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Date Department Speaker Affiliation Presentation title
28.05.2019, Tue 16:00 Quantum statistics Andrij Vdovych ICMP

Influence of longitudinal electric field and hydrostatic pressure on dielectric properties of CsH2PO4 ferroelectric

23.05.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Yaryna Corduba Ukrainian Catholic University

Public transport networks: topological features and stability analysis

23.05.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Yaryna Korduba Ukrainian Catholic University

Public transport networks: topological features and stability analysis

21.05.2019, Tue 11:00 Quantum statistics Alexander Molnar Uzhhorod National University

Relaxation phenomena in crystals of phosphorus-containing chalcogenides with different types of dipole ordering

16.05.2019, Thu 11:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Yulian Honchar National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

Laws of scaling in the thermal denaturation of DNA

14.05.2019, Tue 10:00 Quantum statistics Igor Karnaukhov G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the NAS of Ukraine

The quantum Hall effect: a bright demonstration of topological states in the physics of condensed matter. The Hofstadter model

25.04.2019, Thu 11:00 Statistical theory of condensed systems Petro Sarkanych ICMP

Universality in complex systems: partition function zeros and complex networks

23.04.2019, Tue 16:00 Quantum statistics Yuriy Eliyashevskyy Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Magnetoelectric interaction in the NH2(CH3)2Al1−xCrx(SO4)2·6H2O crystal

22.04.2019, Mon 13:30 Department of soft matter theory Volodymyr Shmotolokha ICMP

Generalization of the Van der Waals equation for anisotropic fluids in a disordered porous medium

18.04.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Maxym Dudka ICMP

Description of the reaction-diffusion process in a two species system

16.04.2019, Tue 16:00 Quantum statistics Oleg Derzhko ICMP

Experimental observation of a localized magnon crystal in a kagome material (group of prof. Z. Hiroi, Nature Communications, March 15, 2019) and new challenges for theoreticians

11.04.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Olesya Mryglod ICMP

'Historical' scientometry in the context of the analysis of conference data. 43 years of history of 'MECO' (Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics)

9.04.2019, Tue 11:00 Quantum statistics Taras Hutak ICMP

Low-temperature peculiarities of the decorated one-dimensional Ising chains

8.04.2019, Mon 13:00 Department of soft matter theory Dima Kozakov Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York

Efficient sampling and optimization on manifolds for macromolecular docking

4.04.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Viktoria Blavatska ICMP

Distribution of the density of complex-branched polymers relative to the center of mass

3.04.2019, Wed 11:30
Statistical theory of condensed systems
Quantum statistics
Taras Hutak ICMP

About "pseudo-transition" in one-dimensional spin-1/2 models (part 3)

28.03.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Yurij Holovatch ICMP

Self-averaging on Annealed Networks

14.03.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Ihor Kulchytskyi Lviv Polytechnic National University

Corpuses of texts -- myths and reality

7.03.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Khrystyna Haydukivska ICMP

Hydrodynamic radius for polymers in a solution. Gaussian approximation

28.02.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Petro Sarkanych ICMP

Potts model with invisible states on a scale-free networks