$PO$_4$-type antiferroelectrics.
R.R. Levitskii A.P. Moina I.R. Zachek |
77.80.-e 77.80.Bh 77.84.Fa |
97-02E |
Copolymer nerworks: multifractal dimension spectra in polymer field theory
Ch. von Ferber Yu. Holovatch |
61.41.+e 64.60.Ak 64.60.Fr 11.10.Gh- |