Jaroslav Ilnytskyi
Jaroslav Ilnytskyi

Department of Computer Simulations of Many-Particle Systems
Head of Department, Leading researcher
Dr.Sci., Prof.
Brief info:
Scientific interests:
Liquid Crystals, polymers, self-assembly, phase transitions, computer simulations
Recent papers:
1. Adsorption of Low Density Lipoproteins on an Azobenzene-Containing Polymer Brush: Modelling by Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics J Ilnytskyi, D Yaremchuk, O Komarytsia Processes 11 (10), 2913 (2023)
2. Aided-and self-assembly of liquid crystalline nanoparticles in bulk and in solution: computer simulation studies A Slyusarchuk, D Yaremchuk, J Lintuvuori, MR Wilson, M Grenzer, S. Sokolowski, Liquid Crystals 50 (1), 74-97 (2023)
3. Modelling thermoresponsive polymer brush by mesoscale computer simulations D Yaremchuk, O Kalyuzhnyi, J Ilnytskyi Condensed Matter Physics 26(3), 33302 (2023)
4. Modeling of the COVID-19 pandemic in the limit of no acquired immunity JM Ilnytskyi Mathematical Modeling and Computing 8 (2), 282-303 (2021)
5. Biomimetic cellulosomes assembled on molecular brush scaffolds: random complexes vs enzyme mixtures O Zholobko, A Hammed, A Zakharchenko, N Borodinov, I Luzinov, B Urbanowicz, T Patsahan, J Ilnytskyi, S Minko, SW Pryor, A Voronov ACS Applied Polymer Materials 3 (4), 1840-1853 (2021)