Seminars of departments
Seminars of departments
Date | Department | Speaker | Affiliation | Presentation title |
15.03.2018, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Khrystyna Gnatenko | Ivan Franko Lviv National University |
Entanglement of quantum states of a system of harmonic oscillators |
1.03.2018, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Yurii Dublenych | ICMP |
Ground states of a system of classical Heisenberg spins on an asymmetric triangular lattice and the spin-liquid problem in NiGa2S4 and FeGa2S4 compounds |
28.02.2018, Wed 11:00 | Statistical theory of condensed systems | Oksana Dobush | ICMP |
The equation of state of a fluid model in the supercritical region |
23.02.2018, Fri 11:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Vasyl Palchykov | ICMP |
Agent-Based Modeling for Social Phenomena |
15.02.2018, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Jaroslav Ilnytskyi | ICMP |
Networks of patchy-decorated nanoparticles: properties and potential application |
8.02.2018, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Marija Dobko | UCU |
Data science. Weak and strong sides |
7.02.2018, Wed 11:00 | Statistical theory of condensed systems | Mykhailo Shovgenyuk | ICMP |
The theoretical model of a new thechnology of color printing ICaS-ColorPrint |
28.01.2018, Sun 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Stepan Apunevych | Astronomical Observatory of the I. Franko Lviv National University |
COSMOS as a data source for analysis by complex network`s methods |
25.01.2018, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Maxym Dudka | ICMP |
Enigma of random anisotropy model |
16.01.2018, Tue 11:00 | Computer simulations of many-particle systems | Andrij Baumketner | ICMP NANU |
New aspects of folding and aggregation of proteins: Theory and computer simulations (on the materials of the Doctor of Sciences dissertation) |
4.01.2018, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Christine Haydukivska | ICMP |
Pon-pon polymers: analytical description |
28.12.2017, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Ostap Kalushnyj | ICMP |
Amphiphilic star polymer's aggregationin water at the presence of drug |
21.12.2017, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Dmytro Shapoval | ICMP |
Intervral method for the investigation of binary reactions |
18.12.2017, Mon 15:00 | Quantum statistics | Ostap Baran | ICMP |
The spin-1/2 XY model of the magnetoelectric with a zig-zag chain geometry: Exact results |
11.12.2017, Mon 15:00 | Quantum statistics | prof. I.V. Stasyuk | ICMP |
Fermion–hole symmetry and thermodynamics of the Bose–Fermi–Hubbard model |
23.11.2017, Thu 14:00 | Computer simulations of many-particle systems | Yurij Yaremko | ICMP NANU |
Supersymmetric quantum oscillator in a Penning trap |
23.11.2017, Thu 13:00 | Statistical theory of condensed systems | Yuri Kozicki | Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland |
A mean-field approximation from the mathematical perspective |
16.11.2017, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Yurij Holovatch | ICMP |
Statystical physics of complex systems |
26.10.2017, Thu 11:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Petro Sarkanych | ICMP |
Uversatility of complex systems: complex networks and the analysis of the zeros of the partition function |
25.10.2017, Wed 11:00 | Computer simulations of many-particle systems | Taras Verkholyak | ICMP NANU |
Fractional magnetization plateaux in the Shastry-Sutherland model: perturbation theory for the XY part of the interdimer interaction |