Book of Abstracts

Programme and Abstracts

Journal of Molecular Liquids Issue

Contributions presented by participants will be published in the Special Issue of Journal of Molecular Liquids. Participants of the EMLG/JMLG 2010 meeting are invited to contribute an article for this Special Issue. The manuscripts will be refereed to the usual high standard. Papers which incorporate some review material will be acceptable so long as novel work is also presented. For further information for authors go to

Please send us as soon as possible a confirmation of your willingness to contribute to this special issue (if possible by 1st November 2010).

The journal's submission, review and decision process is managed entirely online using the Elsevier Editorial System (EES). Please refer to the links below for information on how to log into and use EES for tracking the submission of the special issue manuscripts. EES Interactive Tutorials:

To Request Training on EES:
For future reference, the Elsevier Editorial System for this journal is located at: To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue you are editing, it is important to select Special Issue: EMLG/JMLG 2010 when you reach the "Article Type" step in the submission process. The manuscript will be then automatically sent to one of the guest editors for further processing.

Deadline for manuscript submission is 15th January 2011.