Lisnii Bohdan
Lisnii Bohdan

Department of Quantum Statistics
Senior Researcher
Scientific interests:
Statistical theory of phase transitions and thermodynamic properties of ferro- and antiferroelectrics, mainly of the KH2PO4 family. Ground state and statistical mechanics of low-dimensional model spin systems.
Recent papers:
Левицький Р.Р., Лісний Б.М. Термодинаміка та діелектричні властивості сегнотоелектриків з водневими зв’язками типу KH2PO4 в кластерному наближенні. // ЖФД, 2002, т. 6, с. 91.
Levitskii R.R., Lisnii B.M. Theory of related to shear strain u6 physical properties of ferroelectrics and antiferroelectrics of the KH2PO4 family. // phys. stat. sol. (b), 2004, vol. 241, p. 1350.
Lisnii B.M., Levitskii R.R. Theory of physical properties of ferro- and antiferroelectrics of the KH2PO4 family related to strains u4 and u5. // Ukr. J. Phys., 2004, vol. 49, p. 701.
Lisnii B.M., Levitskii R.R., Baran O.R. Influence of electric field E3 and mechanical shear stress s6 on KH2PO4 crystal ferroelectric phase transition. // Phase Transitions, 2007, vol. 80, p. 25.
Lisnii B.M. A regularly alternating Ising-Heisenberg chain. Method of decoration-iteration transformation. // Ukr. J. Phys., 2008, vol. 53, p. 708.