Blavatska Viktoriya
Blavatska Viktoriya

Dr. Habil: Theoretical physics, 2014. Thesis: "Conformational properties of complex polymers: analytical and numerical approaches"
PhD: Theoretical physics, 2004. Thesis: "Influence of extended impurities on the scaling laws for polymers and magnets"
Main scientific interests
Development of the theory and computer simulations of polymer macromolecules, charachterised by complexity of topology (branched polymers, ring polymers) and chemical structure (multicomponent heteropolymers, copolymers, polyampholytes) in solutions. Of particular interest is the analysis of the influence of structural impurities and inhomogeneities in environment on the conformational properties and peculiarities of phase transitions of macromolecules in good solutions.
Work experience
2008-2010: researcher at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Leipzig University, Gemany, within the frames grants of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship
2011: researcher at Applied Mathematics Research Centre, Coventry University, Great Britain, within the grant of FP7 EU IRSES project N269139 “Dynamics and Cooperative Phenomena in complex Physical and Biological Media”
2014: researcher at Institute for Physics and Astronomy, University of Potsdam, Germany, within the grant of project FP7 EU IRSES project N295302 “Statistical Physics in Diverse Realizations”
2015: researcher of Laboratory of Physics, CNRS, University of Lyon, France, within the grant of FP7 EU IRSES project N269139 “Dynamics and Cooperative Phenomena in complex Physical and Biological Media”
List of publications
1. V. Blavatska, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch. Polymers in long-range-correlated disorder. Phys. Rev. E 64, 041102 (2001)
2. V. Blavatska, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch. Polymers in media with long-range-correlated quenched disorder J. Mol. Liq. 92, 77 (2001)
3. C. von Ferber, V. Blavats'ka, R. Folk, Yu. Holovatch. Where two fractals meet: the scaling of a self-avoiding walk on a percolation cluster. Phys. Rev. E 70, 035104(R) (2004)
4. V. Blavatska, M. Dudka, R. Folk, Yu. Holovatch. Enhancement of the critical slowing down influenced by extended defects. J. Mol. Liq. 127, 60 (2006)
5. V. Blavatska, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch. Entropy-induced separation of star polymers in porous media. Phys. Rev. E 74, 031801 (2006)
6. V. Blavatska, W. Janke. Scaling behavior of self-avoiding walks on percolation clusters. Europhys. Lett. 82, 66006 (2008)
7. V. Blavatska, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch. Scaling of complex polymers: new universality classes and beyond. Phil. Mag. 88, 4085 (2008)
8. V. Blavatska, W. Janke. Multifractality of self-avoiding walks on percolation clusters Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 125701 (2008)
9. V. Blavatska, W. Janke. Walking on fractals: diffusion and self-avoiding walks on percolation clusters J. Phys. A 42, 015001 (2009)
10. V. Blavatska, W. Janke. Polymers in crowded environment under stretching force: globule-coil transitions Phys. Rev. E 80, 051805 (2009)
11. V. Blavatska, W. Janke. Fractals Meet Fractals: Self-Avoiding Random Walks on Percolation Clusters Physics Procedia 3, 1431 (2010)
12. V. Blavatska, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch. Universal features of polymer shapes in crowded environment Phys. Lett. A 374 2861 (2010)
13. V. Blavatska, W. Janke. Shape anisotropy of polymers in disordered environment J. Chem. Phys. 133, 184903 (2010)
14. V. Blavatska, W. Janke. Theta-polymers in crowded media under the stretching force Comp. Phys. Communications 182, 1966 (2011)
15. V. Blavatska, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch. Star copolymers in porous environments: scaling and its manifestations Phys. Rev. E 83, 011803 (2011)
16. V. Blavatska, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch. Shapes of macromolecules in good solvents: field theoretical renormalization group approach. Condens. Matter Phys. 14, 33701 (2011)
17. V. Blavatska, W. Janke. Polymer adsorption on a fractal substrate: numerical studyJ. Chem. Phys. 136, 104907 (2012)
18. V. Blavatska, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch. Disorder effects on the static scattering function of star branched polymers Condens. Matter Phys. 3, 33603 (2012)
19. V. Blavatska, W. Janke. Conformational transitions in random heteropolymer models J. Chem. Phys. 140, 034904 (2014)
20. V. Blavatska, K. Haydukivska. Polymers in anisotropic environment with extended defects Eur. Phys. J.: Special Topics 216, 191 (2013)
21. V. Blavatska. Equivalence of quenched and annealed averaging in models of disordered polymers J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25, 505101 (2013)
22. V. Blavatska, C. von Ferber. Randomly charged polymers in porous environment Condens. Matter Phys. 16, 34601 (2013)
23. K. Haydukivska, V. Blavatska. Conformational properties of polymers in anisotropic environments Condens. Matter Phys. 17, 23301 (2014)
24. K. Haydukivska, V. Blavatska. Ring polymers in crowded environment: conformational properties J. Chem. Phys. 141, 094906 (2014)
25. V. Blavatska, N. Fricke, W. Janke. Polymers in disordered environments Condens. Matter Phys. 17 33604 (2014)
26. V. Blavatska, R. Metzler. Conformational properties of complex polymers: rosette versus star-like structures J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48, 135001 (2015)
27. K. Haydukivska, V. Blavatska. Lattice models of directed and semiflexible polymers in anisotropic environment J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48, 425002 (2015)
28. K. Haydukivska, V. Blavatska. Loop statistics in polymers in crowded environment J. Chem. Phys. 144, 084901 (2016)
29. M. Dudka, A. A. Fedorenko, V. Blavatska, Yu. Holovatch. Critical behavior of the 2D Ising model with long-range correlated disorder Phys. Rev. B 93, 224422 (2016)
30. A. V. Nazarenko, V. Blavatska. One-Dimensional Random Walk in Multi-Zone Environment J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50, 185002 (2017)
31. N. Fricke, J. Zierenberg, M. Marenz, F. P. Spitzner, V. Blavatska, W. Janke. Scaling laws for random walks in long-range correlated disordered media Condens. Matter Phys. 20, 13004 (2017)
32. A. V. Nazarenko, V. Blavatska. Asymmetric Random Walk in a One-Dimensional Multi-Zone Environment Ukr. J. Phys. 62, 508 (2017)
33. K. Haydukivska, V. Blavatska. Probability of loops formation in star polymers in long range correlated disorder J. Chem. Phys. 146, 184904 (2017)
34. J. Zierenberg, N. Fricke, M. Marenz, F. P. Spitzner, V. Blavatska, W. Janke. Percolation thresholds and fractal dimensions for square and cubic lattices with long-range correlated defects Phys. Rev. E 96, 062125 (2017)
35. K. Haydukivska, V. Blavatska. Universal size properties of a star-ring polymer structure in disordered environment Phys. Rev. E 97, 032502 (2018)