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Date Department Speaker Affiliation Presentation title
8.10.2018, Mon 15:00 Department of soft matter theory Volodymyr Hordiichuk ICMP

On the contribution of excluded volume to the properties of real fluids

4.10.2018, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Maxym Dudka ICMP

Field-theoretical models for reaction-diffusion processes: Renormalization group

27.09.2018, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Ihor Markov The Institute of Ethnology of the NASU

Sociality of the movement: concept and methods of research

24.09.2018, Mon 15:00 Department of soft matter theory Taras Hvozd ICMP

Application of the thermodynamic perturbation theory to the study of phase behavior of polydisperse colloid and polymer systems in the bulk and in porous media

20.09.2018, Thu 11:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Dmytro Dosyn Lviv Polytechnic National University

Measurement of knowledge by the intelligent agent

19.09.2018, Wed 11:00 Statistical theory of condensed systems Mykola Shpot ICMP

Phase transitions in spatially inhomogeneous systems

13.09.2018, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Viktoriya Blavatska ICMP

On the shape of invading populations in oriented environments

11.09.2018, Tue 11:00 Quantum statistics Bohdan Lisnyi ICMP

Spin-1/2 asymmetric Ising-Heisenberg diamond chain in case antiferromagnetic Ising and ferromagnetic Heisenberg interactions

6.09.2018, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Maxym Dudka ICMP

Field-theoretical models for reaction-diffusion processes

29.08.2018, Wed 14:00 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Petro Sarkanych ICMP

Wei's method for determining the characteristics of the shape of polymers

30.07.2018, Mon 11:00 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Maciej Koch-Janusz Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich

Machine Learning and the Real-space renormalization group

12.07.2018, Thu 15:00 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Malte Henkel University of Lorraine

Quantum dynamics in the quantum spherical model

5.07.2018, Thu 11:00 Quantum statistics Ostap Baran ICMP

The XY model of magnetoelectric with the Katsura–Nagaosa–Balatsky mechanism on a zigzag chain: Thermodynamics

27.06.2018, Wed 11:00 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Oles Dobosevych Ukrainian Catholic University

On Ukrainian characters MNIST dataset

25.06.2018, Mon 15:00 Department of soft matter theory Ivanka Melnyk ICMP

Structure factor of hard spheres with a short-range Yukawa attraction

21.06.2018, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Oleksandr Polishchuk Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics

Flow models of network systems

21.06.2018, Thu 12:00 Computer simulations of many-particle systems Volodymyr Farafonov V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Localization and hydratation of organic dyes in the micelles of surface-active substances from the molecular dynamic simulations

19.06.2018, Tue 11:00 Quantum statistics Yuriy Dublenych ICMP

Ground states of Ising-type models on cylindrical surfaces. Application to nanotubes

14.06.2018, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Khrystyna Haidukivska ICMP

Something about copolymers in a continuous model

13.06.2018, Wed 16:00 Statistical theory of condensed systems Ihor Pylyuk ICMP

Microscopic description of the critical behavior of a fluid model in the low-temperature region with allowance for order-parameter fluctuations