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Seminars of departments

Seminars of departments

Date Department Speaker Affiliation Presentation title
10.09.2020, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Yurij Holovatch ICMP

Spreading Processes on Complex Networks. 1.

3.09.2020, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Volodymyr Pastukhov Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Mean-field approximation in the Bose polaron problem

2.07.2020, Thu 11:00 Quantum statistics Oleh Velychko ICMP

Quantum lattice models applied to systems with adsorbed or intercalated particles and optical lattices. II

30.06.2020, Tue 11:00 Quantum statistics Oleh Velychko ICMP

Quantum lattice models applied to systems with adsorbed or intercalated particles and optical lattices

25.06.2020, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Yulian Honchar ICMP

Scaling and finite-size scaling above upper critical dimension (continued)

11.06.2020, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Maxym Dudka ICMP

Equilibrium and nonequilibrium critical properties of systems with broken O(N) symmetry

28.05.2020, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Reinhard Folk University Linz

Struggling to survive and to solve: Ernst Ising and his model

21.05.2020, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Khristine Haydukivska ICMP

On the application of the rod algorithm

14.05.2020, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Dmytro Shapoval ICMP

'Order-disorder' transitions in lattice gas of two species on tree-like lattices

7.05.2020, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Olesya Mryglod ICMP

Size dependency of h-index on aggregated levels

30.04.2020, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Yulian Honchar ICMP

Scaling and finite-dimensional scaling above the upper critical dimension

23.04.2020, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Oksana Dobush ICMP

Behaviour of thermodynamic coefficients of a cell fluid model in supercritical region

16.04.2020, Thu 12:00 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Yurij Holovatch ICMP

Spreading Processes on Networks

9.04.2020, Thu 12:00 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Jaroslav Ilnytskyi ICMP

The SEIRS model for describing the COVID-19 spread: stationary states and dynamics

12.03.2020, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Mariana Krasnytska ICMP

Node degree correlation on complex networks

27.02.2020, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Khrystyna Haidukivska, Ostap Kaliuzhnyi ICMP

Properties of comb-like polymers: synthesis, application and model approaches

25.02.2020, Tue 11:00 Quantum statistics Danylo Dobushovskiy ICMP

Thermoelectric properties and optical conductivity spectra of electron systems with strong nonlocal correlations

20.02.2020, Thu 14:00 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Dmytro Shapoval ICMP

On the Lyapunov exponent of a 3×3 matrix product

6.02.2020, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Yaryna Shalai, Oleh Tymofieiev Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Department of Biology

Analysis of approaches to modeling pro- and antioxidant reactions with a cytotoxic effect in cancer cells

4.02.2020, Tue 11:00 Quantum statistics Yurii Dublenych ICMP

Microscopic models and phase behaviour of intercalated compounds