Structure / Departments / Department for Statistical Theory of Condensed Systems / Laboratory for Statistical Physics of Complex Systems
Laboratory for Statistical Physics of Complex Systems
The Laboratory was founded in 2010 by Yurij Holovatch.
Heads of the laboratory:
Yurij Holovatch (2010-2018)
Maxym Dudka (2018-2022)
Viktoria Blavatska (starting from 2022)
Our objective is to study complex systems, i.e. systems composed of many interacting parts, often called agents, which display collective behavior that does not follow trivially from the behaviors of the individual parts. Inherent features of complex systems incorporate self-organization, emergence of new functionalities, extreme sensitiveness to small variations in the initial conditions, governing power laws (fat-tail behaviour).
Head of the laboratory - Viktoria Blavatska
Our research is focused on studies in statistical physics of complex systems. The subjects covered include:
- static and dynamic critical behavior of disordered magnets;
- conformational properties of polymer macromolecules;
- quantitative social science;
- application of statistical physics in modelling of biological systems;
- complex network science;
- scientometrics.
Methods of studies include analytical approaches (field-theoretical renormalization group, functional integration, resummation of divergent series, phenomenological thermodynamic approach), computer simulations, empirical data analysis.
Scientific collaboration
- Groupe de Physique Statistique, Institut Jean Lamour, Universitґe de Lorraine;
- Coventry University Applied Mathematics Research Centre;
- Laboratoire de Physique Theorique de la Matiere Condensee de l'Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris-VI, France;
- Dioscuri Centre for Physics and Chemistry of Bacteria, Insitute for Physical Chemistry PAN, Warsaw, Poland
- Section for Science of Complex Systems, Medical University of Vienna;
- Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Leipzig;
- Zakład Zastosowań Matematyki, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej (Lublin);
- Department of Theoretical Physics of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv;
- Astronomical Observatory of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv;
- Gruppo Sphinx, Departamento de Física Universidad de Extremadura;
- Max-Planck-Institut für Intelligente Systeme (Stuttgart);
- Laboratoire de Physique, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon;
- Lviv Polytechnic National University;
Participation in the Doctoral College for the Statistical Physics of Complex Systems, Leipzig-Lorraine-Lviv-Coventry (L4). Lecture courses and supervision of diploma and master theses of students of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (V. Blavatska, M. Dudka, Yu. Holovatch), National University "Lviv Polytechnic" (O. Mryglod, M. Dudka), Ukrainian Catholic University (Yu. Holovatch, M. Krasnytska, O. Mryglod, V. Palchykov, P. Sarkanych). Organization of the annual workshop "Ising lectures" (O. Dobush, Yu. Holovatch, M. Krasnytska, D. Shapoval), co-supervision of the interdisciplinary seminar "Horizons of Science" (Yu. Holovatch, M. Krasnytska with Ya. Hrytsak, B. Novosiadlyi, and Ya. Prytula).
Publishing of the review volume series "Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory". World Scientific, Singapore. vol. 1 - 2004, vol. 2 - 2007, vol. 3 - 2012, vol. 4 - 2015, vol.5 - 2018, vol. 6 - 2020, vol. 7 - 2023. Recent publications are listed here.