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All seminars
Date | Department | Speaker | Affiliation | Presentation title |
12.06.2012, Tue 14:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Olesya Mryglod | ICMP |
Invisible harmony: mathematical laws in art |
5.06.2012, Tue 14:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Mykola Lavrskyy | Lviv Polytechnic National University |
Calculation of chemosorption energies of atoms in crystalline hydrogen-like surfaces |
29.05.2012, Tue 14:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Mykola Tasinkevych | Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, Germany |
Catalytic Janus Micromotors |
18.05.2012, Fri 10:00 | Statistical theory of condensed systems | Z. Usatenko | ICMP |
Critical behavior of complex systems in confined geometries: massive field-theory approach |
15.05.2012, Tue 14:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Mykola Maksymenko | ICMP |
Exact solution for Potts models on Bethe lattice |
8.05.2012, Tue 14:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Maryana Krasnytska | ICMP |
Phase transitions in complex networks. Potts model (based on master's thesis) |
24.04.2012, Tue 14:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Maxym Dudka | ICMP |
Field theory approach to the "chemical" reactions |
17.04.2012, Tue 14:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Olesya Mryglod | ICMP |
Model Thinking Course: video lectures |
9.04.2012, Mon 10:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Jurij Kozicki | Marie-Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland |
Stochastic evolution in natural sciences |
3.04.2012, Tue 14:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Vasyl Ignatiuk | ICMP |
Zeno and anti-Zeno effects in surface diffusion of interacting adsorbates |
27.03.2012, Tue 14:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Maxym Dudka | ICMP |
Multicritical behavior of system with two order parameters |
20.03.2012, Tue 14:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Viktoriya Blavatska | ICMP |
Modules, viscosity and susceptibility: mechanical field |
6.03.2012, Tue 16:30 | Quantum statistical theory of catalytic processes | Dr. Verkholyak T.M. | ICMP |
Rigorous results for quantum spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg ladders |
6.03.2012, Tue 14:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Khristine Haydukivska | ICMP |
Phase Separation in Binary Polymer Melts |
28.02.2012, Tue 14:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Yuriy Holovach | ICMP |
Correlation effects on the scale-free network |
22.02.2012, Wed 16:00 | Computer simulations of many-particle systems | Batsevych Oleksandr |
Superluminal neutrino phenomenon as a consequence the equivalence principle violation |
21.02.2012, Tue 16:00 | Quantum statistics | Prof. R.M. Peleshchak, Head of the Department of General Physics | Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University |
Електричні властивості діода Шотткі з вбудованим шаром квантових точок |
21.02.2012, Tue 14:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Olesya Mryglod | ICMP |
The dependence of the efficiency of research groups of their size |
14.02.2012, Tue 16:00 | Quantum statistics | A.O. Slobodeniuk | Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Графен та нерелятивістський двовимірний електронний газ у неоднорідному магнітному полі (за матеріалами кандидатської дисертації) |
14.02.2012, Tue 14:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Christian von Ferber | Coventry University (Coventry, UK) |
Introduction to financial mathematics |