Titles and Abstracts of Reports

NameCountryTitle of PresentationAbstracts
Aerov ArtemRussiaWhy the water bridge does not collapsePDF
Anchishkin DmitryUkraineNonequilibrium distribution functions of nucleons in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisionsPDF
Antipov RomanUkraineTo hydrodynamics in the presence of external potential fieldPDF
Babich ArtemUkrainePhase transitions in higher spatial derivative field theoriesPDF
Bakai OlexandrUkraineShort-range order effects in the critical and overcritical states of fluidPDF
Baran OstapUkraineThermodynamic characteristics of spin-3/2 Blume-Capel model on a rectangular lattice under longitudinal fieldPDF
Belonoshko AnatolySwedenMelting of ideal and real materialsPDF
Berche BertrandFranceSpin polarization via interferences and decoherence in a spin orbit active interferometer coupled to an electron reservoirPDF
Blavatska ViktoriaUkraineDisorder effects on the static scattering function of star branched polymersPDF
Bodrova AnnaRussiaAn aggregate model for the particle size distribution in planetary ringsPDF
Bogolubov NikolaiRussiaThe vacuum-field theory electrodynamics and the Feynman approach legacyPDF
Kinetic equation for the dynamic system interacting with phonons with taking into account the spatial inhomogeneityPDF
Borisyuk VadimUkraineStatistical analysis of the hybrid coating film surface structure under HCEB modificationPDF
Borshch VolodymyrUSAElectric field quenching of fluctuations and field induced order in nematic liquid crystalsPDF
Brics MartinsGermanyA solution of the Fokker-Planck equation for a Schrödinger potential with mixed eigenvalue spectrumPDF
Bryk TarasUkraineFeatures of collective dynamics in supercritical fluidsPDF
Burda ZdzislawPolandMaximal entropy random walkPDF
Bzovska IrynaUkraineModeling of oscillatory behavior in heterogeneous catalysis: CO oxidation reactionPDF
Carrasco-Fadanelli VirginiaMexicoFrustration of the freezing mechanism using a binary mixturePDF
Chechkin AlekseiUkraineFirst passage processes for the two paradigmatic models of anomalous diffusionPDF
Chepizhko OleksandrUkraineDynamics of self-propelled particles in confined geometry PDF
Conti LiviaItalyExperimental study of thermal noise of oscillators in non-equilibrium steady-statesPDF
Derzhko OlegUkraineHow does spin chain's quantum critical point manifest itself in elastic properties?PDF
Dinh Thanh-ChungAustriaLinear absorption of a dimer in a quantum harmonic bath: Application to the water soluble chlorophyll binding proteinPDF
Druchok MaksymUkraineEffects of the uranyl association in aqueous solutionsPDF
Dubkov AlexanderRussiaTime characteristics of Levy flights in a steep potential wellPDF
Dublenych YuriyUkraineContinuum of ground states and aperiodic structures in a lattice gas on a triangular lattice with finite-range interactionsPDF
Dubrovskyi IlliaUkraineThe density of one-particle states for 2D electron gas in the magnetic fieldPDF
Dudka MaxymUkraineMarginal dimensions for multicritical phase transitionsPDF
Ekiz CesurTurkeyMagnetic behavior of the-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model on diamond-like decorated Bethe lattice in external fieldPDF
Eliazar IddoIsraelAnomalous is ubiquitousPDF
von Ferber ChristianUnited KingdomPublic transport networks: fractal propertiesPDF
Fil DmitriiUkraineBCS pairing of electrons and holes in graphene bilayers and films of topological insulatorsPDF
Fomin YuryRussiaInversion of sequence of diffusion and density anomalies in core-softened systemsPDF
Freericks JamesUSARecent progress in solving the nonequilibrium many-body problemPDF
Fricke NiklasGermanyA numerical study of self-avoiding walks on diluted latticesPDF
Gerasimenko ViktorUkraineTowards rigorous derivation of kinetic equations of hard spheresPDF
Gomonay HelenUkraineSpin torque antiferromagnetic nanooscillator in the presence of noisePDF
Gorev VyacheslavUkraineOn the hydrodynamics of a two-liquid plasma taking into account relaxation processesPDF
Grytskiv RomanUkraineCollective dynamics in a glass: a molecular dynamics studyPDF
Hänggi PeterGermanyDoing small systems: concepts, role of ensembles, thermalization and fluctuation theoremsPDF
Smoluchowski’s oeuvre: Its impact for physics and chemistryPDF
Haydukivska KhristineUkrainePolymers in anisotropic environment with extended defectsPDF
Hitchinson EleniUnited KingdomQuantitative analysis of evolution and role behaviour in usenet groupsPDF
Hlushak PetroUkraineOn the consistent description of a kinetics and hydrodynamics of quantum Bose systemsPDF
Holovko MyroslavUkraineFluids in random porous media:scaled particle theoryPDF
Hribar-Lee BarbaraSloveniaThe influence of the charged obstacles on thermodynamics and dynamics in electrolyte solutionsPDF
Huerta Hernández Adrian ArturoMexicoFreezing of a two-dimensional matterPDF
Hvozd TarasUkraineClosed-loop liquid-liquid immiscibility in mixtures of particles with spherically symmetric interactionPDF
Ignatyuk Vasyl'UkraineOn a relation between the temperature dependence of  the adsorbate T-mode and nature of  the interaction  "adsorbate-substrate"PDF
Reaction-diffusion processes in the system "adsorbate-substrate"PDF
Ilnytskyi YaroslavUkraineMicrophase separation driven transitions in soft matter: computer simulationsPDF
Ivaneiko DmytroGermanyInfluence of isotropic and anisotropic particle distribution on the mechanical properties of magneto-sensitive elastomersPDF
Janke WolfhardGermanyPolymer statistics in an attractive spherePDF
Kapitanchuk OleksiyUkraineNegative cooperativity of transient characteristics of a system with fluctuating energy levelsPDF
Kaupuzs JevgenijsLatviaGoldstone mode singularities in O(n) modelsPDF
Kenna RalphUnited KingdomCritical masses for academic research groupPDF
Kertesz JanosHungaryEgocentric social networks from communication dataPDF
Kharchenko DmitriiUkraineModeling the microstructure change for irradiated systems within the phase field crystal methodPDF
Khodusov ValeryUkraineAbout influence of the superfluid flows on interaction of SHF waves with HeIIPDF
Khomenko AlexeiUkraineAtomistic simulation of the tribological properties of Cu and Au nanoparticles adsorbed on a graphene sheetPDF
Klapchuk MyroslavaUkraineMagnetic properties of spherical quantum dotPDF
Kobryn AlexanderCanadaMultiscale modeling of structure and dynamical processes of oligomeric polyelectrolyte gelatorsPDF
Kokhan SerhiyUkraineProperties of nano-islands formation in nonequilibrium reaction-diffusion systems with memory effectsPDF
Korniy SergiyUkraineQuantum-chemical study of the corrosion dissolution of platinum nanoclusters PtnXm in chloride containing water environmentPDF
Korynevskii MykolaUkraineDipole glass state parameter in the mixed ferro-antiferroelectric systemsPDF
Kozitsky YuriPolandMarkov evolution of continuum particle systems with dispersion and competitionPDF
Kramar OleksandrUkraineElectron transport in the model of narrow-band ferromagnet with double orbital degeneracyPDF
Krasnov VolodymyrUkraineEnergy spectrum of pseudospin-electron model in the dynamical mean field approachPDF
Krasnytska MarjanaUkrainePotts model on complex networksPDF
Kravtsiv IvanUkraineSpatially inhomogeneous fluid: field theory approachPDF
Krivnov ValeryRussiaLow-temperature magnetic properties of classical frustrated spin chainPDF
Krupnitska OlesiaUkraineHigh-field low-temperature properties of distorted diamond chainPDF
Kulinskii VladimirUkraineThe unified approach to the Zeno-line and the bimodal diameter linearitiesPDF
Kuporov VyacheslavUkraineDynamical perturbation theory: application for binary liquidsPDF
Lajko PeterKuwaitStrong-disorder renormalization group method in quantum spin chainsPDF
Lavrentovich OlegUSALyotropic chromonic liquid crystals: structure, viscoelasticity, and defectsPDF
Law A.GermanyThe structure and stability of two-dimensional colloidal alloysPDF
Lev BohdanUkraineNew approach to statistical description of self-gravitatig systemPDF
Lisnii BohdanUkraineAsymmetric diamond Ising-Hubbard chain with attractive interactionPDF
Lukšič MihaSloveniaTowards an analytical model of hydrophobic hydrationPDF
Lukyanets SergeiUkraineInduced long-range correlations in a two-component lattice gasPDF
Lyagushyn SergiyUkraineWaves of correlations of electromagnetic field in nonequilibrium emitter mediumPDF
Lyashenko IakovUkraineStick-slip motion at friction of two rough surfaces in the boundary lubrication modePDF
Lysenko IrynaUkrainePhase-field modeling of epitaxial growth in stochastic systems with interacting absorbatePDF
Lytvynenko DmytroUkraineThe theory of phase transitions in the system of charged Fermi-particles above liquid dielectric surfacePDF
Maciolek Anna MariaGermanyPhase behaviour, structure and aggregation of colloids immersed in near-critical solventsPDF
Maksymenko MykolaUkraineFlat-band ferromagnetism as a Pauli-correlated percolation problemPDF
Markovych BogdanUkraineSemi-infinite jellium: thermodynamic characteristicsPDF
Marenz MartinGermanyA simple polymer in a spherical cagePDF
Markiv BohdanUkraineOn the problem of a consistent description of kinetic and hydrodynamic processes in dense gases and liquids: collective excitations spectrum.PDF
Matskevych ValentinaUkraineInfluence of the internal anisotropy in uniaxial nematic liquid crystals on the angular features of the phase and group velocitiesPDF
Mattos ThiagoGermanyCritical Casimir forces in many-body systemsPDF
Mejia-Monasterio CarlosSpainSingle particle trajectories – making the most out of bad statisticsPDF
Menchyshyn OlehUkraineQuantum Bose gas in periodic potential with phase modulationPDF
Mert H.SevkiTurkeyMagnetic properties of a mixed spin-3/2 and spin-5/2 Heisenberg ferrimagnetic system using Green's function methodPDF
Dipolar interaction in the Heisenberg chainPDF
Mishagli DmitriiUkraineLong-range interaction between dust grains in plasmaPDF
Morozov VladimirRussiaEntropy production in decoherence: exactly solvable qubit modelsPDF
Mryglod OlesyaUkraineScientific topic evolution: interdisciplinary landscapePDF
Mysakovych TarasUkraineBose-Fermi-Hubbard model at weak boson-fermion interactionPDF
Najafi Morteza NattaghIranAvalanche frontiers in dissipative abelian sandpile model as off-critical SLE(2)PDF
Nikolayenko SergiyUkraineOn the non-equilibrium long wave fluctuations in systems of neutrons interacting with multiplying and capturing mediaPDF
Obukhovsky VyacheslavUkraineNonlinear diffusion and intermolecular interactions: experimental verificationPDF
Omelyan IhorUkraineGeneralized canonical-isokinetic ensemble: application to multiscale molecular dynamicsPDF
Palyulin VladimirGermanyHow a finite potential barrier decreases the mean first passage timePDF
Patrykiejew AndrzejPolandThe phase behavior of two-dimensional symmetrical mixturesPDF
Patsahan OksanaUkraineInstabilities with respect to periodic ordering in primitive models of ionic fluidsPDF
Patsahan TarasUkraineA hard sphere fluid in a random porous media: new approximations in the scaled particle theoryPDF
Patsahan VioletaUkraineMolecular dynamics simulation of Al-Cu alloysPDF
Pergamenshchik VictorUkraineKinetic energy of aggregates and universal power-law behavior of self-assembling in a thermal bathPDF
Petrov ElmarUkraineCoarse-grained kinetic equations for quantum systemsPDF
Pevzner AlexanderUkraineTo the radiative transfer theory in mediumPDF
Pikalov AleksanderUkraineTransport properties of quantum Hall bilayers with Andreev contactsPDF
Pizio OrestMexicoEffects of ionic solutes on thermodynamic properties of mixtures with a soft-core solventPDF
Popkov VladislavItalyExtreme events in a driven system of hardcore particles out of equilibriumPDF
Portnyagin DmitryUkraineDiffusion in nano-porous mediaPDF
Procaccia ItamarIsraelUniversal plasticity in amorphous solids with implications to the glass transitionPDF
Prykarpatsky AnatoliyUkraineOn new vortex structures  in three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamicsPDF
Prykarpatskyy YaremaPolandOn the complete integrability of the Ostrovsky-Vakhnenko equationPDF
Pylyuk IhorUkraineCritical behaviour of a 3D Ising-like system in the ρ6 model approximation: Role of the correction for the potential averagingPDF
Rasulova MukhayoUzbekistan / MalaysiaSoliton solution of generalized kinetic equation for many particle  Jaynes-Cummings modelPDF
Renger ThomasAustriaTheory of light-harvesting in photosynthesisPDF
Richter JohannesGermanyStrongly correlated systems on highly frustrated lattices: From magnons to electronsPDF
Romanik RomanUkraineOn a way of calculation of the equation of state for a simple fluid near the critical pointPDF
Rovenchak AndriyUkraineLviv period for Smoluchowski: Science, teaching, and beyond PDF
Ryzhov ValentinRussiaAnomalous behavior of core-softened systemsPDF
Sankovich DmitriyRussiaBose condensation of a Bose gas in a latticePDF
Scala AntonioItalyFull Brownian dynamics simulation techniques for hard spheresPDF
Schirmacher WalterGermanyTheory of vibrational anomalies in glassesPDF
Schmidt MatthiasGermanyThe internal-energy functional for classical liquidsPDF
Schöll-Paschinger ElisabethAustriaPhase behavior of colloids and proteins in aqueous suspensions: theory and computer simulationsPDF
Molecular dynamics simulations of the self-assembly of POPC lipidsPDF
Semenov AndreyUkraineComplex permittivity of dispersed systems with penetrable particle-host interphasePDF
Shchur YaroslavUkraineUnified lattice dynamics model for hydrogen-bonded crystalsPDF
Shmotolokha VolodymyrUkraineThe application of the scaled particle theory for an investigation of a fluid of hard spherocylindrical rods in a random porous mediaPDF
Shpot MykolaUkraineLifshitz point at large nPDF
Shvaika AndriyUkraineX-ray photoemission and absorption in strongly correlated electron systemsPDF
Shvets Valeriy UkraineEffective proton-proton interaction and metallization of hydrogen and heliumPDF
Higher-order pertubation-theory effects in the resistance of simple disordered metalsPDF
Shygorin PavloUkraineQuasiclassical approximation of the Bogolyubov equations in the theory of superfluid Fermi systemsPDF
Simulik VolodimirUkraineSome statistical aspects of the spinor field Fermi - Bose dualityPDF
Sirenko ValentynaUkraineCritical phenomena in uniaxial antiferromagnets and superconductorsPDF
Slipushenko SergiyUkraineCollision of two composite particlesPDF
Sliusarenko OleksiiUkraineLangevin simulations in anomalous dynamics and the reverse engineering problemPDF
Slyusarenko YuriiUkraineOn the mechanism of collisionless damping of sound in dilute Bose gas with condensatePDF
Perspectives of Bose-Einstein condensates for filtering of light pulses and acceleration of relativistic charged particlesPDF
Smerechynskyi S.UkraineThe inverse problem in the theory of degenerate dwarfs in the frame of two-phase modelPDF
Sokolov AndriiUkraineOptical conductivity of Coulomb systemsPDF
Sokolovsky AlexanderUkraineHydrodynamic states of photons in equilibrium medium.PDF
Hydrodynamics of superfluid Bose liquid as a one-component systemPDF
Sokolovsky SergiyUkraineHydrodynamic evolution of polaron gas: relaxation and diffusionPDF
Hydrodynamic steady states of phonons in insulatorPDF
Sokołowski StefanPolandPhase behavior of simple fluids and binary symmetric mixtures in pillared slit-like pores: A density functional approachPDF
Sorokov SerhiyUkraineApplication of the functional Callen identity to the study of the transverse Ising modelPDF
Statistical theory of Rb1−x(NH4)xH2PO4 type ferroelectrics with competitive short-range and long-range interactionsPDF
Stafiej JanuszPolandCellular automata based approach to nanopore formation in passive layersPDF
Stasyuk IhorUkraineSingle-particle spectral density of ionic (proton) Pauli conductor with competitive interactionsPDF
Stetsko MykolaUkraineQuantum black hole and uncertainty principle with minimal length and momentumPDF
Strecka JozefSlovak RepublicPhase diagrams and thermodynamics of the mixed spin-1/2 and spin-1 Ising model with a spin-phonon interactionPDF
Exact solution for the spin-chain model of alternating Ising and Heisenberg spins in arbitrary magnetic fieldPDF
Stupka AntonUkraineLow-frequency electromagnetic field in Wigner crystalPDF
Surkov DmitriyUkraineStationary states in bistable system driven by Levy noisePDF
Sushko MyroslavUkraineExperimental observation of triple correlations in fluidsPDF
Szamel GrzegorzUSADynamics of interacting Brownian particlesPDF
Sznajd JozefPolandLinear perturbation renormalization group method for Ising-like spin systemsPDF
Talbot JulianFranceFluctuation theorems for an ideal and frictional granular motorPDF
Tamm MikhailRussiaNew alphabet-dependent morphological transition in a random RNA alignmentPDF
Tkach MykolaUkraineConductivity of quantum cascade laser with four-barrier active bandPDF
Tokarchuk MykhailoUkraineGeneralized equations of chemical kinetics in Renyi statisticsPDF
Generalized equations for transport of ions and molecules in electrolyte solution through membrane structures. Taking electromagnetic processes into accountPDF
Trokhimchuck PetroUkraineA nature of phase transformations in relaxed opticsPDF
Tsiok ElenaRussiaComplex phase behavior and liquid-liquid phase transition in the system of particles with repulsive shoulder potentialPDF
Tyshko NestorUkraineElectron-plasmon approach in the electron-liquid theoryPDF
Urbic TomazSloveniaAnalytical model for 3D Mercedes-Benz water moleculesPDF
Usatenko ZoryanaUkraineCalculation of Pincus force in the framework of massive field theory approachPDF
Vaia RuggeroItalyAlmost-perfect quantum-state transfer through a long uniform chainPDF
Vasilyev OlegGermanyMolecular dynamics simulation of particles with complex interactionsPDF
Vdovych AndriyUkraineThe study of spatially confined Ising spin systems by transfer-matrix methodPDF
Vega CarlosSpainModelling water with computer simulationsPDF
Velychko OlegUkraineTwo-state hard-core Bose-Hubbard model: beyond the random phase approximationPDF
Verkholyak TarasUkraineGround state of the spin-1/2 XYZ-Heisenberg-Ising two-leg ladderPDF
Volkov OlehUkraineThe fast and natural technique for the interpolation of experimental structure factors of the melted metallic alloysPDF
Vysochanskii YulianUkraineGriffiths phase manifestation in (PbySn1-y)2P2S6 ferroelectricsPDF
Weber HansSwedenRandom quantum Ising model in 2+1 dimensionsPDF
Weigel MartinUnited KingdomSimulating spin models on GPU — A tourPDF
Yanishevskyy VasylUkraineOn the problem of option pricing. Heston modelPDF
Yushchenko O.UkraineMicroscopic representation of nonextensive systems within the Ising modelPDF
Zagorodny AnatolyUkraineFokker-Planck equation with memory: the cross over from ballistic to diffusive processes in many particle systems and incompressible mediaPDF

Important dates

Registration deadlineMarch 1
Abstract submission deadlineMay 1
Manuscript submission deadlineJuly 3
Conference datesJuly 3-6
Carpathian hiking tourJuly 7-8

Conference proceedings

All contributors to the Statphys'2012 conference presenting an oral or a poster communication may submit a paper for the Proceedings. The deadline for manuscript submission is the first working day of the Conference.

Conference fee

The Conference fee is 150 EURO which includes the Programme and the Book of abstracts, Social events, Get-together party and Coffee breaks. The Conference fee may be paid via bank transfer (for more details visit this page) or during the registration at the registration desk.

Financial support

Limited financial support will be available for young participants.


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Address for correspondence


Institute for Condensed Matter Physics

1 Svientsitskii Str.

79011 Lviv, Ukraine

Web-page: http://www.icmp.lviv.ua/statphys2012

E-mail: statphys2012@icmp.lviv.ua

Phone: +38 032 276-19-78

Fax: +38 032 276-11-58