Nonresonant inelastic light and X-ray scattering in the charge-density-wave phase of the spinless Falicov-Kimball model
Nonresonant inelastic light and X-ray scattering is investigated for the spinless Falicov-Kimball model on an infinite-dimensional hypercubic lattice with a charge-density-wave phase at half filling. The many-body density of states (DOS) is found for different values of the Coulomb repulsion. The nonresonant response function for Raman and inelastic X-ray scattering shows peaks connected with transitions over the gap and transitions that involve subgap states. In the case of X-ray scattering (when both energy and momentum are transferred), the response function illustrates features of dynamical screening in the different (nonresonant) symmetry channels ($A_{\rm 1g}$ and $B_{\rm 1g}$). We also derive and verify the first moment sum rules for the (nonresonant) Raman and inelastic X-ray response functions.