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Seminars of departments

Seminars of departments

Date Department Speaker Affiliation Presentation title
27.06.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Petro Sarkanych ICMP

The physics of cooperative transport in groups of ants

27.06.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Petro Sarkanych ICMP

The physics of cooperative transport in groups of ants

20.06.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Olesya Mryglod ICMP

Study of public opinion in practice

13.06.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Dmytro Shapoval / Petro Sarkanych, Roman Romanik, Oksana Dobush ICMP

Monte Carlo simulation of reaction-diffusion processes on a percolation cluster / Recipient reports for the scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences for the first half of 2024

6.06.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Khrystyna Haydukivska ICMP

Characteristics of size and shape in the statistical description of polymer structures

30.05.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky Lviv Polytechnic National University

Higgs Mechanism, Ether theory and Poincare-Lorentz-Einstein Relativity Theory – a modern look

9.05.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Оксана Добуш Oksana Dobush

Supercritical fluids (review)

2.05.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Ihor Pylyuk ICMP

Critical temperature and critical region size for a fluid model

18.04.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Yurij Holovatch ICMP

Critical and tricritical singularities of the Blume-Capel model in two dimension

11.04.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Ostap Kalyuzhnyi ICMP

Hydrogels: synthesis and application (review)

4.04.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Maxym Dudka ICMP

Spin glass and the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model

29.03.2024, Fri 11:00 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Mariana Krasnytska ICMP

SWAP algorithm for lattice spin models (review)

14.03.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Dmytro Yaremchuk ICMP

Adsorption/desorption of colloidal particles on a PNIPAM brush (review)

29.02.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Mykola Shpot ICMP

New aspects of a hypergeometric transformation of Ramanujan, Berndt, Bhargava and Garvan

22.02.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Roman Romanik ICMP

Functional of the grand partition function in the method of collective variables

15.02.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Viktoria Blavatska ICMP

Capture of metal ions by polymeric macromolecules: lattice simulations

8.02.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Valentin Lecheval Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Using models from statistical physics to study the collective movements of animal groups

8.02.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Valentin Lecheval Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Using models from statistical physics to study the collective movements of animal groups

1.02.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Andrei A. Fedorenko Univ Lyon, ENS de Lyon, CNRS, France

New non-Anderson disorder driven phase transition in Dirac materials

25.01.2024, Thu 15:30 Laboratory for statistical physics of complex systems Julian Honchar ICMP

The Blume-Capel model on a complete graph: exact expressions and partition function zeros