Krokhmalskyy Taras
Krokhmalskyy Taras
Department of Quantum Statistics
Senior researcher
Scientific interests:
Quantum lattice models, numerical methods in condensed matter physics
Recent papers:
Derzhko O., Krokhmalskii T. Numerical Approach for the Study of the Spin-1/2 XY Chains Dynamic Properties/Phys. stat. sol. (b), 208, 1998, p. 221-248
Jędrzejewski J., Krokhmalskii T. Exact results for spatial decay of the one-body density matrix in low-dimensional insulators Physical Review B, 2004, 70, 153102.
Derzhko O., Krokhmalskii T., Stolze J., Muller G. Dimer and trimer fluctuation in the s=½ transverse XX chain Physical Review B, 2005, 71, 104432.
Jędrzejewski J., Krokhmalskii T. One-body density matrix in two-dimensional insulators with anisotropic hopping: Exact study of localization vs. anisotropy/EPL, 2007, 78, 37002.
Derzhko O., Krokhmalskii T., Stolze J., Verkholyak T. Deformable spin-1/2 XY chain with three-site interactions at zero and finite temperatures Phys. Rev. B, 2009, 79, 094410.