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All-institute seminars

All-institute seminars

Date Department Speaker Affiliation Presentation title
23.05.2013, Thu 10:00 ICMP prof. Stefan Sokolowski University of Maria Sklodowska-Curie, Lublin, Poland

Electric double-layers in slit-like pores: a DFT approach

25.10.2012, Thu 10:00 ICMP R. Romanik ICMP

Generalized equation of state for a three-dimensional Ising-like model in criticality (based on dissertation thesis)

6.09.2012, Thu 10:00 ICMP Prof. Zbigniew Trybula Institute of Molacular Physics Polish Academy of Science, Poznan, Division of Low Temperature Physic, Odolanow, Poland

Long and short range electric order in proton glasses and quantum paraelectrics

21.06.2012, Thu 11:00 ICMP Markiv B.B. ICMP

Statistical description of linear and nonlinear processes in dense gases and liquids within the Zubarev nonequilibrium statistical operator method

26.01.2012, Thu 10:00 ICMP Humenyuk Y. ICMP

Transport processes in dense gaseous mixtures: Consistent description of kinetics and hydrodynamics (on materials of the candidate thesis)

12.01.2012, Thu 10:00 ICMP Humenyuk Y. ICMP

Transport processes in dense gaseous mixtures: Consistent description of kinetics and hydrodynamics (on materials of the candidate thesis)

5.01.2012, Thu 10:00 ICMP Maksymenko M. ICMP

Localized-states effects in low-temperature properties of quantum lattice systems

29.12.2011, Thu 10:00 ICMP Matveev O.P. ICMP

Investigation of the inelastic light scattering in strongly correlated systems with dynamical mean-field theory

15.12.2011, Thu 10:00 ICMP Shchur Ya. ICMP

The lattice and domain wall dynamics of KH2PO4 and A2BX4 crystals (materials for doctoral dissertation)

10.11.2011, Thu 10:00
Theory of solutions
Prof. Yu. Kozitsky Institute of Mathematics, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, 20-031 Lublin, Poland

Phase transitions and quantum effects in quantum anharmonic crystals: a unified approach

15.09.2011, Thu 11:00 ICMP Dr. Vincent Krakoviack Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon

Slow dynamics of fluids in confinement: A mode-coupling theory

1.09.2011, Thu 11:00 ICMP Prof. I.R. Yukhnovskii ICMP

Liquid-gas phase transition below the critical point

26.05.2011, Thu 10:00 ICMP Prof. Dr. hab. Malgorzata Borowko Head of the Department "Modelling of Physicochemical Processes", The Faculty of Chemistry,Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin,Poland

Adsorption on polymer brushes

12.05.2011, Thu 10:00 ICMP O. Velychko ICMP

Bose-Einstein condensation in the two-state Bose-Hubbard model (the hard-core boson limit)

10.03.2011, Thu 10:00 ICMP M. Dudka ICMP

Critical dynamics of condensed matter systems: field-theoretical approach

3.03.2011, Thu 10:00 ICMP Taras Patsahan ICMP

Analytical theory and computer simulations of heterogeneous systems: fluid in porous medium and diblock copolymers

3.02.2011, Thu 10:00 ICMP Mysakovych T. ICMP

Phase transitions in Bose- and Bose-Fermi-Hubbard models

23.12.2010, Thu 10:00 ICMP Andrusyk A. ICMP

Thermodynamical and dynamical properties of ferroelectric compounds with double well asymmetrical potential

9.12.2010, Thu 10:00 ICMP пров.н.с. Плевачук Ю.О. Львівський національний університет ім. Ів. Франка, кафедра фізики металів

Експериментальні методи дослідження електропровідності та в’язкості монотектичних металевих розплавів

4.11.2010, Thu 10:00 ICMP ст.н.с. Швайка А.М. ICMP

Багаточастинкова динаміка та ефекти непружного розсіяння у сильноскорельованих електронних системах (за матеріалами докторської дисертації)