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The main tasks of ICMP of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is carrying out fundamental research in theoretical physics and condensed matter physics, and performing other research in physics, chemistry, mathematics, information and computer technology, ecology, preparation of highly qualified specialists, spreading results of research etc.


Ising Lectures 2022

On May 17-19, 2022 Ising Lectures will take place at the MS Teams platform. Ising Lectures is an annual workshop on complex systems, phase transitions and critical phenomena orientated mostly towards young scientists.
For more details, please, visit the web page of the workshop.
Anyone interested is welcome.

New issue of the Condensed Matter Physics

The first issue of the Condensed Matter Physics journal in 2022 (vol. 25, No 1) is ready and available online.

ICMP Youtube channel

ICMP has initiated the Youtube channel WORLD SCIENTISTS about the war in Ukraine.

We ask to spread the link to the channel as well as to contribute to its content.

ICMP seminar

We continue regular meetings at the Institute seminar online on the MS Teams platform.



Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of NAS of Ukraine

1 Svientsitskii Street,

79011 Lviv, Ukraine

phone. (032) 2761978,

fax: (032) 2761158
