Abstracts Submission
Participants are kindly requested to e-mail the abstracts before the deadline. Abstracts should be prepared in LaTeX. Style files and the template are available for download. Please also indicate in your letter whether you prefer a poster or an oral presentation. The Presenting Authors will be informed about the accepted form of their presentation. The Final Announcement containing information on scientific programme and other organizational aspects will be posted on the conference website by June, 2012.
Abstract instructions
Abstracts should be prepared in LaTeX and submitted to statphys2012@icmp.lviv.ua before the deadline. Corresponding style file and a template are available for download as one zipped archive:

Novel approaches in statistical physics
J. Smitha and I. Kovalenkob,a
a Bigcity University, Physics department, 9 Max Planck Str., 01--100 Bigcity, Farland, e-mail: (optional)
b National University, Faculty of physics, 8 Fizychna Str., 79001 Misto, Kraina, e-mail: (optional)
Here goes the text of the abstract. It must be contained in a 11 cm x 16 cm rectangle typed by a 10 pt font (approximately 300 words) and submitted in electronic form to statphys2012@icmp.lviv.ua