
The 4-th Conference “Statistical Physics: Modern Trends and Applications” incorporates reports about the research made within the FP7 EU IRSES project N269139 'Dynamics and Cooperative Phenomena in Complex Physical and Biological Media' (DCP-PhysBio ) and is supported by this project.

The goal of the DCP-PhysBio project is to bring together several research teams from France, Germany, Israel, Russia, UK and Ukraine and to use their combined expertise to study various challenging dynamical and cooperative phenomena taking place in complex physical and biological systems. Partner organizations of the project are: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France), Max-Planck Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften (MPI Stuttgart, Germany), University of Potsdam (Potsdam, Germany), Coventry University (Coventry, UK), Holon Institute of Technology (Holon, Israel), Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharkevich Institute, Moscow, Russia), M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Lviv Ukraine).

The DCP-PhysBio Steering Committee Meeting will be held one day prior to the conference opening, on Monday, July 2. The programme of the meeting is given below. Participants of the project that plan to attend both the Conference and the Steering Committee meeting are kindly asked to register at the conference site and to book an accommodation for an appropriate period.

DCP-PhysBio Steering Committee Meeting

Monday, July 2 Conference Hall of the ICMP (1 Svientsitskii Str., 79011 Lviv)

Welcome: I. Mryglod
Presentation of IRSES project: G. Oshanin
Presentation of labs: Nancy (B. Berche), Paris VI (J. Talbot), Coventry (R. Kenna), MPI (O. Vasilyev), Potsdam (A. Chechkin), Holon (I. Eliazar), Moscow (M. Tamm), Lviv (Yu. Holovatch)
Presentation of individual research: C. von Ferber, M. Weigel, A. Law, A. Maciolek, T. Mattos, V. Palyulin, A. Aerov, A. Bodrova, V. Blavatska, M. Dudka, O. Mryglod, G. Oshanin

Important dates

Registration deadlineMarch 1
Abstract submission deadlineMay 1
Manuscript submission deadlineJuly 3
Conference datesJuly 3-6
Carpathian hiking tourJuly 7-8

Conference proceedings

All contributors to the Statphys'2012 conference presenting an oral or a poster communication may submit a paper for the Proceedings. The deadline for manuscript submission is the first working day of the Conference.

Conference fee

The Conference fee is 150 EURO which includes the Programme and the Book of abstracts, Social events, Get-together party and Coffee breaks. The Conference fee may be paid via bank transfer (for more details visit this page) or during the registration at the registration desk.

Financial support

Limited financial support will be available for young participants.


Supported by:

Satellite meetings

DCP-PhysBio Project

Supported by:

Satellite meeting for young participants

Supported by:

AvH Satellite Workshop

Supported by:


The organizing committee can help to arrange accommodation for Conference participants in Lviv hotels.

Address for correspondence


Institute for Condensed Matter Physics

1 Svientsitskii Str.

79011 Lviv, Ukraine

Web-page: http://www.icmp.lviv.ua/statphys2012

E-mail: statphys2012@icmp.lviv.ua

Phone: +38 032 276-19-78

Fax: +38 032 276-11-58