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The main tasks of ICMP of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is carrying out fundamental research in theoretical physics and condensed matter physics, and performing other research in physics, chemistry, mathematics, information and computer technology, ecology, preparation of highly qualified specialists, spreading results of research etc.


Ising Lectures 2011

On April 12-14, 2011 Ising Lectures will take place at the Conference Hall of the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics. Ising Lectures are an annual workshop on modern problems of phase transitions and critical phenomena orientated mostly towards young scientists.

For more details, please, visit the web page of the workshop.

All interested persons are cordially welcome to attend the workshop.

XI School and ICMP Annual Award for Young Researchers on Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter Theory

Administration and Council of Young Scientists of the Institute are glad to announce the 11-th School and ICMP Annual Award for Young Researchers on Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter Theory

For more details please visit the web page: (in Ukrainian).

Jordan Lectures 2011

Jordan Lectures will take place at the Conference Hall of the Institute (1, Svientsitskyi str., r. 307) on January 20-21, 2011.

Program of Jordan Lectures (in Ukrainian)

36th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics

36th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics will be held on the 5th - 7th of April in the city of Lviv. Participants are expected to arrive on April 4th and depart on April 8th.
More details on the site of the Conference:



Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of NAS of Ukraine

1 Svientsitskii Street,

79011 Lviv, Ukraine

phone. (032) 2761978,

fax: (032) 2761158
