
All contributors to the Statphys'2009 conference presenting an oral or a poster communication may submit a paper for the Proceedings. As far as we expect many contributions, we plan to publish the Proceedings in three different journals:

The papers dedicated mainly to the 100th anniversary of Prof. M. Bogolyubov will be published in the special issue of Condensed Matter Physics.

Deadline for manuscript submission

The deadline for manuscript submission is the first working day of the Conference, 23rd June 2009. Presenting your manuscript at the registration desk of the Conference please provide two hard copies and the files (both LaTeX and pdf files of the paper + figures in eps format).

If your manuscript is ready before 15th June 2009, please send the files to: No hardcopies are requested for this early submission.


We ask you to submit your paper in LaTeX format. Please find below a template and a style file.

The maximal number of pages (in the above format) is:

When you submit your contribution, please send the LaTeX file + figures in eps format + a pdf file of the paper in a single compressedzip or gzip file, with your name appearing in the zipfile name. This would be helpful.

Copyright © 2008-2009 Institute for Condensed Matter Physics