Structure / Departments / Department for Statistical Theory of Condensed Systems / Laboratory for Statistical Physics of Complex Systems / Gallery
Some of us are back home after travels, the others will travel soon, August 5, 2022
Mariana delivered a talk at the University of Extremadura, Badajoz, July 7, 2022
Ising hiking, May 22, 2022
Celebrating New Year 2022, December 28, 2021
Prizewinners (from ICMP) of "Prize of the regional state administration and regional council for employees of scientific institutions and institutions of higher education"
With Pawel Romaczuk's Lab at the Humboldt University of Berlin. We attend an offline (!) workshop in frames of our common project "Complex networks: self-organization and collective information processing"
Celebrating two events: Yaroslav`s birthday and Ostap's PhD diploma
At the exhibition in the Lviv Art Gallery, with a painting by Petro Humenyuk "Scientific Foundation", September 28, 2021
International Doctoral College in action: despite the situation, Julko successfully flew Lviv-Coventry, April 17, 2021!
After Maxym's habilitation on December 23, 2020.
Volume 6 of the series 'Order, disorder and criticality' has been published by World Scientific!
The doctoral college Statistical Physics of Complex Systems ( ) (Leipzig-Lorraine-Lviv-Coventry) won the support of the Franco-German university ( ) for years 2021-2024. Wolfhard, Bertrand, Ralph and Yurko discuss plans for continued collaboration, May 15, 2020
Getting used to online seminars: our first webinar, we discuss spreading on networks, April 6, 2020
Maxym presenting his Master thesis at the Seminar, February 13 2020.
Prof. Andrij Babsjkyj (left) presents his colleagues-biophysicists (right) from Ivan Franko National University of Lviv at our seminar, February 6 2020.
Serhii presenting his Master thesis at the Seminar, January 30 2020.
New Year - 2020 celebration in the Lab., December 27, 2019
Ralph become Doctor Honoris Causa of the ICMP, November 14, 2019
After Petros viva, November 13, 2019

Olia gave a seminar on her bachelor thesis, May 30, 2019
Yaryna gave a seminar on her bachelor thesis, May 23, 2019
Ising hiking, May 11, 2019
Ising lectures 2019, May 8, 2019 року

Start of the cource "Complex networks: structure and processes" for the master students of UCU, May 6, 2019

JEDI project is submitted, January 14, 2019
New Year 2019 celebrations in the Laboratory, December 27, 2018

CECS project is submitted, November 15, 2018

Jose family visiting the Laboratory, August 19, 2018

The youngest visitor of the Laboratory, July 3 2018

Competition winners and their coach. June 8 2018

Laboratory group selfie, May 2018
Ising lectures 2018, May 7-9

Three laureates of the President of Ukraine Prize for Young Scientists: Maxym(2009), Viktoria(2009) and Khrystyna(2017). April 26 2018

Celebrating Mariana's birthday and attending Petro's seminar

Celebrating Viktoria's birthday and attending Khrystia's Gnatenko seminar within the project DFFD №76/105-2017 "Complex network concept in problems of quantum physics and cosmology"

Watching performance "Baba Prisia" at Lesya Ukrainka Theatre, Lviv, February 23, 2018

After traditional Jordan lectures and presentation of the first book which Mar'jana, Petro and Robin edited together, January 23, 2018

New Year 2018 celebration in the Lab, December 28, 2017

Our colleagues within L4 collaboration Stefano and Yannis from Nancy with us in Lviv (after the seminar and before the tea), October 26, 2017

Joseph just defended his PhD, September 13, 2017

Everyday routine in the Laborstory for Statistical Physics of Complex Systems

Ising Lectures - 2017, June 14-16

Ising hiking - 2017, mountain Parashka, June 12

After the concert in the philarmony 7 April 2017

Celebration of the 2017 New Year in the Lab

Khrystyna defended her PhD

Marjana defended her PhD
Bertrand Berche got Doctor Honoris Causa

Group photo from the Ising Lectures 2016, Lviv, 17-19 May

Group photo from the Ising Hiking - 2016, May 20 - 21 (more)

Our lab & friends at MECO 41 in Vienna

Enjoying a day in London

2015: we are 5 years old!

Ising singing 2014.

Our first group photo, November 17, 2010