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All-institute seminars

All-institute seminars

Date Department Speaker Affiliation Presentation title
5.12.2019, Thu 11:00 ICMP M.Tokarchuk ICMP

To the generalized hydrodynamics of quantum bose superfluid

21.11.2019, Thu 11:00 ICMP O. Derzhko ICMP

Frustrated quantum spin systems

7.11.2019, Thu 11:00 ICMP V. Ignatyuk ICMP

Dynamic correlations in open quantum systems: projecting operators technique vs. NSO method

7.12.2017, Thu 10:00 ICMP A.P. Seitsonen Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France

Spectroscopic vibrational properties from simulations: Example of liquid water

28.09.2017, Thu 10:00 ICMP prof. Vikhrenko V. Belarusian State Technological University

Statistical description of solid electrolyte systems

9.02.2017, Thu 10:00 ICMP Prof. Jozef Strecka Universytet Pavla Jozefa Shafaryka u Koshytcjakh

A brief account of exactly solved Ising and Ising-Heisenberg models

19.01.2017, Thu 10:00 ICMP G.Skorobagatko Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems, Free University of Berlin

Quantum-limited detectors: the concept and many-body effects

9.12.2016, Fri 15:00 ICMP prof. V. Karas National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Nonequilibrium kinetics of the electron–phonon subsystem of a crystal under the action of alternating electric and magnetic fields as a basis for electroplastic and magnetoplastic effects

20.10.2016, Thu 10:00 ICMP James Freericks Professor of Physics and McDevitt Chair, Department of Physics, Georgetown University, Washington DC

Realizing Feynman's Dream of a Quantum Simulator

19.03.2015, Thu 10:00 ICMP I.L. Lamer Institute of Electron Physics of NAS of Ukraine, Uzhgorod

Fermi-Bose duality of the Dirac equation for the spinor field

12.02.2015, Thu 10:00 ICMP Prof. O.P. Demchenko Laboratory of Nanobiotechnology of Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine

Proton transfer in the excited state of organic luminophores coupled to electronic charge transfer and dependent on relaxation of a polar medium

2.10.2014, Thu 10:00 ICMP Prof. David Shoikhet Vice-President for Academic Affairs, ORT Braude College, Snunit str. 51, Karmiel, Israel

Old and New in Complex Dynamical Systems

22.05.2014, Thu 10:00 ICMP Markiv B.B. ICMP

Statistical description of linear and nonlinear processes in dense gases and liquids by means of the Zubarev nonequilibrium statistical operator method.

24.10.2013, Thu 10:00 ICMP Dr. E.Bianchi Institute for theoretical physics and Center for Computational Materials Science, Technical University of Vienna, Austria

Spot-like Patchy Particles: Thermo-reversible Gelation, Phase Separation and Self-Assembly

22.07.2013, Mon 10:30 ICMP Prof. V. Korenivski Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Spin-photonics and spin-thermionics

26.06.2013, Wed 10:00 ICMP Andrzej PATRYKIEJEW Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland

Reentrant miscibility in symmetrical mixtures

23.05.2013, Thu 10:00 ICMP prof. Stefan Sokolowski University of Maria Sklodowska-Curie, Lublin, Poland

Electric double-layers in slit-like pores: a DFT approach

25.10.2012, Thu 10:00 ICMP R. Romanik ICMP

Generalized equation of state for a three-dimensional Ising-like model in criticality (based on dissertation thesis)

6.09.2012, Thu 10:00 ICMP Prof. Zbigniew Trybula Institute of Molacular Physics Polish Academy of Science, Poznan, Division of Low Temperature Physic, Odolanow, Poland

Long and short range electric order in proton glasses and quantum paraelectrics

21.06.2012, Thu 11:00 ICMP Markiv B.B. ICMP

Statistical description of linear and nonlinear processes in dense gases and liquids within the Zubarev nonequilibrium statistical operator method