Structure / Departments / Department for Statistical Theory of Condensed Systems / Laboratory for Statistical Physics of Complex Systems / Meetings, workshops
Meetings, workshops
- Tuan Pham Minh (Niels Bohr Institute, København, Denmark). Robustness of living systems under noisy environments (13.11.2024)
An online presentation of the special issue of the journal Condensed Matter Physics, entitled "Statistical Physics and Emergent Behavior: From Spin Models to Cultural Complexity" (03.10.2024)
The special issue is dedicated to the memory of the Irish physicist and mathematician Ralph Kenna (27.08.1964–26.10.2023), professor at Coventry University, Doctor Honoris Causa of the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, a member of the CMP Editorial Board, a good friend and supporter of Ukraine.
The Special issue is available online here.
- Vicente Garzó (Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain). A kinetic theory approach to granular fluids (14.12.2023)
- Daan Frenkel (University of Cambridge, UK). How simulators run into problems that Gibbs had already solved (9.11.2023)
- Reinhard Folk (Institute for Theoretical Physics, University Linz, Austria). Kirwan’s Thoughts: Not Only On Magnetism (15.12.2022)
- Presentation of the collection of papers 'Verba et numeri. Quantitative Approaches to Analyse Language and Text'
- Presentation of the book 'Horizons of science. II. Histories of time'
- Monthly webinar 'Complex networks': "Complex network applications in societal issues" by Arnab Chatterjee
- Monthly webinar 'Complex networks': "Networks in Economy and Finance" by János Kertész
- Monthly webinar 'Complex networks': "Large-scale bibliometric network analysis and visualization of science" by Nees Jan van Eck
- Monthly webinar 'Complex networks': "Maths, metrics and a mythological goddess: the impact of stories and a story of impact" by Ralph Kenna
- Memorial seminar for the 90th anniversary of the member of Shevchenko Scientific Community, professor Anatoly Svidzinsky
- Ising lectures 2019
- Lecture course: "Complex networks: structure and processes"
- Workshop «Physics and biology: interdisciplinar approaches»
- Seminar «Scientometrics and research evaluation. Phenomenological, technical and practical dimensions» (FB event)
- Round table "Complex network concept in problems of quantum physics and cosmology"
- 2nd Workshop "Complex network concept in problems of quantum physics and cosmology"
- Ising Lectures 2018
- 1st Workshop "Complex network concept in problems of quantum physics and cosmology"
- 2nd interdisciplinary workshop Physics meets Humanities
- Ising Lectures 2017
- Joint Steering Committee Meeting of the IRSES Projects DIONICOS and STREVCOMS
- Interdisciplinary Seminar "Structure and Evolution of Complex Systems with Applications in Physics and Life Sciences"
- Ising Lectures 2016
- Joint Steering Committee Meeting of the IRSES Projects DIONICOS and STREVCOMS
- Interdisciplinary Seminar "Structure and Evolution of Complex Systems with Applications in Physics and Life Sciences"
- Ising Lectures 2015
- Interdisciplinary Seminar "Structure and Evolution of Complex Systems with Applications in Physics and Life Sciences"
- Ising Lectures 2014
- Interdisciplinary Seminar "Structure and Evolution of Complex Systems with Applications in Physics and Life Sciences"