Structure / Departments / Department for Statistical Theory of Condensed Systems / Laboratory for Statistical Physics of Complex Systems / People
- Viktoria Blavatska
- Мaksym Dudka
- Yurij Holovatch
- Julian Honchar
- Marjana Krasnytska
- Olesya Mryglod
- Petro Sarkanych
- Dmytro Shapoval
Project participants
- Oksana Dobush
- Khrystyna Hajdukivska
- Jaroslav Ilnytskyi
- Ostap Kayuzhnyi
- Vasyl Palchykov
- Dmytro Yaremchuk
Regular visitors/collaborators
- Bertrand Berche
- Bertrand Delamotte
- Victor Dotsenko
- Christian von Ferber
- Reinhard Folk
- Taras Holovatch
- Wolfhard Janke
- Ralph Kenna
- Jurij Kozicki
- Dominique Mouhanna
- Gleb Oshanin
- Juan J. Ruiz-Lorenzo
- Stefan Thurner