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Shvaika Andrij

Shvaika Andrij

By Shvaika Andrij - Posted on 07 October 2010

Department of Quantum Statistics
Leading research fellow
Dr.Sci., Senior researcher
Brief info: 



  • 1977-1982 — M.Sc., Faculty of Physics of the Lviv State University, Ukraine (Thesis: "Dynamics of orientational vibrations in lead germanate type crystals"; Adviser: Dr. I.V.Stasyuk)
  • 1995 — Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) conferred by the Lviv State University (Thesis: "Investigation of the model with local anharmonicity in the theory of high-Tc superconductors"; Supervisor: Prof. I.V.Stasyuk); confirmed by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine
  • 2000 — Senior Researcher title conferred by the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; confirmed by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine
  • 2011 — Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) conferred by the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Thesis: "Many-body dynamics and effects of inelastic scattering in strongly correlated electron systems"); confirmed by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine



Publications: 62 articles in journals and collections.

Web of Science ResearcherID:G-8704-2011

Scopus Author ID: 6602075094

GGoogle Scholar profile



  1. Shvaika A., Shpot M., Schirmacher W., Bryk T., Ruocco G. Comment on “Universal Origin of Boson Peak Vibrational Anomalies in Ordered Crystals and in Amorphous Materials” // Phys. Rev. Lett. — 2021. — 127, No 17. — P. 179601 (2 pages) [doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.179601].


  2. Shvaika A., Shpot M., Schirmacher W., Bryk T., Ruocco G. Absence of a boson peak in anharmonic phonon models with Akhiezer-type damping // Preprint arXiv:2104.13076 [bibcode:2021arXiv210413076S].


  3. Dobushovskyi D.A., Shvaika A.M. Thermoelectric properties of Mott insulator with correlated hopping at microdoping // Condens. Matter Phys. — 2020. — 23, No. 1. — P. 13703 (14 pages) [bibcode:2020arXiv200302076D, doi:10.5488/CMP.23.13703]; Preprint arXiv:2003.02076.


  4. Mryglod I.M., Ivankiv O.L., Shvaika A.M. In memory of Ihor V. Stasyuk: A short essay on the life path and scientific work // J. Phys. Stud. — 2020. — 24, No 1. — P. 1001 (14 pages) [doi:10.30970/jps.24.1001].


  5. Matveev O.P., Shvaika A.M., Devereaux T.P., Freericks J.K. Stroboscopic Tests for Thermalization of Electrons in Pump-Probe Experiments // Phys. Rev. Lett. — 2019. — 122, No 24. — P. 247402 (6 pages) [bibcode:2018arXiv180807944M, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.247402]; Preprint arXiv:1808.07944.


  6. Pakhira Nandan, Shvaika A.M., Freericks J.K. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy in the Falicov-Kimball model // Phys. Rev. B. — 2019. — 99, No 12. — P. 125137 (9 pages) [bibcode:2019PhRvB..99l5137P, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.99.125137]; Preprint arXiv:1808.10694.


  7. Editors' Suggestion
    Chen, Y., Wang Y., Jia C., Moritz B., Shvaika A.M., Freericks J.K., Devereaux T.P. Theory for time-resolved resonant inelastic x-ray scattering // Phys. Rev. B. — 2019. — 99, No 10. — P. 104306 (12 pages) [bibcode:2019PhRvB..99j4306C, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.99.104306];
    Preprint arXiv:1901.11255.


  8. Shvaika A.M., Matveev O.P., Devereaux T.P., Freericks J.K. Interpreting pulse-shape effects in pump-probe spectroscopies // Condens. Matter Phys. — 2018. — 21, No. 3. — P. 33707 (18 pages) [bibcode:2018arXiv180804983S, doi:10.5488/CMP.21.33707]; Preprint arXiv:1808.04983.


  9. Dobushovskyi D.A., Shvaika A.M. Nonlocal correlations in the optical conductivity spectra // Condens. Matter Phys. — 2018. — 21, No. 2. — P. 23702 (16 pages) [bibcode:2018arXiv180610010D, doi:10.5488/CMP.21.23702]; Preprint arXiv:1806.10010.


  10. Freericks J.K., Matveev O.P., Shvaika A.M., Devereaux T.P. Nonresonant pump/probe electronic Raman scattering within nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory // Proc. SPIE. — 2018. — 10638, Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics III. — P. 1063807 (8 pages) [bibcode:2018SPIE10638E..07F, doi:10.1117/12.2305103].


  11. Dobushovskyi D.A., Shvaika A.M., Zlatić V. Resonant enhancement of thermoelectric properties by correlated hopping for the Falicov-Kimball model on Bethe lattice // Phys. Rev. B. — 2017. — 95, No 12. — P. 125133 (15 pages) [bibcode:2017PhRvB..95l5133D, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.95.125133]; Preprint arXiv:1609.07098.


  12. Freericks J.K., Matveev O.P., Shen Wen, Shvaika A.M., Devereaux T.P. Theoretical description of pump/probe experiments in electron-mediated charge-density-wave insulators // Phys. Scr. — 2017. — 92, No 3. — 034007 [bibcode:2017PhyS...92c4007F, doi:10.1088/1402-4896/aa5b6c]; Preprint arXiv:1610.02613.


  13. Matveev O.P., Shvaika A.M., Devereaux T.P., Freericks J.K. Time-domain pumping a quantum-critical charge density wave ordered material // Phys. Rev. B. — 2016. — 94, No 11. — P. 115167 (11 pages) [bibcode:2016PhRvB..94k5167M, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.94.115167]; Preprint arXiv:1607.04363.


  14. Devereaux T.P., Shvaika A.M., Wu K., Wohlfeld K., Jia C.J., Wang Y., Moritz B., Chaix L., Lee W.-S., Shen Z.-X., Ghiringhelli G., Braicovich L. Directly characterizing the relative strength and momentum dependence of electron-phonon coupling using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering // Phys. Rev. X. — 2016. — 6, No 4. — P. 041019 (12 pages) [bibcode:2016PhRvX...6d1019D, doi:10.1103/PhysRevX.6.041019]; Preprint arXiv:1605.03129.


  15. Shvaika A.M. Spectral properties of four-time fermionic Green's functions // Condens. Matter Phys. — 2016. — 19, No. 3. — P. 33004 (14 pages) [bibcode:2015arXiv151204687S, doi:10.5488/CMP.19.33004]; Preprint arXiv:1512.04687.


  16. Freericks J.K., Matveev O.P., Shvaika A.M., Devereaux T.P. Theoretical description of pump/probe experiments in nesting induced charge density wave insulators // Proc. SPIE. — 2016. — 9835, Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics. — P. 98351F (7 pages) [bibcode:2016SPIE.9835E..1FF, doi:10.1117/12.2223335].


  17. Matveev O.P., Shvaika A.M., Devereaux T.P., Freericks J.K. Nonequilibrium response of an electron-mediated charge density wave ordered material to a large dc electric field // Phys. Rev. B. — 2016. — 93, No 4. — P. 045110 (9 pages) [bibcode:2016PhRvB..93d5110M, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.93.045110]; Preprint arXiv:1511.01595.


  18. Matveev O.P., Shvaika A.M., Devereaux T.P., Freericks J.K. Nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory for the charge-density-wave phase of the Falicov-Kimball model // J. Supercond. Novel Magn. — 2016. — 29, No 3. — P. 581–585 [bibcode:2015arXiv150708725M, doi:10.1007/s10948-015-3304-2]; Preprint arXiv:1507.08725.


  19. Shvaika A.M. Effect of correlated hopping on thermoelectric properties: Exact solutions for the Falicov-Kimball model // Condens. Matter Phys. — 2014. — 17, No. 4. — P. 43704 (14 pages) [bibcode:2014arXiv1409.8495S, doi:10.5488/CMP.17.43704]; Preprint arXiv:1409.8495.


  20. Shvaika A.M., Freericks J.K. Exact solution of a variety of X-ray probes in the Falicov-Kimball model with dynamical mean-field theory // Condens. Matter Phys. — 2012. — 15, No. 4. — P. 43701 (10 pages) [bibcode:2012arXiv1207.2744S, doi:10.5488/CMP.15.43701];
    Preprint arXiv:1207.2744.


  21. Pakhira Nandan, Freericks J.K., Shvaika A.M. Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering in a Mott insulator // Phys. Rev. B. — 2012. — 86, No 12. — P. 125103 (13 pages) [bibcode:2012PhRvB..86l5103P, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.86.125103]; Preprint arXiv:1112.4865.


  22. Matveev O.P., Shvaika A.M., Freericks J.K. Resonant Raman scattering effects in a nesting-driven charge-density-wave insulator: Exact analysis of the spinless Falicov-Kimball model with dynamical mean-field theory // Phys. Rev. B. — 2010. — 82, No 15. — P. 155115 (12 pages) [bibcode:2010PhRvB..82o5115M, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.82.155115];
    Preprint arXiv:1006.1832.


  23. Matveev O.P., Shvaika A.M., Freericks J.K. Total electronic Raman scattering in the charge-density-wave phase of the spinless Falicov-Kimball model // J. Phys. Stud. — 2009. — 13, No 4. — P. 4703 (8 pages) [bibcode:2009arXiv0907.2056M, doi:10.30970/jps.13.4703]; Preprint arXiv:0907.2056.


  24. Shvaika A.M., Farenyuk O.Ya. Dynamical susceptibilities of the Falicov-Kimball model with correlated hopping: general approach // Condens. Matter Phys. — 2009. — 12, No. 1. — P. 63–74 [doi:10.5488/CMP.12.1.63].


  25. Matveev O.P., Shvaika A.M., Freericks J.K. Nonresonant Raman and inelastic x-ray scattering in the charge-density-wave phase of the spinless Falicov-Kimball model // Phys. Rev. B. — 2009. — 79, No 11. — P. 115130 (17 pages) [bibcode:2009PhRvB..79k5130M, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.79.115130]; Preprint arXiv:0809.5284.


  26. Shvaika A.M., Freericks J.K. F-electron spectral function of the Falicov-Kimball model and the Wiener-Hopf sum equation approach // Condens. Matter Phys. — 2008. — 11, No. 3(55). — P. 425–442 [bibcode:2008arXiv0805.2304S, doi:10.5488/CMP.11.3.425]; Preprint arXiv:0805.2304.


  27. Matveev O.P., Shvaika A.M., Freericks J.K. Optical and dc transport properties of a strongly correlated charge-density-wave system: Exact solution in the ordered phase of the spinless Falicov-Kimball model with dynamical mean-field theory // Phys. Rev. B. — 2008. — 77, No 3. — P. 035102 (13 pages) [bibcode:2008PhRvB..77c5102M, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.77.035102]; Preprint arXiv:0708.2748.


  28. Freericks J.K., Zlatić V., Shvaika A.M. Electronic thermal transport in strongly correlated multilayered nanostructures // Phys. Rev. B. — 2007. — 75, No 3. — P. 035133 (16 pages) [bibcode:2007PhRvB..75c5133F, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.75.035133];
    Preprint arXiv:cond-mat/0609112.


  29. Matveev O.P., Shvaika A.M. Charge and magnetic states for the Hubbard model on a three-site cluster // J. Phys. Stud. — 2006. — 10, No 3. — P. 208–219 [bibcode:2006JPhSt..10..208M, doi:10.30970/jps.10.208].


  30. Shvaika A.M. On the spectral relations for multitime correlation functions // Condens. Matter Phys. — 2006. — 9, No. 3(47). — P. 447–458 [bibcode:2006cond.mat..4621S, doi:10.5488/CMP.9.3.447]; Preprint arXiv:cond-mat/0604621.


  31. Farenyuk O.Ya., Shvaika A.M. Band electron spectrum and thermodynamic properties of the pseudospin-electron model with tunneling splitting of levels // Condens. Matter Phys. — 2006. — 9, No. 1(45). — P. 135–144 [doi:10.5488/CMP.9.1.135].


  32. Shvaika A.M., Vorobyov O., Freericks J.K., Devereaux T.P. Resonant Enhancement of Electronic Raman Scattering // J. Phys. Chem. Solids. — 2006. — 67, No 1–3. — P. 336–339 [bibcode:2006JPCS...67..336S, doi:10.1016/j.jpcs.2005.10.048]; Preprint arXiv:cond-mat/0407120.


  33. Shvaika A.M., Vorobyov O., Freericks J.K., Devereaux T.P. Resonant electronic Raman scattering near a quantum critical point // Physica B. — 2005. — 359-361. — P. 705–707 [bibcode:2005PhyB..359..705S, doi:10.1016/j.physb.2005.01.200]; Preprint arXiv:cond-mat/0406305.


  34. Shvaika A.M., Vorobyov O., Freericks J.K., Devereaux T.P. Electronic Raman scattering in correlated materials: A treatment of nonresonant, mixed, and resonant scattering using dynamical mean-field theory // Phys. Rev. B. — 2005. — 71, No 4. — P. 045120 (17 pages) [bibcode:2005PhRvB..71d5120S, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.71.045120];
    Preprint arXiv:cond-mat/0408400.


  35. Shvaika A.M., Vorobyov O., Freericks J.K., Devereaux T.P. Resonant enhancement of inelastic light scattering in strongly correlated materials // Phys. Rev. Lett. — 2004. — 93, No 13. — P. 137402 (4 pages) [bibcode:2004PhRvL..93m7402S, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.137402];
    Preprint arXiv:cond-mat/0311070.


  36. Shvaika A.M., Freericks J.K. Equivalence of the Falicov-Kimball and Brandt-Mielsch forms for the free energy of the infinite-dimensional Falicov-Kimball model // Phys. Rev. B. — 2003. — 67, No 15. — P. 153103 (3 pages) [bibcode:2003PhRvB..67o3103S, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.67.153103]; Preprint arXiv:cond-mat/0211451.


  37. Shvaika A.M. Correlated hopping in infinite dimensions: rigorous local approach // Phys. Status Solidi B. — 2003. — 236, No 2. — P. 368–371 [bibcode:2003PSSBR.236..368S, doi:10.1002/pssb.200301681]; Preprint arXiv:cond-mat/0205265.


  38. Shvaika A.M. Dynamical mean field theory of correlated hopping // Acta Phys. Pol. B. — 2003. — 34, No 2. — P. 803–806.


  39. Shvaika A.M. Dynamical mean-field theory of correlated hopping: A rigorous local approach // Phys. Rev. B. — 2003. — 67, No 7. — P. 075101 (12 pages) [bibcode:2003PhRvB..67g5101S, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.67.075101]; Erratum: 82, No 11. — P. 119901(E) [2 pages] [bibcode:2010PhRvB..82k9901S, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.82.119901];
    Preprint arXiv:cond-mat/0205322.


  40. Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M. Strong coupling approach in dynamical mean-field theory for strongly correlated electron systems // Ukr. J. Phys.. — 2002. — 47, No 10. — P. 975–1000 [bibcode:2003cond.mat..5566S]; Preprint arXiv:cond-mat/0305566.


  41. Shvaika A.M. Dynamical susceptibilities in the strong coupling approach: A general scheme and the Falicov-Kimball model // J. Phys. Stud. — 2001. — 5, No 3/4. — P. 349–354 [bibcode:2001JPhSt...5..349S, doi:10.30970/jps.05.349]; Preprint arXiv:cond-mat/0203492.


  42. Shvaika A.M. An analytical strong coupling approach in dynamical mean-field theory // Acta Phys. Pol. B. — 2001. — 32, No 13 (Special Issue). — P. 3415–3420 [bibcode:2001AcPPB..32.3415S]; Preprint arXiv:cond-mat/0106044.


  43. Shvaika A.M. Strong coupling Hartree-Fock approximation in the dynamical mean-field theory // Condens. Matter Phys. — 2001. — 4, No. 1(25). — P. 85–92 [bibcode:2000cond.mat.11407S, doi:10.5488/CMP.4.1.85]; Preprint arXiv:cond-mat/0011407.


  44. Shvaika A.M. Dynamical susceptibilities in strong coupling approach // Physica C. — 2000. — 341–348, No 1–4. — P. 177–178 [bibcode:2000PhyC..341..177S, doi:10.1016/S0921-4534(00)00435-4]; Preprint arXiv:cond-mat/9912300.


  45. Shvaika A.M. Strong-coupling approach for strongly correlated electron systems // Phys. Rev. B. — 2000. — 62, No 4. — P. 2358–2371 [bibcode:2000PhRvB..62.2358S, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.62.2358]; Erratum: 62, No 19. — P. 13232 [bibcode:2000PhRvB..6213232S, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.62.13232]; Preprint arXiv:cond-mat/9911255.


  46. Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M., Tabunshchyk K.V. Self-consistent approach for the thermodynamics of a simplified pseudospin-electron model // Ukr. J. Phys.. — 2000. — 45, No 4-5. — P. 520–528 [bibcode:2000cond.mat.10334S]; Preprint arXiv:cond-mat/0010334.


  47. Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M., Tabunshchyk K.V. Thermodynamics of pseudospin-electron model in the U=0 limit // Acta Phys. Pol. A. — 2000. — 97, No 3. — P. 411–414 [doi:10.12693/APhysPolA.97.411].


  48. Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M. Pseudospin-electron model in infinite dimensions // J. Phys. Stud. — 1999. — 3, No 2. — P. 177–183 [bibcode:1999JPhSt...3..177S, doi:10.30970/jps.03.177]; Preprint arXiv:cond-mat/9807353.


  49. Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M., Tabunshchyk K.V. Thermodynamics of a pseudospin-electron model without correlations // Condens. Matter Phys. — 1999. — 2, No 1(17). — P. 109–132 [bibcode:2000cond.mat..6100S, doi:10.5488/CMP.2.1.109]; Preprint arXiv:cond-mat/0006100.


  50. Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M. Dielectric instability and vibronic-type spectrum of local anharmonic model of high-Tc superconductors // Ferroelectrics. — 1997. — 192, No 1–4. — P. 1–10 [doi:10.1080/00150199708216165].


  51. Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M. Dielectric, charge and phase-separation instabilities in pseudospin-electron model of high-Tc superconductors // Czech. J. Phys. — 1996. — 46, Suppl. S2. — P. 961–962 [bibcode:1996CzJPS..46..961S, doi:10.1007/BF02583788].


  52. Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M. Dielectric instability and phase transitions in pseudospin-electron model of HTSC systems // Fiz. Nizk. Temp. — 1996. — 22, No 5. — P. 535–538; Low Temp. Phys. — 1996. — 22, No 5. — P. 411–414 [bibcode:1996LTP....22..411S, doi:10.1063/10.0034003].


  53. Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M. Green's function method in the theory of strongly correlated pseudospin-electron systems. — In: Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories, vol. 4, Ed. E.Schachinger, H.Mitter and H.Sormann. — Plenum Press, New York. — 1995. — P. 401–406 [doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-1937-9_34].


  54. Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M., Danyliv O.D. Dielectric instability and charge ordering in the local anharmonic model of high-Tc superconductors // Mol. Phys. Rep. — 1995. — 9. — P. 61–75.


  55. Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M. A model with local anharmonicity in theory of HTSC systems: Correlation functions and "transverse" dielectric susceptibility // Condens. Matter Phys. — 1994. — 3. — P. 134–175 [doi:10.5488/CMP.3.134].


  56. Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M. Dielectric instability and local anharmonic model in the theory of high-Tc superconductivity // Physica C. — 1994. — 235–240. — P. 2173–2174 [bibcode:1994PhyC..235.2173S, doi:10.1016/0921-4534(94)92308-6].


  57. Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M. Electron spectrum and dielectric susceptibility of the Hubbard model with local lattice anharmonicity // Acta Phys. Pol. A. — 1994. — 85, No 2. — P. 363–366 [doi:10.12693/APhysPolA.85.363].


  58. Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M., Schachinger E. The electron spectrum of the Hubbard model with coupling to pseudospin degrees of freedom // Physica B. — 1994. — 194-196. — P. 1965–1966 [bibcode:1994PhyB..194.1965S, doi:10.1016/0921-4526(94)91482-6].


  59. Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M. Electron spectrum and effective exchange interaction in the Muller model in the HTSC theory // Condens. Matter Phys. — 1993. — 1. — P. 62–79 [doi:10.5488/CMP.1.62] (in Ukrainian).


  60. Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M., Schachinger E. On the electron spectrum of the Hubbard model including interactions with local anharmonic vibrations // Physica C. — 1993. — 213, No 1–2. — P. 57–70 [bibcode:1993PhyC..213...57S, doi:10.1016/0921-4534(93)90758-I].


  61. Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M. Dielectric properties and electron spectrum of the Muller model in the HTSC theory // Acta Phys. Pol. A. — 1993. — 84, No 2. — P. 293–313 [doi:10.12693/APhysPolA.84.293].


  62. Shvaika A.M., Stasyuk I.V., Mokhnyak S.M. On the microscopic theory of optical properties of crystals with incommensurate phases // Phys. Status Solidi B. — 1989. — 156, No 1. — P. 377–382 [bibcode:1989PSSBR.156..377S, doi:10.1002/pssb.2221560139].


  63. Stasyuk I.V., Shvaika A.M., Mokhnjak S.M. Rotational ability of centrosymmetric layered media // Ferroelectr. Lett. Sect. — 1989. — 10, No 4. — P. 113–116 [doi:10.1080/07315178908200747].


  64. Romanyuk N.A., Shvaika A.M., Haba V.M., Mokhnyak S.M., Ursul S.M. Ferroelastic and ferroelectric phase transitions in ammonium sulfate // Ukr. Fiz. Zh. — 1989. — 34, No 5. — P. 769–775 (in Russian).


  65. Kopylov V.I., Shvaika A.M. Analysis of the adhesive properties of a coating-matrix system. — In: "Creation of Protective Coatings and Their Applications". — Nauka, Leningrad, 1987. — P. 5–8 (in Russian).
Scientific interests: 
Strong electron correlations, electronic Raman and inelastic x-ray scattering, transport and optical properties of solids
Recent papers: 
T. P. Devereaux, A. M. Shvaika, K. Wu, K. Wohlfeld, C. J. Jia, Y. Wang, B. Moritz, L. Chaix, W.-S. Lee, Z.-X. Shen, G. Ghiringhelli, and L. Braicovich, “Directly characterizing the relative strength and momentum dependence of electron-phonon coupling using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering,” Phys. Rev. X 6, 041019 (2016).
D. A. Dobushovskyi, A. M. Shvaika, and V. Zlatić, “Resonant enhancement of thermoelectric properties by correlated hopping for the Falicov-Kimball model on Bethe lattice,” Phys. Rev. B 95, 125133 (2017).
O. P. Matveev, A. M. Shvaika, T. P. Devereaux, and J. K. Freericks, “Stroboscopic tests for thermalization of electrons in pump-probe experi- ments,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 247402 (2019).
Y. Chen, Y. Wang, C. Jia, B. Moritz, A. M. Shvaika, J. K. Freericks, and T. P. Devereaux, “Theory for time-resolved resonant inelastic x-ray scattering,” Phys. Rev. B 99, 104306 (2019).
N. Pakhira, A. M. Shvaika, and J. K. Freericks, “X-ray photoemission spectroscopy in the Falicov-Kimball model,” Phys. Rev. B 99, 125137 (2019).