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Structure / Departments / Department for Statistical Theory of Condensed Systems

Department for Statistical Theory of Condensed Systems

By icmp_admin - Posted on 29 October 2010

Historically, the first department of the Institute. It was founded in 1969 by I.R. Yukhnovskii as a department of the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Former photos: June, 2020 (1), June, 2020 (2), September, 2023



Heads of the department:

Ihor Yukhnovskii (1969-2006)

Mykhailo Kozlovskii (2006-2017)

Yurij Holovatch (2018-2022)

Maksym Dudka (starting from 2022)


Members of the department


Research topics:

  • static and dynamic critical behavior of structurally disordered systems;
  • conformational properties of polymer macromolecules;
  • development of analytical methods in phase transition theory;
  • quantitative approaches in the humanities and social sciences;
  • complex systems and complex networks;
  • scientometrics.

Scientific collaboration


Participation in the Doctoral College for the Statistical Physics of Complex Systems, Leipzig-Lorraine-Lviv-Coventry (L4). Lecture courses and supervision of diploma and master theses of students of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (V. Blavatska, M. Dudka, Yu. Holovatch, M. Kozlovskii), National University "Lviv Polytechnic" (O. Mryglod, M. Dudka), Ukrainian Catholic University (Yu. Holovatch, O. Mryglod, P. Sarkanych, M. Krasnytska, V. Palchykov), National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" (Yu. Holovatch). Organization of the annual workshop Ising lectures (O. Dobush, Yu. Holovatch, M. Krasnytska, D. Shapoval), co-supervision of the interdisciplinary seminar "Horizons of Sciences" (Yu. Holovatch, M. Krasnytska with Ya. Hrytsak, B. Novosiadlyi, and Ya. Prytula). Organisation of weekly seminars Statistical Physics of Complex Systems


Selected publications

I.R. Yukhnovskii, M.P. Kozlovskii, I.V. Pylyuk. Microscopic theory of phase transitions in the three-dimensional systems. Lviv, Eurosvit, 2001, 592 p (in Ukrainian).

M. Kozlovskii. Effect of the external field on the critical behaviour of three dimensional systems. Lviv, Galitskiy drukar, 2012, 330 p (in Ukrainian).

Review volume series Order, Disorder and Criticality. Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory. Ed. by Yu. Holovatch. World Scientific, Singapore. vol. 1 - 2004, vol. 2 - 2007, vol. 3 - 2012, vol. 4 - 2015, vol. 5 - 2018. vol. 6 - 2020. vol. 7

Ising lectures in Lviv (1997-2017). Ed. by M. Krasnytska, R. de Regt, P. Sarkanych. ICMP, Lviv, 2017. pdf

Recent publications are listed here.