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The main tasks of ICMP of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is carrying out fundamental research in theoretical physics and condensed matter physics, and performing other research in physics, chemistry, mathematics, information and computer technology, ecology, preparation of highly qualified specialists, spreading results of research etc.


Jubilee Lectures "Statistical Physics in the 21-st Century"

(Tatariv, August 26-28, 2015)

On the September 1, 2015 a famous Ukrainian scientist, theoretical physicist academician Igor Yukhnovskii marks his 90 anniversary.

On this occasion on August 26-28, 2015 Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of NAS of Ukraine organizes Jubilee Lectures "Statistical Physics in the 21-st Century", where the reports of leading Ukrainian theoretical physicists as well as students and followers of I.R.Yuhnovskii will be presented

Topics of the Lectures cover both methodological foundations of statistical physics at the current stage, and specific branches of statistical physics of condensed systems, including those that were the subject of interest of Ihor Yukhnovskii: the theory of soft matter, phase transitions and critical phenomena, description of collective properties of classical and quantum many-body systems, non-traditional applications of statistical physics and so on.

Ising Lectures 2015

On May 5-7, 2015 Ising Lectures will take place at the Conference Hall of the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics. Ising Lectures are an annual workshop on modern problems of phase transitions and critical phenomena orientated mostly towards young scientists.

For more details, please, visit the web page of the workshop.

Anyone interested is welcome.

XV Workshop and Award for young researchers in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory

On June 4-5, 2015 XV Workshop and Award for young researchers in the field of statistical physics and condensed matter theory will be held at the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics.

Round Table "On the way to the effective model of education and science management in Ukraine"

On Wednesday, the 1st of October 2014, at 11.00, at the ICMP conference hall (1, Svientsitsky str.) the meeting will take place in the framework of "The series of expert round tables and meetings with scientists on the management and functioning of the system of education and science in different countries."



Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of NAS of Ukraine

1 Svientsitskii Street,

79011 Lviv, Ukraine

phone. (032) 2761978,

fax: (032) 2761158
