Oral Presentations
Participants making oral presentations are welcome to use transparencies or electronic presentations. Please save your presentations in PDF or powerpoint format of the Office 2000/XP/2003 (or compatible). You can pass the files to our technical team during registration or during coffee breaks so your presentation will be tested and ready when the time for your presentation arrives.
Before your session begins, please identify yourself to your session chairman. This will allow him/her to make sure that you are ready and to inquire about the proper pronounciation of your name.
Poster Presentations
Maximal width and heigth of poster presentations are 80 cm and 120 cm respectively.
We will provide poster boards and sticky tape to mount the posters on the boards.
There will be assigned spaces for your poster according to numbering in the Book of Abstracts.
Authors should register their poster at the conference registration desk on the afternoon of Monday 22nd or on the morning of Tuesday 23rd. Presenters should plan to put up their posters at any time on Tuesday 23rd before poster session start and to remove their posters on the morning of Thursday 25th. Presenters with the odd numbers of the posters should be available at their poster display during the poster session on Tuesday 23rd (18.30-19.30) and presenters with the even numbers of the posters should be available at their poster display during the poster session on Wednesday 24th (17.45-19.00).
We are planning to introduce the award for six best conference posters. Among these six posters, three posters will be selected by the jury of the poster session chairs and the other three by the participants of the conference. In the latter case each participant will have several sticky markers, which can be used to mark the poster he/she likes. Three posters, which will collect the largest number of the markers, and three posters, selected by the jury, will be awarded.
More exact details will be available at the conference. Any questions regarding presentation format please address to statphys2009@icmp.lviv.ua.