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All seminars
Date | Department | Speaker | Affiliation | Presentation title |
4.04.2024, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Maxym Dudka | ICMP |
Spin glass and the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model |
2.04.2024, Tue 16:00 | Quantum statistics | Alla Moina | ICMP |
Squaric acid and external electric field |
29.03.2024, Fri 11:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Mariana Krasnytska | ICMP |
SWAP algorithm for lattice spin models (review) |
28.03.2024, Thu 11:00 | ICMP | M. Korvatska | ICMP |
Diffusion of hard sphere fluids in a disordered porous media: Description by the Enskog theory |
26.03.2024, Tue 11:00 | Quantum statistics | Taras Krokhmalskyy | ICMP |
Frustrated Ising model on some low-dimensional lattices |
19.03.2024, Tue 16:00 | Quantum statistics | Volodymyr Krasnov | ICMP |
Molecules of water and ammonia in carbon nanotubes: Quantum chemistry calculations |
14.03.2024, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Dmytro Yaremchuk | ICMP |
Adsorption/desorption of colloidal particles on a PNIPAM brush (review) |
14.03.2024, Thu 11:00 | ICMP | O. Dobush | ICMP |
Phase transitions in a two-component mixture with Curie-Weiss interaction |
12.03.2024, Tue 11:00 | Quantum statistics | Taras Hutak | ICMP |
Chiral spin liquids: A short review of theory and materials |
5.03.2024, Tue 11:00 | Quantum statistics | Olesia Krupnitska | ICMP |
Mean-field theory in Majorana representation for the Kitaev model |
29.02.2024, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Mykola Shpot | ICMP |
New aspects of a hypergeometric transformation of Ramanujan, Berndt, Bhargava and Garvan |
29.02.2024, Thu 11:00 | ICMP | A. Vdovych | ICMP |
Thermodynamic characteristics of NH4HSO4 ferroelectric . |
27.02.2024, Tue 16:00 | Quantum statistics | Oleg Derzhko | ICMP |
One-dimensional extended Hubbard model in the atomic limit |
22.02.2024, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Roman Romanik | ICMP |
Functional of the grand partition function in the method of collective variables |
20.02.2024, Tue 11:00 | Quantum statistics | Danylo Dobushovskyi | ICMP |
Thermoelectric properties and optical conductivity spectra of electron systems with strong nonlocal correlations. 2 |
15.02.2024, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Viktoria Blavatska | ICMP |
Capture of metal ions by polymeric macromolecules: lattice simulations |
13.02.2024, Tue 11:00 | Quantum statistics | Danylo Dobushovskyi | ICMP |
Thermoelectric properties and optical conductivity spectra of electron systems with strong nonlocal correlations |
8.02.2024, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Valentin Lecheval | Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany |
Using models from statistical physics to study the collective movements of animal groups |
8.02.2024, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Valentin Lecheval | Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany |
Using models from statistical physics to study the collective movements of animal groups |
8.02.2024, Thu 11:00 | ICMP | Askold Duviryak | ICMP |
On the dissipative rotation of polarized particles in electrostatic field |