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All seminars
Date | Department | Speaker | Affiliation | Presentation title |
27.09.2018, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Ihor Markov | The Institute of Ethnology of the NASU |
Sociality of the movement: concept and methods of research |
24.09.2018, Mon 15:00 | Department of soft matter theory | Taras Hvozd | ICMP |
Application of the thermodynamic perturbation theory to the study of phase behavior of polydisperse colloid and polymer systems in the bulk and in porous media |
20.09.2018, Thu 11:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Dmytro Dosyn | Lviv Polytechnic National University |
Measurement of knowledge by the intelligent agent |
19.09.2018, Wed 11:00 | Statistical theory of condensed systems | Mykola Shpot | ICMP |
Phase transitions in spatially inhomogeneous systems |
13.09.2018, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Viktoriya Blavatska | ICMP |
On the shape of invading populations in oriented environments |
11.09.2018, Tue 11:00 | Quantum statistics | Bohdan Lisnyi | ICMP |
Spin-1/2 asymmetric Ising-Heisenberg diamond chain in case antiferromagnetic Ising and ferromagnetic Heisenberg interactions |
6.09.2018, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Maxym Dudka | ICMP |
Field-theoretical models for reaction-diffusion processes |
29.08.2018, Wed 14:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Petro Sarkanych | ICMP |
Wei's method for determining the characteristics of the shape of polymers |
30.07.2018, Mon 11:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Maciej Koch-Janusz | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich |
Machine Learning and the Real-space renormalization group |
12.07.2018, Thu 15:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Malte Henkel | University of Lorraine |
Quantum dynamics in the quantum spherical model |
5.07.2018, Thu 11:00 | Quantum statistics | Ostap Baran | ICMP |
The XY model of magnetoelectric with the Katsura–Nagaosa–Balatsky mechanism on a zigzag chain: Thermodynamics |
27.06.2018, Wed 11:00 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Oles Dobosevych | Ukrainian Catholic University |
On Ukrainian characters MNIST dataset |
25.06.2018, Mon 15:00 | Department of soft matter theory | Ivanka Melnyk | ICMP |
Structure factor of hard spheres with a short-range Yukawa attraction |
21.06.2018, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Oleksandr Polishchuk | Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics |
Flow models of network systems |
21.06.2018, Thu 12:00 | Computer simulations of many-particle systems | Volodymyr Farafonov | V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University |
Localization and hydratation of organic dyes in the micelles of surface-active substances from the molecular dynamic simulations |
19.06.2018, Tue 11:00 | Quantum statistics | Yuriy Dublenych | ICMP |
Ground states of Ising-type models on cylindrical surfaces. Application to nanotubes |
14.06.2018, Thu 15:30 | Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems | Khrystyna Haidukivska | ICMP |
Something about copolymers in a continuous model |
13.06.2018, Wed 16:00 | Statistical theory of condensed systems | Ihor Pylyuk | ICMP |
Microscopic description of the critical behavior of a fluid model in the low-temperature region with allowance for order-parameter fluctuations |
12.06.2018, Tue 11:00 | Quantum statistics | Roman Stetsiv | ICMP |
Dielectric susceptibility of one-dimensional structures with double- and triple-well local potentials for the ion on the bond |
11.06.2018, Mon 15:00 | Department of soft matter theory | Taras Hvozd | ICMP |
The effect of polydispersity on phase behavior of colloid systems in the bulk. Two- and three-phase coexistence. (Based on a PhD thesis) |