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Seminars of departments

Seminars of departments

Date Department Speaker Affiliation Presentation title
4.04.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Viktoria Blavatska ICMP

Distribution of the density of complex-branched polymers relative to the center of mass

28.03.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Yurij Holovatch ICMP

Self-averaging on Annealed Networks

14.03.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Ihor Kulchytskyi Lviv Polytechnic National University

Corpuses of texts -- myths and reality

7.03.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Khrystyna Haydukivska ICMP

Hydrodynamic radius for polymers in a solution. Gaussian approximation

28.02.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Petro Sarkanych ICMP

Potts model with invisible states on a scale-free networks

14.02.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Ihor Markov The Institute of Ethnology of the NASU

Time-space or "social time" on the example of mobility research

7.02.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Vasyl Starko Ukrainian Catholic University

r2u group resources for automatic processing of natural language

24.01.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Ostap Kalyuzhnyi ICMP

Universal size and shape ratios for arms in star-branched polymers: theory and mesoscopic simulations

17.01.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Dmytro Yaremchuk ICMP

Some methods for description of magnetostriction and field-induced plasticity of elastomers (review)

3.01.2019, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Volodymyr Pastukhov Ivan Franko Lviv National University

Examples of power behaviour in the problems of Bose polaron

20.12.2018, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Maxym Dudka ICMP

Field-theoretical models for reaction-diffusion processes: heterogeneous environment

13.12.2018, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Petro Sarkanych ICMP

Investigating the nonequilibrium aspects of long-range Potts model

6.12.2018, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Viktoria Blavatska ICMP

Diffusion on scale-free networks

15.11.2018, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Olena Basalkevych Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Reconstruction of associative maps of ancient languages

8.11.2018, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Khrystyna Haydukivska ICMP

Modeling of walks between semi-permeable planes

1.11.2018, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Mariana Krasnytska ICMP

On some models of sociophysics

25.10.2018, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Ostap Kalyuzhnyi ICMP

Universal properties of the shape of linear and star polymers (based on the materials of the thesis)

11.10.2018, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Olesya Mryglod ICMP

From static to temporal network theory (review)

4.10.2018, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Maxym Dudka ICMP

Field-theoretical models for reaction-diffusion processes: Renormalization group

27.09.2018, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Ihor Markov The Institute of Ethnology of the NASU

Sociality of the movement: concept and methods of research