Trokhymchuk Andrij
Trokhymchuk Andrij

Department of Soft Matter Theory
Leading researcher
Brief info:
ResearcherID: D-1917-2012
ORCID number:
Scientific interests:
Physics of soft matter, interactions and forces in colloidal dispersions, augmented van der Waals theory, phase transitions
Recent papers:
1. Bryk T., Huerta A., Hordiichuk V., Trokhymchuk A. Non-hydrodynamic transverse collective excitations in hard-sphere fluids, Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 147, Art. No.064509: 1-7 (2017).
2. Melnyk R., Nezbeda I., Trokhymchuk A. Structure factor of a hard-core fluid with short-range Yukawa attraction: analytical FMSA theory against Monte Carlo simulations, Molecular Physics, vol. 114, No.16-17, pp.2523-2529 (2016).
3. Huerta A., Bryk T., Trokhymchuk A. Collective excitations in 2D hard-disc fluid, Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, vol. 449, pp.357-363 (2015).
4. Trokhymchuk A., Henderson D. Depletion forces in bulk and in confined domains: From Asakura-Oosawa to recent statistical physics advances, Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 20, pp.32-38 (2015).
5. Ilnytskyi J.M., Trokhymchuk A., Schoen M. Topological defects around a spherical nanoparticle in nematic liquid crystal: Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations, Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 141, Art. No.114903: 1-14 (2014).
+380322761648 (off) +380973486930 (mob)